Little Words Meme and Talks with Mom & Dad
Three Little Words Meme
1. Where is your cell phone? On the coffeetable.
2. Boyfriend/girlfriend? He's my fiance!
3. Hair? Long strawberry blonde.
4. Your mother? Intelligent, controlling, worrier.
5. Your father? Funny, caring, moody.
6. Your favorite item(s)? Computer, camera, ring.
7. Your dream last night? Remodelled work offices.
8. Your favorite drink? Water and coffee.
9. Your dream guy/girl? I found him.
10. The room you are in? My living room.
11. Your fear? Dying from cancer.
12. What do you want to be in 10 years? Happy, healthy, fulfilled.
13. Who did you hang out with last night? My two kittenbabies.
14. What are you not? Mean, rich, uncaring.
15. Are you in love? Oh yes indeed.
16. One of your wish list items? More financial security.
17. What time is it? Seven fifty-two.
18. The last thing you did? Got my dinner.
19. What are you wearing? Tanktop, pants, slippers.
20. Your favorite book? Have no favorite.
21. The last thing you ate? Yummy dry cornflakes.
22. Your life? I'm pretty happy.
23. Your mood? Relaxed, unfortunately lazy.
24. Your friends? Bring me joy.
25. What are you thinking about right now? Calling my parents.
26. Your car? Have no car.
27. What are you doing at this moment? Typing and eating.
28. Your summer? Exciting things planned.
29. Your relationship status? I'm happily engaged.
30. What is on your TV screen? The Colbert Report.
31. When is the last time you laughed? Yesterday with Mr. H.
32. Last time you cried? This past Friday.
33. School? Six years ago.
I have so much on my mind right now. Last night I called my parents and talked to my mom about our plan for me moving to Vancouver - she didn't take it very well, which I expected. Still, we ended the conversation well. Today I got a few emails from her and I'm trying really hard to breathe and relax and put all her ridiculousness out of my head, so I'm not going to say another thing about any of them.
And tonight just 15 minutes ago, I got off the phone with my dad after we talked for 59 minutes - I'd told my mom last night that I wanted to tell my dad so he didn't know anything until I told him. It was a much more mature and real and serious conversation with my dad tonight (compared with the talk with my mom), and really very emotionally draining. He's worried of course and just really wants to know that Mr. H and I are thinking this through, and are acting like adults and have an adult relationship, etc. I of course assured him of all of that but he said I could demonstrate it, and at the same time really take away some of his worry and make him feel so much better, by updating him frequently with new things we find out (especially regarding a work permit and health insurance/healthcare). So the more he hears about us taking this seriously, as we are, and getting questions answered and making real plans, the better he'll feel.
I love my dad so incredibly much. I love that we talked for so long tonight and I love that even though it was all very serious and often a little hard for me, I felt so loved by him. He even opened up a little about how being a parent with children who are mostly adult is more difficult than when were little, because now he can just worry and talk to us but has to ultimately stand back then and watch us make our own decisions alone, and he can just hope and pray thay our decisions are the right ones. He also talked about how he doesn't deal with these kinds of things - that cause him stress and worry - very well and that he doesn't talk about what's going on his head - he said I know all that about him. But at the same time, I love that he really talked to me tonight and for so long, and let me know his worries but also let me know that if this is right and both Mr. H and I are making a serious commitment here and have really thought it through, then he'll be so happy knowing I'm starting a life with someone I love and who loves me, and knowing that I'm settled in and happy.
I'm happy too that he told me what I can do to make this easier on him - just keeping him updated regularly and keeping him in the loop, and telling him what Mr. H and are planning and figuring out and finding out. I love knowing what I can do to make my dad happy and make this all easier on his mind, that really makes me feel happy and relieved. And I know that sometime he'll finally get to see and really realize how serious Mr. H and are, and how real and wonderful and important this relationship and love of ours is to us. And that will make me the most happy!
(Oh and by the way, Mr. H and I rented a car when he was here a month ago and we drove to Michigan and spent five hours with my parents and then drove back to Chicago (Mr. H wasn't here for long so we needed our own time too, and five hours was a perfect amount of time for this first meeting), and they both really liked him a lot, and were so impressed by so many things about him. The first meeting went as good as I had hoped and made me so happy.)
It's a little later now and I'm about to get ready for bed. Mr. H and I just got off the phone and can I just say quickly how happy he makes me!!! He is so wonderful, he's just so close to perfect for me in my mind and when I see him smile big on the webcam and see his dimple and hear him laugh, oh it just makes my heart absolutely soar!!! It's impossible for me to explain to people just how wonderful he is because I can never find the words - and the words I find sound so inadequate to me - but he just really really is!!!!
By the way, I am absolutely fascinated by this whole Don Imus thing. I don't like what he said at all but all the calls for him to be fired are absolutely ridiculous to me, and some of those calling for his firing I find to be such hypocrites and such bad examples for so many people out there of all our races. Anyway, I'm following this story with something close to obsession for some reason. I've never listened to or heard this Imus guy's radio program so I don't care one way or another for him. But the fact that everyone is just jumping all over this guy like he's the devil incarnate is so bothersome to me. He said something bad and was wrong, but what about redemption and forgiveness, what about all these so-called reverends setting a good example. And what about other people who have said bad things as well and not had such massive calls for their firing, etc. And also - oh I could keep going on and on here and I guess that's why this whole story interests me so much. Mr. H let me rant and go on about it for awhile tonight and I'm glad cause it's just so in my mind right now. I haven't usually talked about these kinds of issues on this blog but it's so in my head that I needed to write something on it here.
Okay - to bed! Woohoo, two days in a row for me, I'm awesome!!!! :)