Decision made and my day of pampering
So anyway - I am going to rent a U-Haul (which I need to do tomorrow) and let my friends all help me. It's more than a little outside my comfort zone, but that's good I think! And they are all so willing and being so wonderful, and I love them all dearly for it. And it will also save a lot of money and I think I might get myself a new mattress and boxspring with the money I'm saving - I got this thought today as I realized that my friends and coworkers would be seeing the disgusting mattress that I've been sleeping on for the past few years when they move it, and the thought is so embarrassing that I'm considering throwing the damn thing out before they can see it!
Anyway, I left work at 2:30 this afternoon to go to my hair appointment, and I swear I felt so light as I was walking to the train - I felt like I had just finished a big paper or just taken a big test that I'd studied all night for. It was just the weight lifted off me from making the decision, but damn it felt so good to not be so weighed down!
At my hair appointment, my girl gave me the best head massage that I've ever gotten! The students always give head massages before they take us to wash our hair, but my girl really worked it - I think she did it for five minutes as compared to the normal one minute! I was in fucking heaven! She even massaged my shoulders for half a minute at the end, which was a little weird but still nice, and no I didn't get any lesbian vibe from her.
I think the haircut is good, it seems good, but she put so much shit in it at the end that it went completely flat and stick-straight by the time I got home. And it also has a ton of static, so I couldn't even try to do anything to it. Usually I don't like my hair for a week or two after haircuts because it seems so short, so I'll see how I like it tomorrow. She only cut an inch and a half off, but I know it will seem short to me.
So after the haircut I went quickly home to change and feed the babies and then I went to my massage! My girl was really nice and made me feel very comfortable and told me to just relax etc. and gave me brief instructions and then she began. My favorite parts: I really liked when she used her elbows and forearms on my back, and when she traced along my spine hard, and whatever kind of massage she was doing to my forearms, and I really loved the foot massage as well - I could feel tingling all the way up to my neck during the first part of the foot massage, and I swear that when she massaged a certain part of my foot near the heel I felt little waves of heat in my hot girly regions in time with her pressure. I'm going to have to explore the whole foot thing further, isn't it called reflexology? I also loved when she had me flip over and she put a hot wrap on my neck and a cold compress on my eyes, and the hot wrap smelled exactly like pumpkin pie! Honestly, the combo of hot on my neck and cold on my eyes was amazing and worked at getting me outside of myself - I loved that.
When she was done and left me, I stood up and was wobbly for a minute and very relaxed - so nice! And my skin still feels so silky from all the oil! Oh - I also loved right at the end when she took the cold compress off and rubbed my temples and along my eyebrows - I love face rubs! Anyway, I felt really good. The whole thing was very nice and I'll definitely do it again, but at the same time, I've felt more from short backrubs given by friends - at least in the send-me-to-another-world feeling. And I would take the scalp massage from the hair stylist over the massage in terms of out-of-this-world pleasure. I'm not complaining at all, just comparing. I'm sure the skill of the person matters extremely.
I'm exhausted now. I talked to my mom tonight and to The German. And got some groceries. And not much else. But I'm so tired.
I think I found this poem on some quote website, but I don't remember for sure. If I see a quote or poem on someone's blog that I like I copy and paste it in an email to myself so I can remember it, and I had this poem in an email to myself, so I may be borrowing the idea from someone else without remembering. But regardless, I think it's so beautiful and so in tune with what I've been feeling especially lately, and also in tune with some posts I've read on other people's blogs lately.
Life is for Living
Author Unknown
Life is a gift we're given each and every day.
Dream about tomorrow, but live for today.
To live a little, you've got to love a whole lot.
Love turns the ordinary into the extraordinary.
Life's a journey always worth taking.
Take time to smell the roses...and tulips...
and daffodils... and lilacs... and sunflowers...
Count blessings like children count stars.
The secret of a happy life isn't buried in a treasure chest...
it lies within your heart.
It's the little moments that make life big.
Don't wait.
Make memories today.
Celebrate your life!
I especially love the line, "It's the little moments that make life big." So perfect. Right now I feel that my life is big, and it's because I see all my friends and coworkers wanting to help me, and really caring about me, and it makes me feel so loved and blessed! That's such a wonderful feeling!!