Self-analysis and stuff like that
I'm getting really tired again now and it's only a little after 10 - I'm becoming an old lady!! But I'm also really starting to get stressed because I have to move out of my place in two weeks from today, and although I have put together two boxes, I haven't done a single thing since. I planned on doing stuff tonight but all the damn shows are on right now and are exciting! So I had to watch Alias and Lost. But after I finish this I'm going to at least take all the books off my bookshelves and stack the damn things by the boxes so I'll feel like I did something.
On TV I just heard the question, "Life's too short, so what are we doing?" Hmmmm. Life is short, and what am I doing? Sometimes I think I'm doing a lot, and having fun, and that my life is filled with people who I care about - so I feel that my life is happy and full. And other times I feel that I'm wasting time doing nothing, and not really feeling and not really living.
And alot of the time, I couldn't answer the question "what I am doing" - tonight is one of those nights. Well, I do have my sweet kittens who make me so happy, and I have my whole community of friends at work, and I have some really wonderful friends as well. And I'm moving to a new place and am excited about getting to paint all the walls and decorate.
But what am I really doing? And what do I want to do, exactly? I don't know!! My sort of easy answer is that I want to experience the whole rollercoaster, and really feel things, and connect with so many people, and explore the world, and feel joy and contentment, and feel self-fulfillment, and have so much love in my life.
So let me see how I'm doing according to that: so far I'm completely riding the rollercoaster of life emotions which is good, and I feel a lot of things (and especially since I stopped drinking), I could do better and make much more of an effort in connecting with people, I've explored the world a tiny bit but it's been (oh holy shit) six years since I've been to Europe or anywhere else - so I need to do better with that, I feel joy often but I'm not sure about pure contentment, I don't very often feel self-fulfilled because I know how much I don't do and how lazy I am and how unorganized I am and I don't read enough or experience culture enough, and as for love in my life - I definitely have love in my life but it's not what I want forever - I want a family so that I'm surrounded by love instead of being mostly alone (except for my sweet babies!) every night. That last thing is a big thing - wanting a family. I want a husband, partner and best friend who I deeply love. And I want children.
I've decided today that I need to start keeping lists better, like I used to do in the past. I need to have an ongoing list at work of all the little things I need to do and I can cross stuff off and add stuff and all that. It'll help me hopefully be much more organized and get stuff done and not forget about things. And I also need to write out lists of other things I need to do, want to do, goals I have, and stuff like that. Even a few months ago I was keeping lists but now I try to keep it all in my head and maybe that's one reason why I never seem to do anything. So okay - that's my little goal as of tonight! For self-improvement! And it's a bit of a plan and I like plans and I feel so much better just having a tiny plan now!
Okay, I'm off now to take all the books off my bookshelves. And tomorrow I'll start writing out various lists for myself. I feel like this post was really self-indulgent and boring. I've been getting really melancholy every night even though I've been happy while I'm at work (except for most of today when I was trying to organize and do a lot of little things and cross them off my mental list).
One fun thing to end with - I finally remembered to tell a couple of people at work about a new word I learned (probably two months ago now) from WDKY - although I couldn't remember the word at first other than that it started with an M so I had to do some googling - and I finally found it under "pubic toupee": merkin. So we had some serious fun with that, and they couldn't believe there is actually such a thing. It just cracks me up! And is such a fun word to say!