Fun with my little brother! And puppy pictures! And of course a few other things as well...
I was just putting a bunch of albums into iTunes and organizing them on there. It's fucking hard work!
I had a wonderful time hanging out with my little brother tonight!! He got to my office at about 5:30 and got to meet The Meat, The Queen, and Freckles - and see how silly and wonderful they all are! We all chatted for maybe ten minutes and then we all walked out together. Then I took my brother to Ann Taylor Loft so I could get a pair of flipflops because I wore a pair of fancy shoes to work and they were cutting into my little toes since it was the first time I had worn them. And because I had planned on us going up to my apartment, I thought I'd be able to change shoes before we walked around. But my brother called an audible and suggested that we hang around nearer to downtown tonight and tomorrow go up by me.
So anyway, I got my flipflops and we walked over to Millenium Park and I showed him The Bean and the cool concert area and the pretty little bridge (and by that time I had to take the flipflops off because they were completely cutting into my feet - what the fuck!) and then we walked over to the face/water area. Then we got ready to walk to a bus and I put those damn flipflops back on and walked about ten steps before deciding that the fancy shoes were way more comfortable.
Then we took the bus up Michigan Avenue to Division and walked to PJ Clarke's for dinner. And at dinner I got to ask him all about his job and the company and everything I could possibly wonder about regarding that, and I now have a very thorough understanding of what he does and what his goals are with the company. I was getting only slightly bored by the end of dinner with the work talk, but I still loved it because of course, he's my brother! :) Oh and he got to treat us on his corporate card - how cool is that!
I also asked him all about their new puppy, Sammy, and I loved hearing about her silliness! Except that during dinner, TSIL (The Sister-In-Law) called about five times because Sammy had fallen off the couch and wasn't walking on one of her paws, and was crying, so TSIL took her to the vet emergency room and there's no break but the vet thought she might have torn her cartilage a little, so she needs to take it easy for a few days - which is asking a lot of a puppy! My poor brother felt bad that he wasn't there for their new puppy. But I'm so glad that she didn't break anything. Here's a picture of my new puppy-niece, she's so cute!!!:
After that, it was almost 8:30 so we walked a little ways to my bus stop and I showed him how to tell which cabs are available and which aren't, and then my bus pulled up so I gave him a quick hug and told him I'd see him tomorrow, and I jumped on the bus.
So tomorrow I'm actually thinking of maybe taking him on the L up to my new area and walking around there just a bit and maybe getting a little snack or dinner up there and then bringing him back down to my place so he can see where I live and see James and Emmalove. But then he might be tired after dinner and not want to come see my place, and I'm going to absolutely insist on him seeing where I live. Hmmm. My area is pretty cool and unique so I should really show him where I live now and we can walk around here, cause I'll be living up north the next time he comes and I can always show him around there later. Okay - that's the new plan - we'll just come to my apartment and see the babies and then walk around the area here. That's good.
Six months ago from today was the first time that SP came over. I took down the post about that day awhile ago, but I of course still remember the date. Also because tomorrow and also Wednesday are important six month dates for me as well. But I'll talk about that tomorrow and on Wednesday!
This morning I did end up having a short spell of crying, just as I worried that I would. It happened when I went down the hall to see everyone and Freckles asked me if I went to the concert and I had to say no, and she noted that I "ate the cost of the tickets" - somehow that wording made it sound even worse! (And Freckles, don't feel bad - I was going to cry anyway!!) But I still didn't completely cry yet and changed the subject. But then The Meat came out and said, "so you didn't make it..." and I said no and then mumbled how I needed to check on The Queen as I turned and walked out the door, and by the time I got to the bathroom I was stupidly teary and tried to control it but that wasn't happening, so I got my powder and hung out in the bathroom for a few minutes and finally gave up and went back to my desk. Thankfully I got distracted when I went in to see The Queen and warned him right away that I was weepy again and he got a little nervous but then we started talking about his wife so I was able to forget my little self pity. And a couple other times I got a tiny bit teary but no more crying, so that was good! Only my nose was stuffy and running for the rest of the day like I had bad cold, which always happens when I have an intense cry. And I felt really fragile for most of the day. But I'm feeling a lot better now. I guess I still feel a little fragile, but I'm so sleepy that I sort of don't feel it.
Okay, well I need to sleep now because absolutely I need to get up early tomorrow! I want to feel good and have clean hair tomorrow night when I hang out with my brother, so I need to shower. And we have stuff up at 10 tomorrow morning and I need to go over stuff with The Queen beforehand. So that means that I have to absolutely get up when the very first alarm goes off!!! Shit! So I'm off to bed, and please please please let me have volition in the morning!
Okay, one more picture of Sammy, because I love how puppy-silly she looks in this one!!!