A little peeved and then gushing, gushing and more gushing!!!
Okay, I'm finished with that now! Today was a wonderful day! I had some really really good talks with The Meat and he was imparting so much of his wisdom which I always so appreciate as I learn so much from him and so value his opinion. He has had such an effect on who I've become over the past year and he still reminds me often of my value, of all the gifts I have to offer, of all the wonderful facets of my personality, and he was the one to really give me permission to think that I'm indeed special and really worthy and that I have so much to offer. I owe so much of my self-confidence and overall sense of comfort with my life to the gifts that he has given me. And all because he sees something special in me and he cares about me as a friend and also almost like a daughter sometimes. And he would roll his eyes and be so embarrassed if he knew I was writing all this!
And my wonderful day continued because Mr. H called me during the early afternoon just to say hi and check on me and see if all was okay with my friends at work - I love love love love love all the so many little gestures he makes! He makes me feel so special and so happy!!! My morning song this morning was Leonard Cohen's "I'm Your Man", and he said the lyrics are so him - and it's the most amazing song and so romantic and knowing that he picked it out for me because I'd like it and also because of what it says means so much to me!
And I also got to gush a little to Freckles and show her some of the wonderful things that Mr. H has written, and I also told her about his plans to come here and meet them all and even cook dinner for some of us, and I loved being able to share all this again! And I love that she's starting to see a bit of how truly real and sweet he is!
After work I got off the train a little early and walked to a big grocery store and finally stocked up again - and oh the most exciting part is that I got a bag of big pine cones spiced with cinammon or a cinnamon scent! They smell SO wonderful and make my entire place smell like fall and like Christmas!!!! Once again I'm realizing what an amazing power there is in our sense of smell!
And then tonight I IMed with a wonderful friend from the East Coast for awhile, and then Mr. H called and we talked for close to two hours and watched videos together on YouTube and talked about our future visits, and talked about such other exciting things that really put such an extreme sense of joy in my heart. I know I gush all the time about him but he's more than worthy of it, I swear! He really is such a special and unique and good person, and very multi-faceted which I love and appreciate. And he's such a caring person, and makes me feel like a princess and cherished and appreciated, and that's such a wonderful feeling! And he's interesting and interested in many things, he has a wonderful funny side and I just love when I get him to laugh about something, it makes me feel so good and always makes me smile! And he thinks I'm fabulous as well, and the fact that we both think each other are fabulous and tell each other that is even more amazing and wonderful!!!
Okay, I'm realizing that I'm in a VERY gushy mood right now! I could go on and on for quite awhile longer but because it's quite late now, I'm going to stop and instead go to bed! So that tomorrow I'll wake with plenty of patience to track down my voting location!!! :) And I SWEAR I will get back into Gratitude Tuesdays one of these weeks! I ALWAYS mean to, but my list of L words is so so so long and somehow I always wait until Tuesday night and then there's never enough time or I would be up half the night! But very soon, I swear!!!!