My anniversary and other fun things!!

I'm in Michigan now at my parents' house - today was also a work holiday (second this week!), Veteran's Day Observed, so I took the train home last night. The train wasn't at all crowded so it was so nice and I listened to some of my new music and I especially completely ADORED one of the CDs!! I'll definitely have a couple of those songs for my Musical Monday choice in a couple of weeks (this Monday I'm going back on the train in the morning so on Sunday night I'll post a song that I already have uploaded or one of the wonderful songs that Mr. H has sent me!)
And on the train I also went through the first chapter of my HTML and CSS book - it's a wonderful book that really focuses on the reader learning, understanding and most importantly, remembering, so they repeat a lot and make it visually interesting, and have many little exercises for us to do along the way. My mom just left to take my grandpa to a doctor's appointment and won't be home until dinnertime so I'll go through another chapter this afternoon.
Right now I'm listening to the Top 20 on Country Music Television - I remember the first time Mr. H and I talked on the phone he said he could never date a girl who liked country music which I thought sounded like such a ridiculous rule - and I like country (along with most kinds of music)!! I told him that then and he changed the subject! :) Baby, I think you're going to have to take that off the list of unacceptable things now!!!! Hehe!!! :) (And if you were here right now I'd tell you that while laughing and smiling SO big and then give you a BIG BIG kiss and another big and mischievous smile!!!!)
When I was doing a google search for a cute image for my sobriety anniversary, I ran across such a beautiful and positive and hopeful and amazing poem - the site is mostly in I believe Japanese but luckily this poem wasn't! I just LOVE this poem, every single line is so perfect and amazing even on its own!
One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream.
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.
One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal.
One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room.
One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.
One step must start each journey.
One word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.
One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what's true,
One life can make a difference,
You see, it's up to you!
Isn't that so uplifting!!! I love it, I keep rereading it and read each line slowly, stopping for just a couple seconds to really think about each line by itself. It's wonderful!
I told my mom all about Mr. H this morning! Late last night I told her I would be getting a phone call. She asked, "From The German?" Nope. "A guy?" Yes! "Someone from your internet dating site?" No, I got off of it, it's someone else!! I had a BIG smile on my face! But I told her it was way too late to start telling her so I'd tell her in the morning. So this morning we spent probably two hours talking all about him - with me of course doing most of the talking! She was a little surprised, has a couple worries about the long distance thing but is also really happy to see me so happy. And she actually took it all pretty well and wasn't too negative at all. And she did have some good advice and gave me a couple things to ask questions about - issues she's had to deal with herself in my parents' marriage. She also liked a number of things that I told her about him, and she can tell that I'm really happy right now and loves seeing that! So it all went so well and I loved being able to tell her about him!!! :) :)
Okay, that's all I can think of right now! I have to go check the meat cooking on the stove, and I'll pet my parents' cats for a bit, and then go get my web design books! Happy Friday!!!