Pesto the Cat
First though, I just have to write about something that's been bothering me since Saturday morning and that I can't get off my mind. And it has nothing to do with The German or any human man at all - it has to do with a cat named Pesto. On Saturday morning, when The German and I were walking to breakfast, I noticed a sign posted on a tree about a lost cat - I've started actually looking at those signs now that I live in a neighborhood, so if I see a cat running around I could maybe know if it's one of these poor lost ones.
Anyway, the sign had a picture of Pesto and said that he was a tabby cat and was lost on July 22 - a whole month ago! And it said that Pesto is extremely shy and will most likely be hiding under bushes or underneath a porch, and he would run from anyone so if we saw him we should just call the phone number, day or night. I can't stop thinking about poor little Pesto - out in this big world for an entire month now, scared and terrified and hungry and lonely. And I can't stop thinking about his owners - their baby has been missing for a month and they don't know if he's dead or if he's alive and hiding somewhere, scared and shivering and trying to find something to eat. The sign wanted people to call even if they heard a cat fight or cats doing the scary cry at each other.
So now, whenever I'm walking outside in my neighborhood, my eyes are scanning the bushes and between houses and down the alleys. I so wish that I could find Pesto so his owners wouldn't live with their terrible torment any longer, and so Pesto could have his home and security back. I don't know how I would go on with normal life if one of my babies were missing and I knew they were outside alone and scared and hungry. Especially if it were Emma - because she's exactly like Pesto and would be hiding from anyone and everyone. I couldn't take it and I think I wouldn't be able to do anything but walk the streets day and night calling to her and trying to lure her out with a can of cat food.
Tonight I saw a couple of signs on a post at the front of my block and stopped to read them, thinking that at least one would be about Pesto. But no, they were two other cats who were missing! First there was Finn, a solid white short-haired cat with blue eyes, lost back in June. Yes, June. The sign asked to be called if you even saw him. And second was a furry little gray kitten who was lost a couple weeks ago right near my place, and his front paws were declawed - he's just a kitten and declawed, I would be going crazy looking for him! The sign ended with something like, "please call if you see him, we really miss him!"
How do all these cats get loose? I want to make sure my babies are secure in here! I never let them out in the hallway or on the stairs because I don't want them to get used to it. The only other thing I could think of is a screen breaking and them jumping out. But I'm on a high second floor so I don't think my babies would jump - and I always make sure my screens are secure before I'll open a window. I just don't EVER want to have to be going crazy and putting up signs and searching all over neighborhoods at all hours. I don't know how I could bear it. I can't get the idea of little Pesto out of my mind and I don't even know him!
Oh yes - we do have a neighborhood outdoor cat! I met him last week when I was coming home one night - he's a really little cat and is mostly black with a little white on his nose, belly, and paws. And he's so sweet! He had me brushing his cheeks and rubbing his belly and back to cheeks and then belly for about 15 minutes! I checked his tag and his name is Sven and he lives nearby. At first I tried calling the phone number on his tag because I wanted to make sure that he didn't escape, but the number wasn't going through right. And then a girl from my building came out and she had seen him, too, so we decided to go ring the bell and ask, just to make sure. And so we walked down the sidewalk and I kept calling to Sven and he just followed along like a little dog! I stayed at a corner with him where he was having fun rolling in the dirt while the girl asked, and before she came back a guy walked by with a tiny little dog and Sven was captivated! I stood on the corner waiting for the girl to come back and I watched as Sven followed the guy and the dog down the block, and the whole time he walked, or more like sasheed (sp? - no time to go check), right down the middle of the sidewalk, it was so cute!!
I want Sven to find Pesto and Finn and the kitten and lead me to them so I can save them and bring them back to their owners! I want him to be our local wondercat! And I don't want any cats to be outside alone and scared. And I don't want any owners to have to be tormented and terrified and worried sick over their cat who is missing. It's so terrible and unimaginable to me, and I can't stop thinking about it now. But hopefull writing all this will help me feel a little better and at least not have it bottled all up inside me.
Okay - now I'm really going to bed!