Eye problems and other stuff

I didn't go to a doctor today, but if it's still the same tomorrow I'll be getting it checked out. And anything I have tried putting in it - from saline to Visine - just stings and then makes it even worse for awhile. It's really annoying, and I also really can't wait to have my eye back to normal again. Right now it seems to feel best when I close my eyes, and also I'm tired (a surprise, I know), so this may be short.
Tonight I met Florida, Ogio, and the whole Team F out at a bar after belly dancing class. Ogio and his family are moving to Arizona, and tomorrow is his last day at work, and also last day formally working as a lawyer (you lucky bastard!), so he was celebrating and his co-workers were having a little goodbye thing for him. I had such a wonderful time with everyone, and I loved finally meeting a couple people whose names I had heard so many times before. I wish Ogio wasn't leaving, of course, because he's such a fun guy and I love seeing him now and then - and he's also quite silly so he makes me laugh! And I also wish he wasn't leaving for Florida, because it'll be harder on her without him there. But I still had a fabulous time tonight, and I took a bunch of silly pictures!!
I had such a fun day at work today, too. I was able to get my complete fix of The Meat as we chatted a lot and laughed a lot. And I told Freckles all the details of my date last night, and to a slightly lesser extent, also told The Meat. And a very silly guy from downstairs came up and made us laugh and told us some funny little stories.
I can't think anymore because I keep falling asleep.