Happy stuff! Very late at night!
I also got a bottle of the Nature's Remedy, because my hallway carpet smells like cat pee a bit. I rolled it up last week so he couldn't pee on it more, but it still smells whenever I walk in the apartment. So tomorrow I'll unroll it and completely drench the areas where he peed, and cover those loosely with aluminum foil. And then the other part of my plan: I'm going to put out three bowls of dry food along the length of the carpet because as we all know, cats won't pee where they eat. And besides, James will have two places now to pee and poop - and they'll both be litter boxes! (He's actually been good since I rolled up the carpet, and has peed in his litter pan always and even pooped in the pan most of the time, which doesn't always happen very often anymore.)
I also bought them a new little bed, because they love their little kitten beds and are so so so so cute when they sleep in them! And I bought them an early Christmas present because there are already little Christmas toys out, and I love my babies - so I got them two little Christmas catnip mice. Oh and the cutest thing - I got two little red velvet elf-or-jester-like Christmas things to go around their necks, with little bells on them!! I'm going to try putting these little things on them for first a few minutes and then just a little longer, so when it's time for us to take our Christmas picture I might be able to have both of them in adorable little Christmas things!!! :) So cute!!!! Of course, if they really hate them, I won't torture them, but still I'll try, and they were cheap. And the last couple of years I could never find anything for cats cause they'd be all sold out! Also, at least I was a good kitten momma and didn't get the little things that attach around their heads - the reindeer hats or santa hats - they would look soooooo silly with those on, and with their ears hidden! I wouldn't be able to stop laughing for the pictures!
Okay anyway, then I sorted through some pictures to send to The German, because he might be able to get free 16x20 pictures made for me of some of our pictures. And I also talked to SoulSearcher on the phone for 40 minutes and we had a very good conversation, I really like talking to him. And I emailed back and forth with my mom and got pictures from her, and I wrote a little email to my grandpa, too. And also - I haven't said anything about this yet - on Friday night or Saturday, I signed up for one of the online dating things again, a big step (and my dad was very happy to hear about it) - so I had to write a little bit of a response to one guy. It's a semi-exciting little distraction right now, and although I tend to waiver between being sad and thinking there is no one out there, and then feeling excited, it's a nice feeling to get the excitement and hope throughout the day! Of course, I'm just taking it very slow because I don't feel the need yet to actually go out and meet anyone, but just slowly learning a little more is okay with me. And feeling the hope again.
Then I also talked to MWFB for a couple hours and we got off just now, and now it's getting close to 2 a.m. but I decided to write really quickly anyway. Oh and my little fable books arrived from Amazon today, and I'm so excited to read them! Oh and also, I got a few cutesy little stocking stuffers tonight for Christmas - I can't help it, the stores are starting to decorate! I was at World Market and I bought two boxes containing three chocolate golf balls each for my dad and brother, and a "Schoko-Werkzeugbox (Choco-Toolbox)" for my dad - I'm going to have to post a picture later, it has a chocolate saw, chocolate hammer, chocolate wrench, chocolate screwdriver, and chocolate plyers - and for my mom, I got a box of "Katzen-Zungen (Cat Tongues)", the box has two of the cutest little kittens on it! So I've started my little Christmas shopping just a tiny bit now!
And I got just one more thing - a very small camera bag that fits basically just my camera and a couple other small things. I have my camera backpack that holds the camera, other lenses, filters, plus a personal area, but that's more for excursions and weekends and such. This one will go everywhere with me. I've been carrying my camera in my purse all this time but I love that camera so much and I don't like putting it all unprotected in my purse, so this will be my day camera bag - it just holds the camera nicely, no extra lens - but my camera will be lovely and safe, and it has a nice long strap to go across my body, and I won't even notice it then! I spent quite a long time in the camera store trying out every single small bag, and then looking at everything else I could possibly browse, just because it makes me so happy!
Okay, I'm off to bed. I was melancholy during the day today and even started crying at work a few times, but tonight has been a very good night and I feel positive and happy and lovely!!! :)