Procrastination stress and Photography excitement
On Tuesday night I took the babies to their vet appointment for their little annual checkup and shots and whatnot. Little Emma weighs 10.2 pounds and James weighs 15 pounds - the vet said he should probably lose a pound and recommended that I only feed them in the morning and at night but between those times, to pick up any food. But my babies are used to always having food out! They have dry food out at all times and I leave their wet food plates out so they can, as the vet said, "graze". She pointed out that cats in the wild don't graze all day. But my babies aren't out in the wild and this is all they know! And while James might lose a little weight, and be very unhappy at the same time, little Emma would also suffer and she's so skinny as it is! So I don't know right now what I'll do. I might get weight control dry food and only leave that out. Or feed them 3 cans a day of wet food instead of 4. But I'm not going to suddenly make such a huge change and make them only eat twice a day and have to stuff themselves at those times.
Also, I felt very sorry for myself while getting them to the vet. I got home too late to call a cab and I live only a block from a major street but first of all, it was fucking cold outside! Second, I was carrying a cat carrier with 25 pounds in it first down my curvy stairs and then for that very long block and sometimes over ice, and my forearms felt like they were going to give out any second when I finally got to the end of the block. And then I had to wait for a few minutes in that freezing cold until a cab came - but at least I'd brought a blanket to cover the carrier both to block out the cold and the noise.
Little Emmalove was in a little Emmaball at the back of the carrier and James was sitting all curious looking out the front - he's so cute! Emma gave pitiful little cries of protest now and then while we were cab, and James was just looking at the front, which I had facing forward - so he looked all around the front of the cab and at the lights passing above. And at the vet Emma went first and was very scared but just cried now and then and she did very well. And then it was James's turn and he got more and more fidgety as the exam went on and then started hissing! And James never hisses! I think he remembered the last time we were there when I took him in for his diarrhea but couldn't get a poop sample to bring in, so they extracted some from his little butt and I heard him scream down the hallway. So by the end of the exam the vet had to put a collar on him while she gave him his shot, to prevent him from turning around and biting her. He was fine again as soon as he was back in his carrier, but my poor little guy was not at all happy while he was on the table!
In other news, and this is very very exciting news, The Bold One has arranged for me to furnish all the pictures for a brand new nail salon that's opening in a couple weeks downtown!!! I originally thought that the owner would just choose two or three of my photos, but somehow it's changed and today The Bold One and I went and looked at the space to get an idea of how many photos there should be and maybe where they'd go. I think we're going back tomorrow, when the actual lighting will be in. And I have a lot of planning to do! And getting pictures printed out in much larger sizes! The problem I have is with the frames though - because I can't at all afford to buy ten, fifteen or more very large and good frames. I'm not sure what to do about that just yet, but I'll first think about which pictures will go well in the space, how to group them, and where to put them. And I'll also work on getting my smugmug site looking more perfect, and on designing little cards to put under all the pictures. I'm very excited, but I also feel that I'm not nearly good enough for this and I feel quite overwhelmed and I'm pretty nervous. Still very excited though.
I'm starting to stress myself out now. I'm going to make a list here of all the things I want and need to do and then at least it'll help me organize it all in my head.
Things To Do: Apartment
- wash dishes
- get new vacuum bags
- vacuum very cat-hairy rug
- do about five loads of laundry
- dry and wet swiffer all floors
- de-hair all bed stuff
- straighten in each room
- backup all files on computer
Things To Do: Everything Else
- completely write work brief tonight
- work on smugmug website
- figure out plan for which pictures where
- design unique little cards for placement under pictures and at front desk
- name pictures
- create a new email account for photo and web work
- figure out what to do about framing
- get back to work on learning code and designing site for Mr. H
- try on more coats at stores so my mom can get me a nice coat for x-mas
- try on certain clothes in my closet so I know whether I need to buy any new clothes for my trip to see Mr. H
Things To Do: Christmas
- order 8x10s of Grandpa & me picture and Grandma & me picture
- buy two frames for said pictures
- find a book for my grandpa
- order two genealogy magazine renewals for my mom
- figure out some other cute genealogy present for my mom, possibly something I could make
- figure out what in the hell to get for my brother and sister-in-law
- get supplies to make other little presents for everyone
- get stamps for mailing x-mas cards when the arrive
Okay, there's the bulk of it. I'll think of more things to add to the list and then I'll start assigning days to each thing. But I know tonight my only assignment is to finish my work thing, so I'll try putting everything else to the back of my mind, which is so so so hard to do when I just want to get some of these things off my list!!! Oh, I just had a fabulous idea - I'll do some laundry tonight while I'm typing!
James is lying in my arms right now sleeping and I'm holding one of his little paws! I'll stay here for 15 more minutes and close my eyes, and then I'll get set up for working and then put a load of laundry in and then make coffee and then start working and then take a break when my love Mr. H calls, and then get back to work after that. It's a plan :) And I can't wait until I get this thing done tonight so tomorrow I can start really working on the other things on my list.