Grilling, dick dreams, and stuff I need to do

And speaking of moving, I need to start packing some stuff sometime very soon. I think I'll feel better when I get a few boxes here so I can pack up books, movies, and kitchen stuff that I never use. Just so I feel that I'm on my way.
I also need to book some movers tomorrow. The German is going to check with me tomorrow to make sure I'm calling around, because he knows how bad I am with procrastination. The Meat keeps telling me to not waste my money, and to just rent a UHaul and that he, his sons, The Queen and his sons, and other people from work will help. But first, I feel so bad asking people to do anything for me, let alone physical labor. And second, movers are quick and know how to move the big stuff. And third, there are two flights of stairs at the new place so that'll be much harder than with elevators. So I'm going to book movers, even though The Meat will be upset with me. But it's also in the middle of the week when I need to move, so that's even more of a reason why I can't ask people to help me!
On a different subject, I have dick on my mind. For the past couple weeks I've dreamt many, many nights of cartoonishly large dicks. They've all belonged to diffe

Last night I dreamt that I went on a date with a guy at my work, who I find more annoying than not, even though he's a nice guy. After the date we went back to some place and were sitting on the couch getting ready to watch a movie when he kissed me, and then I reached into his pants and pulled out his monster dick with both hands and was so excited, but then I got called away somehow. And when I tried to sit back on the couch with him, my mom kept coming in the room and saying we had to go to bed and sleep in separate beds. When I saw him at work today I did such a double-take and felt very odd when talking to him until I was able to get past the dream.
Now that I'm thinking about it, in the dream I also was moved into a new apartment that looks nothing like the one I'm moving to, and I was trying to figure out how to arrange everything and had Florida and Asparagus come over to get their advice - but they couldn't figure it out either and I was trying to look for something that I was holding for them. Hmmm.
I also, kind of often lately, dream about getting drunk just once. Something bad will happen in a dream, such as finding a book of all the women The German has dated, and in my dream I'll decide to let myself get drunk once, because if ever I deserved it, it's after news such as that. And in my dream I often actually end up with a bottle of wine and then go back and forth as to whether to drink it. And sometimes I think I start drinking the bottle before starting the mental debate. I'm about a week away from my little 6-month anniversary of no alcohol, so it's bothering me that I'm having dreams like this so often now. But honestly, I'm having more twinge-like cravings for getting drunk than I have since very early on in stopping.
SP was supposed to come over right after work today, but something came up that made it impossible. I was happy to hear him being as disappointed as me, and I'm sure I'll see him sometime in the next few days. And tomorrow night, after belly dancing, I'm watching a movie with The Coach. I still don't think he's the guy for me, but I don't mind seeing him and getting to know him a little better, for now at least.
Tonight I have to not fall asleep early because I need to 1) look up some possible movers to call tomorrow, 2) pay my bills that I've been very lazy about, 3) open up all my mail from the past few days, 4) straighten up the apartment, 5) prepare some deposits for my volunteer group because a number of dues checks have arrived already. On Friday night I need to get a mystic tan so I can look cute on Saturday at our volunteer fundraiser party. It's so stressful for me to even be around everyone there, and I feel like a bit of an outsider and get really shy, and can't even drink to loosen up, so at least I can hopefully feel good about how I look - and I'm going to wear my new so-sexy black lace sleeveless shirt! I'm excited about that!
Oh and after that is the John Prine concert which I still haven't bought tickets for because I still haven't found anyone to go with me. I feel like such a loser! (Not that I'm very good about asking people though.) I asked The Coach and he kind of never responded, the ass. I don't want to ask again because I don't like being told no. But tonight that's one more thing I'm going to do: 6) buy John Prine tickets. Because I'm going to go, dammit. And I'll find someone to go, whether it's The Coach, who I'll ask again in an email tomorrow, or Porcine, to who I really owe a return phone call, or even that pseudo-sleazy guy who wants to be my new "play friend" - but I'll find someone! And I'll have my so-sexy black lace shirt on for that, too! And I'll see The Meat there!
Right, I've got my list, now I'll get to it! :)