Random thoughts (and SUCH CUTE pictures of the babies!)
- On Friday after work I stopped at the Thai restaurant by the train and ordered some takeout. I've only eaten there once before and I can't remember the last time I've gotten takeout, but I decided that I deserved a little present of good food (it was so-so). Anyway though, the best thing was while I was waiting, there was an Asian couple who also just ordered and they had THE MOST adorable baby ever!!! She started getting a little fussy at one point so her mom stood up and walked around with her. I told her how absolutely adorable and perfect her little baby was, and she sat down next to me for a few minutes and introduced me to baby Amanda, who was two months and three weeks old. I can't tell you how perfect this little girl was - perfect little lips, perfect little dark eyes, perfect little feet with pink socks on, perfect little hands. She was the cutest baby I've seen in a really long time. I ALMOST offered to try my hand at baby photography and give the lady my name and number, but I felt too weird doing that. Oh so cute though, I still see Amanda's little face in my mind! [And no, I'm not dying to have a baby right away and it'll be maybe three years or so as a guess, but I can still gush about baby cuteness!]
- Last night it took me forever to fall asleep. The last time I looked at the clock it was just after 2 a.m. so I'd been in bed for almost two hours at the time. The biggest reason was because I was having my breathing problems again - where I feel like I'm not getting deep enough breaths so I have to do this weird completely full exhale and then deep sucking-in, filling-up-my-chest inhale. As I was laying there trying to get myself to relax I tried taking deep slow breaths in through my nose and out through my mouth like 'they' always teach you to do. And I felt my lungs getting full but it still wasn't satisfying me. I've known for a few years that this every-now-and-then problem of mine is psychological and not physical, but this was the first time I really realized how much of a compulsion the deep, chest-filling inhale is when I get this breathing problem - because my chest normally filled wasn't enough, I needed the deep puff-out sucking-in-inhale feeling in order to feel okay for 30 seconds before I wanted to feel it again. It really sucked to not be able to fall asleep, it sucked to not be able to mentally relax myself and it sucked to be ruled by this compulsive feeling to take deep breaths.
- I'm getting the feeling again now that I started writing about it and thinking about it. I usually drink tea when I get this feeling at night because when I think of tea I think of relaxation and eastern wisdom and such so I feel that it psychologically (and maybe physically as a result) relaxes me. I drank tea last night but it obviously didn't work. I'll try again tonight - I'll drink my decadent tea: Passion Tazo Tea.
- I'm having so much trouble getting up in the morning since coming back from Vancouver. I turn off the mofo alarm and keep resetting my little cell-phone alarm but can't manage to get up. I'll know in my head that I need to wake up but yet can't bear to. Or this morning, I half remember turning off the alarm in the hallway and thinking to myself that I'd sleep for another half hour, but I never set another alarm so I don't know how I thought I'd wake up. James luckily woke me up in time for me to get to work late but not too awfully late. And I was fast this morning. And didn't shower so had kinda gross hair most of the day.
- I'm going home to Michigan this weekend for Mother's Day. When I talked to my mom last night she was in such a good mood so that was good to hear. And my dad retires in less than two months from the job that he's worked at since graduating from college so I'll want to see how he's doing and it'll be good to talk to him. I'm a little worried about how he'll adjust to retirement and how my mom will adjust to his retirement and just how weird it'll all be for my dad after going to work for so many years.
- I need to do laundry. I really need to go put a couple loads in tonight, and really right now. It's so hard for me to get motivated to do much of anything at night after work. Not like work is difficult or stressful, but I just get really lazy at night and want to sit on the couch with my computer and cuddle with James and Emma and that's all.
- My throat is a tiny bit sore right now but it may be due to crap draining down the back of my throat that I have to keep making some disgusting sound to dislodge so I can try to swallow it down. Yes I know this sounds really pretty but the drainage is worse than normal right now and as usual, if I blow my nose hardly anything comes out - it just goes straight from my sinuses or wherever the stuff originates and drains back down my throat. But so anyway though, my original point - my throat hurt a bit last night and a tiny bit during the day at one point and again now, but I don't know if I may be potentially getting sick or if it's just this drainage crap.
- I have a bunch of little things I want to do right now. Of course not involving energy but involving:
1) stuff I should read so I can continue learning web design,
2) figuring out a name for my little future business (cause it's on my mind right now since I saw another web designer's business name which I just adored),
3) looking up Canadian immigration to find some more answers,
4) putting together all the text messages between Mr. H and I into one consolidated email/file (because I always type out all our text messages when my little phone text mailbox is getting full before I delete everything, so I can go back and read our communications and our sending of love to each other! But there are now a few emails with these text messages and I'd like to consolidate them to one document),
5) going through some of my magazines that have recently piled up so I can tear out the stuff I like and file it away and then throw away the rest and at the same time get rid of the clutter in my living room,
6) starting a new template for this blog because I've been itching to do a new one and am bored now with the current one,
7) starting a website design geared toward a potential client so when I make my proposal she can get an idea of how cool it will look, and
8) reading up on how to do a certain kind of document on photoshop elements - cause I have a photo-taking and design job for a client!
Okay, that's all now. I feel better for getting some of this randomness off my chest. (Deep breath). (Disgusting throat noise). I'm also pretty tired. I'm going to stand up as soon as I publish this, go straight to my bedroom and get together some laundry, and go straight downstairs to the machines (hopefully no one will be using them). And then I'll take a shower cause I need to start doing that again at night to help with not getting to work so late. And then I'll talk to Mr. H on skype and that always makes me feel better! Seeing his smile on the webcam and hearing his voice and feeling our togetherness and love is the perfect way to end my nights! :) Gush!!! :)