Blue still
But the biggest reason that I'm blue is because I had looked forward to this past weekend for awhile, and it came and was really wonderful and I loved it, but now it's gone. It kind of sucks to feel down after being happy and having had a very special time, but the lack of anything to really look forward to in the same way is, I know, why my mood is so low right now.
Tonight I watched the season finale of Grey's Anatomy and it of course had me weeping all over the place. First about a half hour from the end, when the sweetest little dog had to be put to sleep, and McDreamy was holding him tight and Meredith was telling him that it was okay, but he was still struggling and scared and didn't want the needle put in, and then he was dead. It was terrible and heartbreaking, and made me think of Muffin (former dog) and Frisky (former cat), and of my own sweet babies someday. And second, a guy died at the end, after having struggled for years and having just received a heart transplant, and asking his true love to marry him and having her tell him yes, and she was on her way to see him all dressed up and found him dead - he had died alone. It was so unfair and so tragic and I couldn't stop crying.
It's only slightly after 11 p.m. right now, and I'm exhausted so I'm going to sleep early tonight. I have some boxes here now and I was planning on packing some stuff tonight, but what with my show being so long and my extreme sleepiness, I think it would be much better for me to just sleep. And I love sleep! :) And tomorrow is a new day, so I'll be happier then!