Some photos and one of the cute little chipmunks I saved!
James and Emma are soooooooo happy to have me home!!!! And I'm soooooooooo happy to be home with them!!!!! They've been alternately doing their excited little runs and trots around the place, and cuddling and purring and getting cheek rubs and belly rubs. And they are just so incredibly cute - I swear, every little thing they do is just perfectly and heavenly adorable, from their little expressions to their little profiles to their little paws to their little excited trots and how fast their little legs move, to the look they get on their faces when they're getting hard little cheek rubs! Everything - yes every little thing about them is so cute and sweet and so incredibly perfect, I just want to hold and kiss them all the time tonight!
Oh and my bedframe arrived! One box got here last Friday and The German brought it up. And the other box - the big one with the actual headboard and footboard - was here today. But I still haven't brought it upstairs because once I got up here I didn't feel like leaving again to lug the huge box up, and I didn't want James and Emmalove to think I was leaving.
Ugh, I can't think of or remember anything else right now. Oh wait - one thing! I put a new little thing in my sidebar and it's the Love Quote of the Day! It changes every day and I'm so excited about it! I borrowed the idea from CeeCi, because she always finds the coolest things!!! (And she has the Nature Quote of the Day on her site - and I've just discovered that she has a whole new template for her blog - I'm behind in my reading her blog about a week now (well since last Thursday I think, or maybe Friday) so tomorrow I need to catch up and read all of her wonderful words! And that reminds me, I've been getting really antsy and tired of my template so I really want to start looking for and/or sort of designing a new one.)
Okay, now some photos!!

My grandpa fishing - I just loved the clouds that day!
Very cool closeup of a little bluegill - aren't the colors and fins and shape amazing!

Seagulls on a dock under clouds and sun

And now, we come to my little chipmunk story. When I helped my dad carry the kayak up the side of the cottage, I saw this little guy in a trap. My dad said the doctor neighbor (who doesn't go up to the cottage too often during the year) told him that chipmunks are getting into his walls and/or attic and doing damage, so he always has the trap out for them. I coo-ed at the adorable little guy and when I asked, my dad said he thought the doctor drove somewhere and released the little chipmunks there.
After we finished the kayak, I went back down and took some pictures of him, and then went inside to show my mom how cute he was. She told me that the doctor, after catching these cute babies in his traps, walks the trap down to the lake and drowns the little chipmunks!!!!! She's seen him do it before! Can you fucking believe someone would be so evil???!!! I was and still am completely livid at the idea of this assface purposefully drowning innocent little creatures who have no way out. I really feel my heartrate increase so much and I get hot just at the fucking thought of it!!! I wish I could give that guy a piece of my mind, but I'd be so angry that I would just be blustering and blubbering about.
So anyway, I went back out and released my little chipmunk muse. And later that evening, I saw the trap had been set again and soon after I saw that it was closed, so I released the second little guy - and they are soooooo cute when they get loose! They run so quickly and so jerkily to their freedom!!!
All day yesterday I kept a constant eye on the trap to see whether the evil doctor had reset it. And then this morning at 5 a.m., while my dad was still in the shower (because he wouldn't approve), I stole the trap, put it in a paper bag and took it on the train with me (I couldn't leave it in my parents' garbage in case the guy would check through neighbors' garbage cans). It's still at work, actually, because I couldn't bring myself to completely throw it out yet. But I did take a picture of it in its bag right before I left this evening. I had put some paper towel in with it just to hide it a little and maybe reduce the clinking - so that's what all the white is. I'm so happy to have thwarted the evil doctor's murderous intentions and saved some wonderful, sweet and adorable little chipmunks' lives!!!

He's so cute, looking right at me!

Zooming in on his adorable little face!

And finally, the stolen trap! I feel like I should do an evil laugh now, a-la Dr. Evil, but the murderous bastard who tortures cute chipmunks has already taken that character. But I've stolen his trap, so I feel like a heroine!!!!! :)