I'm going to Vancouver tomorrow!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!
However, I'm also really sleepy right now. Last night I didn't go to sleep (although I did nap for about 45 minutes this morning before I left for work) because I really wanted to finish a thing I had to write. Well I sort of had to mostly start it as well and then finish it - I got a really good start last night and then spent most of the day working on it more. The past couple days I've been so stressed because of all I had to get done for work before I left, and then a bunch of other stuff I also had to get done. But now I'm just feeling good! I've gotten enough done, and whatever doesn't get done will still work out okay as well. I'm just happy now so that's good! Oh yes and sleepy too! I painted my toenails awhile ago so hopefully now they're dry enough to go to bed and I won't wake up in the morning with them all smudged. I've set some of the stuff out that I'll need to pack and my camera battery is recharging right now and my ipod is recharging. But I won't pack until tomorrow cause otherwise James knows what the suitcase means and he gets sad. I don't think Emmalove really understands the meaning of the suitcase, but she might catch on one of these times, too. So I want them to be happy until the last possible minute - and because when James is poopy and sad, I'm not happy either.
My face looks terrible right now hopefully only due to the lack of sleep. I'm going to exfoliate now and moisturize it all up and oh I really hope that tomorrow I'm looking a little more alive and refreshed! And I'll sleep on the plane as well to get more caught up on my sleep. Oh - and I also have an under-the-skin zit on my forehead and oh I just want that fucker to shrink back inside! So I also have to try to not moisturize that part and instead blast it with drying-out stuff! Cause I really don't want a big zit coming on when I'm in Vancouver!
Okay I need to go get ready for bed - I can tell I'm sleep cause I'm just babbling here. Oh and I saw this fun little quiz on CeeCi's blog a little while ago and just now checked it out and what do you know - the results came out perfectly! And it was actually pretty fun to take to consciously think about the ways I pronounce things and compare it to other possibilities and how others around the country might speak.
Tomorrow I see my wonderful love and oh I'm so so so so so so so happy!!!!!!! And I'll for sure have some pictures of scenery when I get back!
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Inland North You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop." | |
The Midland | |
The Northeast | |
Philadelphia | |
The South | |
North Central | |
The West | |
Boston | |
What American accent do you have? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |