Starting where I left off: Gratitude Tuesday - the L's!!!
And after this, addressing both Worry #1 and Worry #2, I'm just going to commit myself to write something most days but no big long backstory if I don't feel like it, and it doesn't have to be long either (I have usually ended up writing a lot when I meant to keep it short but I probably will usually keep it shorter now cause I don't have as much time anymore to spend two or more hours writing and then rereading and then checking again and then posting).
This past weekend I also jumped back into Web Design and I sat in front of my computer the entire weekend, working on Mr. H's website and reading articles and tips on mostly CSS, and searching for certain specific things or questions, and trying to figure out why the homepage completely won't work right on Internet Explorer and discovering that web designers all view IE as the complete asshole of browsers (at least it wasn't just me), and then reading up a little on possible ways to address the IE situation but not finding exactly what I needed so I need to keep searching a little more. It was all so fun even when I was frustrated! And when I got too frustrated I just dropped the homepage IE issue and worked on another page instead and until I find the answer I'm not going to stress anymore. It was a good weekend though! I loved getting back into this stuff! And I've been reading my book on HTML and CSS as well cause I'm trying to get the foundation from the very beginning even while I'm also trying to do the real thing. Oh and on Sunday night I spent forever browsing beautiful CSS website designs and marveling at the things some professional web designers and graphic artists are able to do!
Okay, well now it's my bedtime. I'm also trying to learn to get up by myself now in the mornings. Mostly so I can take that bit of control away from my mom. She's being very supportive and being a very good cheerleader for my efforts right now, so that makes me happy. But two weeks ago she was an incredible crazy woman/controlling mother so I'm trying to ween us from that control part of the relationship right now.

Okay, well here it is now: a wonderful List of things I'm grateful for that begin with the letter 'L':
LOVE - Love is the most important thing in the world to me - loving myself, loving life, loving people, loving things, loving animals, loving seasons, loving smells, loving hope for the future. I love love! Three months ago today I loved life, I found beauty in many days, I had ups and downs, I dreamed of certain things sometimes and tried not to let myself get too down, I had some truly wonderful friends. Three months ago from tomorrow, I first met Mr. H in person and my whole life changed in the most amazing ways. I still love life, I still find beauty in many days, I still have ups and downs, I still dream and still try to not let my emotions get out of control when my hormones or brain chemistry is out of control, I still have some truly wonderful friends. But yet now, everything is different, and everything is brighter in a more peaceful way. I'm where I'm supposed to be, I'm with who I'm meant to be with, I feel such strong love from Mr. H and I feel such strong love for him. We're in this life together now and are no longer just on our own. His love gives me this incredible sense of freedom, it gives me a feeling of confidence and I love knowing that I'm always on his mind as he is on mine. I think so joyously of a few months down the road, of a year down the road, of five years down the road, of twenty-five years down the road. And I also think so joyously of waking up tomorrow morning thinking of him, of talking to him tomorrow maybe during the day and definitely in the evening, of seeing his smile on the webcam, and of the little moments of love and the little efforts we make. Finding love with Mr. H hasn't changed me inside, and hasn't changed the world outside, but yet it has changed so much and given me such a gift and lit such an extra light in my life, and I feel fulfilled and full of hope and full of joy and full of peace and full of light - and that feeling is with me always now, at every moment, because it's part of me now. I'm so grateful every day for the love Mr. H and I have found together, and I'm so grateful for Mr. H and the truly amazing and incredible person who he is, and I'm so so so grateful for everything about our situation, everything about our future, and just so so so so so so much! (I could go on and on now with this paragraph but I need to move on to all the other things I'm grateful for as well!)
LIFE and LIVING - I absolutely love and adore life, I love and adore living and feeling alive and experiencing the good, the bad, the sad, the incredible, the exciting, the terrible. I love the ups and I love the downs because they make the ups and the middles that much better. I am so grateful to be alive. I'm so grateful to be alive now. I'm so grateful for my life thus far. And I don't want to forget how precious life is, how easy it can be taken away, as Anu was. I want to feel grateful every day for this amazing place, the amazing people who I share it with, and for all the tiny experiences and interactions and feelings and sights and sounds and tastes and touches that make life and truly living life so wonderful and amazing and fabulous and incredible and enchanting!
LAUGHTER - Laughter is one of those amazing things that I love about being alive. Laughter is such a freeing feeling, it's a Lightness (see below), it's often a connection to others who are also truly living and loving. And sometimes it's a release, sometimes it's a fun break, and sometimes it just gets inside you and you have an almost tickle throughout your whole body that's just dying to escape and you can barely keep it in. I love it all!
Lakes - I'm so grateful for lakes, so even when we live in the middle of the continent, we can still fully enjoy the beauty of water. I grew up in Michigan so there were always lakes around, and I loved when we had a speedboat for a couple years and although we didn't have it docked anywhere, we'd take it to different lakes on the weekends and get to speed all around the lakes. Oh GOSH I just LOVE that feeling of going so fast over water! And now, living in Chicago, I love the amazing lake - Lake Michigan - that we have right here. I love the views from work, the fact that we can walk to it to go fishing during the warm months, I love walking by it, I love seeing it change colors with the sky and light. Having the lake so close definitely makes me happy, and I'm so grateful to be able to live so close to such amazing beauty and power.
Light and Lights and Lightbulbs - I'm so grateful for all kinds of light, both natural and artificial. I'm so grateful for the invention of lightbulbs so I can be surrounded by light right now instead of by a couple little candles. I'm so grateful for the Christmas lights that are mostly gone now but that make the season so much more festive and beautiful. I'm so grateful for all light because it makes life so so so much better. And I love the beauty of light as well - the shadows that it can cast, the glow it can give, the moods it can affect - it can be a very powerful element. And so affects photography as well!
Language - Oh I wish I was naturally better at learning languages. I'm still so filled with amazement sometimes when I think of just how many languages there are in the world! And I so wish I could speak more than one. I loved learning Spanish in high school. And I tried learning some French during law school but it was so hard with no one to practice with outside of class, and with classes so infrequent near the end. And then I tried learning German a couple years ago and I liked it but alcohol got in the way. I'm thinking of going back to Spanish. I'd love for my children to grow up with another language so their little brains can soak it up when they are like little sponges. I'd love for them to start out life being bilingual already. So it would help if I start learning Spanish again. But right now I have more important things so that'll have to come later. I'm so grateful though for all the beautiful and different languages of the world!
Laws - well, I don't love the law, and I don't love being a lawyer. But I'm still so grateful for all the laws which allow us to live in a safe and free society. And I'm also grateful that those laws give me a job!
Lavender - okay, I don't love the scent of lavender, and I don't love the color lavender either. But I do appreciate it and I also appreciate it's calming and relaxing scent. A few years ago I got a couple books on essential oils and bought a bunch of oils as well. And now and then I'd make myself some home-remedy using my essential oils. But usually I just take them out now and then and remind myself of the importance of scents and how they can really affect my mood. I'll open first one vial and close my eyes and breathe it in and feel myself feeling a certain way in response to that scent. Then I'll go through and do the same with all the others. It's amazing, really, how much the scents can affect me mentally and physically. Going back to Lavender, I also just LOVE seeing pictures of the lavender fields in France. Someday I really really really want to go to France when the lavender fields are in bloom, and I want to walk through them for a whole day and just feel myself there, feel myself alive and at peace, and feel my hand in Mr. H's hand as we experience those feelings together. (And of course, we'll have to take a few hundred photos as well!)
Lazy days - oh I just LOVE lazy days, and I am SO grateful that I can have them often. Sometimes I think - if I lived a hundred years ago there would be no time to be lazy, no opportunity to be lazy, no days full of total free time. I'm so incredibly grateful for these wonderful days to relax and recharge!
Leaves - I'm so grateful for the beauty and variety and magic of leaves. I love how they change colors in the fall, I love how they bud in the spring, I love how they're bright and shiny in the summer. And I especially love how they look when the sun is hitting them in certain ways, it's almost like magic! That's true natural beauty that renews itself every year, and beauty that has been available to every single human who has ever lived on the earth - how amazing is that!
Leases - I'm so grateful for the ability to be able to rent a place to live and to know that it's (almost) all mine for a certain period of time.
Legs - Oh I'm so so so grateful for my healthy legs and the ability to walk and run and stretch and kneel and do anything and everything with them. I have a reoccurring occasional nightmare where I'm trying to walk somewhere - usually just down a street - but one of my legs won't work and I have to kind of drag it behind me. It's a terrifying dream and I always wake scared that maybe my brain knows something that I don't know yet - that I have some terribly illness in my genes and that one day my legs actually won't work and I'll have to drag myself around. I'm just so grateful for having them now and having them healthy. I also think of people confined to wheelchairs as a method of getting around and how they would probably give so much just to be able to use their legs again. Not having the use of my legs would probably change my life and whole world more than most anything I could think of.
Lemons - I sometimes like to suck on lemon wedges from my plate after a meal, I like the sourness and it makes my mouth feel so clean and new. And I like to put a bit of lemon juice in my water now and then. And I like the fresh clean scent of lemons. And also - lemons are such a pretty, happy-looking color!
Lenses - I'm so so so grateful for my camera which makes me so happy and gives me such joy, and I'm so so so grateful for the wonderful lenses I have for it, which help me to take such beautiful and enchanting photos! And I'm also grateful for the lenses in my reading glasses which make the words a little clearer and easier to read.
Lions - well first of all I love cats, and I'm fascinated by all big cats. And I'm also a leo - aka a lioness! And while I may consider tigers to be the most beautiful and awe-inspiring of all the big cats, if I had to be a big cat (as opposed to a wonderfully-loved housecat which I would of course choose over being a cat in the wild), I would be a lion - because I love that they aren't solitary and instead have the whole pride, the whole family, there for support and help and cleaning and cuddling.
Learning - I love learning new things, I love learning interesting little things, I love learning little tidbits of information, and I'm so grateful that there's an infinite amount of stuff out there to learn, and I'm grateful that a lot of it interests me. And I'm also grateful for my ability to always learn new things and to learn to understand and see the world in new ways.
Liberal arts - literature, philosophy, languages, history, etc - these are all wonderful things to learn more about, so I'm so grateful for all the knowledge out there!
Liberty - "sum of rights and exemptions possessed in common by the people of a community, state, etc. - syn: freedom to choose, freedom from constraint or compulsion" - I'm so so so so so grateful for my freedom to choose absolutely anything for myself - when I really think about it, it makes me so incredibly grateful to be living right now and at this time. Especially as a woman, there really is no better time than the present to be alive. I can't believe how blessed and lucky we all are.
Licenses - I'm grateful that certain things are protected so not anyone can do/practice/perform it, and so I am in turn protected from potential harm.
Licking - mmmmmm!
Lightness - "the state of being light, not heavy; mildness, nimbleness, delicacy, cheerfulness, lack of seriousness, etc." I'm so grateful for this feeling. I love the feeling of lightness!! I love even how the word itself makes me feel light!!!
Lilacs - I just love love love love love the smell of lilacs in the spring!!! Oh my gosh, they smell just so amazingly beautiful, when I'm walking by them I try to breathe in as much of the beautiful scent as possible! Their smell is so strong, so intriguing, so exotic, so enchanting, so absolutely incredibly perfect! I'm looking forward to spring now so I can smell them again!
Lips - I'm so grateful for my own lips and all the wonderful sensations I can feel with them, and I'm so grateful for the beauty of lips as well, and I'm also so grateful for Mr. H's wonderful lips - especially his bottom lip which is so wonderfully soft and just absolutely perfect!
Lists! - oh how I love lists! I love making lists so I can organize stuff in my mind, and I especially love crossing things off of my lists - I feel so so so good doing so! I've kind of fallen out of practice with lists over the past probably six months and I need to get back into it - it really helps to have all the stuff written out that I want to do, and even if I don't do it all I'm sure I accomplish much more than when I don't have a list in the first place. I think it also helps get it all out of my head and keeps me from getting that overwhelmed feeling. Tomorrow I'll start writing a list!
Litter boxes - I'm very grateful for the litter boxes and litter that I have for my babies. I'm grateful first because they can go potty in my apartment but not stink it all up, and I'm grateful that I don't have to take them outside, and I'm grateful that it's easy to clean.
Liver - I'm very grateful for my healthy liver! Right when I stopped drinking I had my doctor test my liver (through a blood test) and it was still healthy despite all the drinking I'd done, and I was so happy for that. And now it's a VERY healthy liver and I love that! I'm so grateful that I didn't do any real lasting damage to it during all those years.
Loans - well, it's not as if I like owing money to people/places, but I'm so grateful for the ability to borrow money to do things or get things, and I'm so grateful too for family and friends who have loaned me money to help me get out of my debt.
Lubrication - mmmmmmmmmmm! I love my female lubrication! And I love the lubrication from a bottle as well for whenever I need a little extra!
Lungs - I'm kind of freaked out about lung cancer - well I'm freaked out about all cancer but the fact that lung cancer can start even in young people and people who don't smoke freaks me out. And the fact that there aren't many easily-recognizeable warning signs until it's more advanced freaks me out. I so wish I could have a full-body X-ray right now! Just to make sure there's nothing growing anywhere that shouldn't be there! But back to being grateful though - I'm very grateful for my (hopefully!) very healthy lungs, and for my ability to breathe relatively normally (I sometimes need to take extra deep breaths cause I feel like I'm not getting air all the way into the bottom of my lungs. But I've had so many doctors listen and say it all sounds perfect so I really think it's a psychological thing).
Lust - I'm so grateful for the fabulous feeling of lust - it makes me feel so alive and so hungry and wonderful! And oh that makes me think of so many wonderful fantasies now - one of which Mr. H and I have already tried for the first of hundreds of times, and many that we still have to play with! :-)
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