Sleepy talk, both happy and lonely at the same time
I just trimmed the babies' claws cause I'd felt earlier how long they were when James was kneeding on me and of course I didn't stop him because he was so happy and purring and needing lots of cuddling - but I had a few inadvertent pokes from very sharp kitten claws!!
I'm listening to the most wonderful new music right now! It has me in SUCH a zone! Someone wonderful and fabulous made two CDs for me and I need to get all the names of the various artists because of course I've forgotten most of them by now, but from some of these artists/bands I want to find everything they've ever done because the one or two songs I hear now are so incredibly cool and/or beautiful. I love finding amazing new music, it makes me so happy!! And a few of these songs I keep playing over and over and over and over again because I seriously can't get enough of them!
My mood has gone all over today. I've been so incredibly happy and excited after the most wonderful and amazing and almost dream-like night I've had in longer than I can remember. Then I spent most of the day in a daze - kind of sleepy, dreamy, daydreamy, couldn't concentrate on anything - it almost felt kind of like a hangover as crazy as that sounds (but this was a very different kind of hangover than the kind from any substances, and no, I didn't do anything like that so it wasn't a real hangover). And then this evening I've been very melancholy. I watched Lost, cuddled a lot with the babies, got slightly angry at blogger, have sleepily browsed around the internet, and have listened to music. I feel alone tonight, hence the mood. Now and then I smell something that reminds me of last night and it makes me simultaneously ridiculously happy and feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, and a little lonely and craving some of the affection and closeness that I had last night and early this morning.
I'll definitely write more about it all sometime soon, but I'm way way way too sleepy! And James just came up and is cuddled in a little ball into my side and with my arm around him - his little head is laying on my arm and my hand is holding his little back paws - I love this!! But that also means that I can only type with one hand now and while I think I'm actually pretty good at it, it still takes longer and most importantly, my arm muscles are getting really tired from having to hold my whole arm up quite a bit. And also, I did already write ALL about my night and morning this afternoon at work, but just in an email thst I sent only to myself - that way I could write as much as I wanted (which was indeed ALOT), give every little detail that I could possibly remember, and I could gush to my little heart's content!!! :) :)
Okay, I'm off to bed, my eyes are so so so sleepy!