Long Sunday Meme
On Friday I was extremely tired all day, and extremely tired all evening, but I didn't go to bed until about 1 a.m. And then I slept until 5 p.m. on Saturday. I knew I needed a lot of extra sleep, I could just feel it. And I also started my period on Friday morning and usually it starts really light but this time the second it started it was heavy and it still is, and I had terrible cramps all day Friday and also yesterday (and the only time I managed to get out of bed before 5 p.m. was to take tylenol). Friday night I had to have the heating pad on my lower belly because tylenol alone wouldn't work.
And last night I went to bed at 1:30 a.m. and got up this morning at a good time. I'm feeling relaxed and introspective and quiet. But also a little lazy, like I can't start anything now because over half the day is done. The German is coming over a little while later and we're going to go get some kebobs from the store and cook those up. As soon as I post this I'm going to shower because then I'll feel good and inspired to start doing things. And then I'll straighten up a little around here, and do my dishes. I have a lot of thoughts going around in my head right now and sometimes doing tasks like dishes makes me feel so relaxed. Painting does the same thing for me, lets me be completely relaxed and also thinking at the same time. If The German doesn't stay very long tonight then maybe I'll do some painting, too.
And now, the meme:
1. How old do you wish you were?
I'm completely happy being just where I am, a brand new 30 years old. I wouldn't wish to speed up time and be older, and I also wouldn't ever wish to go backwards. Right here and now is very good and where I'm meant to be!
2. Where were you when 9/11 happened?
I was in my apartment hung over. It was after I had taken the bar exam but during my six-month-or-so period of not knowing what I wanted to do so not getting a job. The brother of a high school friend was in town so I let him stay with me for the night and he was very into me but I found him to be the most extreme form of annoying, so the night before a few of my friends and I and Mr. Annoying went our local bar. The next morning I woke to my mom calling and I didn't answer because of the hangover but I did listen to her message, which went, "ummm, Caterpillar, if you're there, don't go downtown because I'm not sure what's going on. Please call me as soon as you get this message." There was something in her voice, so I immediately turned on the news and saw the constantly replayed pictures of the planes hitting the towers. They fell soon after I turned the TV on. It was such a horrible day, I can remember the shock and terror even now.
3. What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
I can't remember the last time I got something from a vending machine. But I do remember a few times when one stole my money and the candybar didn't drop. I think every time I would get very pissy and put more money in, because if I'm actually going to a vending machine, it means I have quite a craving! I think I'd do the same thing now - put more money in, be a little pissed off but then remind myself to let the anger go because there's no point being upset over something so small.
4. Do you consider yourself kind?
Yes. But I think sometimes I don't do enough - I don't always call friends who I know are lonely or follow up with them afterward. And I sometimes see someone walking down the street who looks lonely and I don't say hi or smile at them but afterward I wish I did.
5. If you had to get a tattoo, where and what would it be?
I haven't ever gotten one because there isn't anything that I know I would want on my body for the rest of my life. But if I did get one, I would get it either on the back of my neck or in the middle of my lower back/upper butt (for balance it would have to be right in the middle of my body or it would annoy me). And what would it be? Right now I would choose a symbol that means 'love' or 'life' or something along those lines (but I would want it to be some ancient language or just something else besides the currently-so-popular chinese symbols). Or the letters J, E and M for James, Emma and Muffin. And then I would add the initials of my children someday. But then I'd also have to add the initials of all my future animals that I love so much so the tattoo would get kind of big after awhile.
6. If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
Oh my gosh, how could I choose?! I would love to be able to speak soooooo many languages! I'd love to speak French because it's so beautiful and sensual. And German because it's different and has silly sounds and because many of my ancestors came from Germany. And Italian because it's so cool and sexy-sounding! And Arabic or Persian because of course that part of the world is very much in our minds now-a-days. But if I had to choose one language, today at least I would choose Spanish - because so many people in this city speak it, and also so many people all over the world speak it - Spain of course, but also all of Central America and all countries in South America except Brazil. I've been thinking about this for the past couple weeks and I'm thinking of taking Spanish classes - it's the language I know most despite the fact that I haven't studied it since high school and have since taken French and German. I loved it in high school and I think I could pick it up again pretty easily.
7. Do you know your neighbors?
I've met one person from each of the two apartments on the floor above me, when we were coming into the building at the same time. But I wouldn't say I "know" them.
8. What do you consider a vacation?
Flying somewhere where no one I know lives (that would be a visit as opposed to a vacation then), staying in a hotel or hotels, and relaxing and exploring. It has been a very very long time since I have been on a vacation.
9. Do you follow your horoscope?
I wouldn't say I follow my horoscope, but I sometimes read it. But the fact that every newspaper in the country has someone who writes horoscopes and they're all different makes me not trust the daily ones. However, I do believe there's something to astrology, and I find the sun signs, rising signs, and true readings to be so interesting. I still haven't gotten a reading done ever, but I swear that I will someday soon.
10. Would you move for the person you loved?
I would, but only after much, much thought and talking. And it would be really hard to leave everyone and everything I know. However, I would do it for real love.
11. Are you touchy feely?
I am with a man who I love. I'm very touchy-feely then and love affection and holding hands and little kisses and touching and hugs and all that, and I want to be touching and/or close a lot. But I don't like it until I'm ready for it. If a guy starts trying to be touchy-feely before I develop feelings then it's instant "ick" for me and I want to get away as soon as possible.
12. Do you believe that opposites attract?
Of course! It doesn't mean there's a future there, but of course opposites attract! That's why I'm sometimes attracted to the bad-boy, tattooed, dress-in-black type of guy!
13. Dream job?
I have no idea. Right now, I think what makes a job good or bad is the people who you work with, so I'd want to work with people who I love. And I'd want there to be lots of laughs and fun. (Both of those things I have at my current job.) And then I don't know. I need there to be some kind of structure, i.e. I could never work at home or I wouldn't get up until 3 in the afternoon and wouldn't get anything done. I would maybe like to be more creative, that might be a better job. I kind of think my dream job would be working part-time at a job that I love, with people who I love, and being a mom the other half of the time.
14. Favorite channels?
I don't have favorite channels, just favorite shows.
15. Favorite place to go on a weekend?
I don't have a favorite place. I like just being here and doing different things.
16. Showers or bath?
Showers. Every once in awhile I'll take a bath but it's a lot of work to get a bath ready. And I just love hot showers, and I love the feel of the water spraying down on me!
17. Do you paint your nails?
Just my toenails. Every once in awhile I'll paint my nails, but only clear or barely-there color.
18. Do you trust people easily?
I usually think I do, or rather, I used to think I always trusted everyone. And it's true that anyone who I know, or who I meet through others or through work or...hmmm, well many people I will trust and automatically think they are good people. But I've just realized that more and more I don't trust people and am more suspicious. I don't know when that happened. Or exactly how or why. Hmmm.
19. What are your phobias?
Spiders, extreme darkness when alone, being buried alive (that's not really a phobia I know, but it's probably the worst thing I could possibly imagine).
20. Do you want kids?
21. Do you keep a handwritten journal?
No. That's why I started this blog, so it's my journal. And I have a private blog for whenever I need to write things that I can't write here. But from age 10 until 17, I wrote in a diary every single night - often pages and pages per night. I have them here now and look at them every once in awhile to see how crazy I use to be - and I was truly an insane teenager! By the way, my first entry in my first diary was on my 10th birthday, and I was so excited because my mom told me she would take me to get a training bra - I was so so so excited! I couldn't wait to have sexy boobs!!!
22. Where would you rather be right now?
I think I'm pretty happy right where I am. Of course, I'd also love to be walking around Venice with a guy, or sitting in a little cafe in Paris with a guy, or sipping a coffee in Vienna with a guy, or swimming in the Mediterranean near Barcelona, or on a little rented boat in the waters around Capri, or walking through the hills and vineyards in Tuscany, or (I could go on and on here).
23. What makes you feel warm and safe?
Different things at different times. Sometimes being home with my parents, sometimes being held close by a guy who I love, sometimes just laying under a blanket on my couch at night, with James and Emma right by me.
24. Heavy or light sleep?
Extremely heavy sleeper. Sometimes I worry that I wouldn't wake up if someone was trying to break in or if there was a fire in my place. I really don't think I would and it scares me a little, so I really hope that nothing bad ever happens here at night.
25. Are you paranoid?
No, not paranoid. Of course, I worry sometimes more than others. And okay, sometimes I'm paranoid about having cancer.
26. Are you impatient?
I don't think I'm usually impatient at all. And if I feel myself getting a little stressed, I usually take a deep breath and remind myself that It Is What It Is, and I relax.
27. Who can you relate to?
So many people. We're all here on earth and many of us experience very similar things sometime in our lives, so I can usually find something to relate to in every person that I know. And having this little blog has been the most amazing thing about the last year, because I find so many people who I can relate to and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside!
28. How do you feel about interracial couples?
Just the same as I feel about any couple.
29. Have you been burned by love?
Of course. But who hasn't. I'll say though that I haven't been burned as many time as others, but that's because I haven't been in love many times, or haven't let myself be.
30. What's your life motto?
I have about a hundred quotes that I've typed out in different fonts and boxed, and they are in four 8x10 frames and hung in my bathroom. I re-read some of them every time I'm in the bathroom. I think they all help to remind me to live every day, to love easily and often, to find joy in everything around me, to stop and be aware of what's around me, and to keep trying to be the best person that I can be and keep growing and learning. So I guess all of that would be my life motto, said in many different ways!
31. What's your main ringtone on your mobile?
Just a normal ring, and the least annoying one that my phone has.
32. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Reading the 6th Harry Potter novel.
33. Who was your last text message from?
From French Mix back in June - I'm not a big text messager and most of my friends aren't either.
34. Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
My own wonderfully comfy bed - I still love getting in bed every night and feeling how fabulously comfortable this new mattress of mine is!!!
35. What color shirt are you wearing?
A turquoise tank top.
36. Most recent movie you watched?
I ordered the 4th Harry Potter movie last night from OnDemand. Yes, I'm currently on a Harry Potter kick!
37. Name five things you have on you at all times?
Cell phone, chapstick, debit card, bus/train card, camera, keys (yes, it's six, I know).
38. What color are your bed sheets?
39. How much cash do you have on you right now?
$17 plus change.
40. What is your favorite part of the chicken?
The dark meat.
41. What is your favorite town/city?
Well this is a terribly hard question! I guess Chicago is my favorite as I live here and I love so so so many things about it. But I also love all those wonderfully fabulous cities all over Europe! And my two favorites there were Venice and Paris.
42. I can't wait till...
Well, I can wait because I don't want to rush life. But I look forward to falling in love, to buying my own place, to getting married, to having children, to my next vacation to Europe. And I also look forward to tomorrow, and to every single day. But I love today, because I'm sitting in my apartment, the temperature is just perfect, I have nothing to do, James and Emma are with me, and I'm very content.
43. Who got you to join Blogger?
Violet and FireCracker
44. What did you have for dinner last night?
Cheerios and chocolate chip cookies - I know, I'm so healthy.
45. How tall are you barefoot?
46. Have you ever smoked crack?
No, and I've never seen it except for on TV.
47. Do you own a gun?
No way! I'd be too afraid that I would accidentally shoot someone - I'd be mostly asleep and having a half awake bad dream. I don't know who I would shoot since I'm the only one here, but just the idea of a gun in my house terrifies me.
48. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
49. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
Just being fabulous me! :)
50. Do you have A.D.D?
51. What time did you wake up today?
9:30 - I love weekends!
52. Current worry?
How to fall in love with someone else.
53. Current hate?
I don't have one. It takes too much effort and there's too much negativity in hate.
54. Favorite place to be?
I don't have a favorite. I love being whereever I'm having fun, whereever I'm with people who I like and/or love, whereever I'm seeing beauty and feeling joy and peace - which can be anywhere.
55. Where would you like to travel?
Oh my gosh, where do I start?! England, France, Scotland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Romania, Estonia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Dubai, South Africa, Kenya, Morocco, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Pacific Islands, New Zealand, Australia, Quebec. That's not a complete list.
56. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years?
I hope that I'll be married and in love with my husband, and we'll have one or two children, and that I'll be writing a book or have written a book, that I'll have learned so much more and be in a very good place, that I'll find joy in every day, that my husband and I will go on little mini-vacations together and that our whole family will go on vacations together, and I hope that I'll be a very good mother. And I hope that I have fun hobbies and that each day has some excitment.
It's kind of hard to think about 10 years from now because I don't know exactly what I want, or how I want to be. It goes back to the quote from Paulo Coelho in my sidebar, that part of me wants to be experiencing adventure and passion, and the other part wants the family life. I want to try to figure out how to have the family life but at the same time not live the average American family life.
57. Last thing you ate?
Cheerios and coffee this morning when I got up.
58. What songs do you sing in the shower?
I don't sing in the shower, I'm quiet and I think and feel.
59. Last person that made you laugh?
I'm sure it was The German because he's the only person who I've spoken with since I left work on Friday. I'm having a very quiet and antisocial weekend. I small part of me is pissed off at myself because it's summer and the weather has been perfect, but the rest of me knows that I need this - I just don't feel like talking to anyone or doing much of anything.
60. Worst injury you ever had?
I haven't had many injuries in my life - really hardly any. I sprained my ankle once in grade school. And the only other one that I can think of, which would be the worst then, was getting some glass in my hand and having to get stitches - this was before my senior year in high school when my then-boyfriend's pickup truck flipped after a drunk driver had crashed into a pole and the power wires fell in front of our truck. I put my hand up as we flipped and his sunroof broke. Both of us were amazingly fine.
61. Does someone have a crush on you?
62. What is your favorite candy?
Hmmm, dark chocolate definitely. But I usually think of chocolate as just chocolate and separate from candy. So favorite candy would be either Starburst or Smarties.
63. Favorite errogenous zone?
Besides the obvious ones, I love love love being kissed on my neck and earlobes, and I love a wonderfully teasing touch on my inner thighs - so so so close and oh it makes me hot!