My Date!
BUT - I'll tell just a few things. First, it was a wonderful date and I've been excited all day today (Thursday - I know it's after midnight now) about it! He picked me up and took me to a cool place near me for dinner - neither of us had been there before but a friend of his had recommended it - and it was so tasty!!! I had trout, which I'd never had before, and it was amazingly good. And we shared a flourless chocolate afterward and it was seriously the best flourless chocolate cake ever! And we got along so well and I had so much fun talking to him! And I could tell that he was having fun talking to me as well!
I knew from talking to our mutual friend about this guy that he was very similar to me in many ways - he's the male me but more advanced, in that he already speaks fluent Spanish whereas I want to learn it, he plays guitar and I want to learn it, he's very into self-awareness and being a good person and doing good. I worried that he was a little too odd, and to be honest, the jury's still out on it and he does say some really odd things sometimes - and even admitted having a knack for causing uncomfortable pauses in conversations when he gets too philosophical about life. BUT, I saw last night that he also laughs alot and has fun and is very interesting. And many times when I was talking and telling him a little story or tidbit of info about me he commented, "you're so cute!" and from his look, he made me feel very special. And he even thought it was cute that I constantly made him check my teeth for me!
So we had a wonderful time at dinner and talked easily, and I was able to really be myself almost completely. When we finished and walked outside, he suggested walking around a little as it was such a beautiful fall night, so we went to his car so he could get his coat and I could drop off my purse. And then we walked and talked and learned a little more about each other. I felt comfortable because I felt confident in myself - and he helped me feel that way. So didn't feel that I was inferior to him and didn't get quiet and think too much about what I was going to say and instead loved learning about him and laughed and had fun.
Eventually we walked into a nearby park and came upon a gazebo of sorts, and he stopped walking. And then I started to get nervous because we were stopped, and I just KNEW that he wanted to kiss me but I didn't know what to expect - whether he would know what he was doing and it would be comfortable and fun, or if he would be kind of awkward at it and completely turn me off. So in my nervousness, I just kept talking! I'd talk about something and then stop and he wouldn't say anything but be looking at me, so I'd immediately fill up the silence again - it was a little funny to me even then and now I just laugh at myself about it!
After a bit he asked if I wanted to sit down for awhile and I said yes, so we sat at the top of the little stairs. I was still nervous so started looking around at the gazebo and commenting on the cool ceiling and talking about the cool pictures I could take there, and when I stopped finally he looked at me and told me I had amazing eyes and that he hadn't been able to stop looking at them all night. (Now, The Meat and The Queen laugh at this because they believe all guys use this line and never mean it, but since I think I DO have amazing eyes, I always know the guys are telling the truth even if it is a bit of a line.)
And then, he leaned in for the kiss and lifted one hand to the back of my head, and I found out that he knew exactly what he was doing and was the best kisser I've had in a very long time! He had soft lips that were just the perfect mix between hard and soft, there was no slobber and no gross robotic darting tongue. I was very quickly quite involved and taken away! And that was even before he started sometimes grabbing the back of my head and hair and moving me just the way he wanted me - and I fucking love it when a guy takes control like that, a fire just travels down to the pit of my stomach and further south still! And I could feel his passion and it was such a turn-on!
We sat on those steps for a good forty-five minutes at least. We kissed, we made out, he kissed all over my neck and I felt his warm breath in my ears and I turned to putty. He ran his hands all over my back and gave me a bit of a back tickle, and I reciprocated a little later. I ran my hands through his hair, all over his face, slid them slowly down his neck and over his chest and shoulders. It was very, very hot!!! And now I know that we have extremely good sexual chemistry - at least for the beginning stuff and I know absolutely that the rest would be even better!
After our very long fun time, which included some flirtatious talking and some laughs as well, I told him he had to take me home or else I'd end up demanding that he fuck me right there, and then I laughed a little, and stood up on the steps in front of him. He lifted my sweater a little and kissed my belly, which I thought was so sweet. Then he put his arm around me and we walked back to his car and he drove me home. We sat in the car for another ten minutes because he leaned over and grabbed my head and pulled me to him and I couldn't resist. And then we chatted a little before I got out and went in. He had picked me up at 8 and I got inside my place at 12:30 a.m., so it was a very good amount of time for a first date, I think.
I sent him a little email when I got inside and he emailed back this afternoon and then he called early in the evening and left a good message (I couldn't get to it when it was ringing) and then he called late tonight after his band's rehearsal. I'm going to see him tomorrow night - his band (less the drummer who can't make it) is playing at a bar and I'm going to watch and also practice my photography skills and try to get some wonderful pictures of the band and the individual band members playing. And I'm so excited to hear it - to hear him sing and hear his songs - he writes all his own stuff. I don't know exactly what to expect, but I hope I like it.
Well - I guess I ended up writing it all anyway!!! :) I'm so happy that I'm excited about someone new and it feels so good, and even though I don't know where this might go yet, it's fun right now no matter what! And I feel good getting back out there, and just so happy that I'm excited right now about this guy! It's such a wonderful feeling!!!
However, there is a kind of potentially very big issue that could affect a long-term relationship - even though I've only gone out with him on one date so far, I always start analyzing the potential for long-term and marriage and children. Yes, I know it's a little silly but I can't help it and I absolutely always do it if I even half like a guy! So anyway, right before we all left work tonight I told everyone about this one certain issue and suddenly The Meat and The Queen got very serious and the whole mood which before had been such excitement and silliness took a sudden turn.
And when The Meat and I were walking to the train, he kept looking at me and saying that he was worried that he was seeing the future - which I filled in as me falling for this guy and ending up with a broken heart because he wouldn't marry me - and The Meat confirmed that as his exact worry. He told me that so many people at work really love me and want only good things for me and so want me to be happy and not go through any pain - I never tire of him telling me that, it makes me feel so loved and special. I was kind of depressed after that for a little while, but then I decided to just take it easy and see what happens. And I also called MWFB about it and chatted with him for awhile.
So that's that! I know there was something else I was going to talk about, on a totally unrelated subject, but I can't remember what it was. Oh - well yesterday afternoon The Meat, Freckles, Swedish Meatball and I all went fishing and first we just caught a few Gobies, but then we spotted HUGE salmon swimming along the sides of the harbor, intent on munching the moss growing along the walls. They weren't at all interested in our bate, but we had such fun just looking at how enormous they were, and running along the walls to follow them and we kept trying to entice them with our worms! They were so impressive!!! So huge and fat compared to what we normally catch!!! And the whole time the weather was just gorgeous - such cool dark clouds and some blue sky and a perfect fall wind and some sunshine and wonderful fall crispness - I loved it!!! It was the absolute best time fishing/fish watching!!!
Okay, now it's REALLY late! It's 1:30 a.m.! I need to go to bed! So I can be all awake tomorrow night to watch this guy and his band play, and hopefully get some good pictures for them! I just KNOW there was something else I wanted to talk about quickly, but it'll have to wait until later!