Fun baseball game and Pictures!
I went to the game tonight and I feel much better and had a good time. I'm pretty hurt by The German though. I have some thinking to do. Apparently he started feeling bad during the afternoon because first I received the following email:
I feel bad for not going with you, Tigress. My whole day is bad. And you are not going online! Are you even at work? Don’t be upset, please, I only feel worse then.
And then he called a couple hours after sending that but I didn't answer. He left a semi-worried-sounding message. But enough about him, I've spent way too much time talking about it already over the past 24 hours.
So anyway, I rode on the train down to the game with The Queen, who was meeting his wife and his wife's sister and her husband. Then I met up with The Bold One and her friend The Man - oh and it was raining at this time, and started absolutely pouring soon after that. We found a wonderful little alcove to stand under because we had just gotten our tickets so weren't even in the park yet. When the rain slowed a little we made it inside but it kept raining for a good amount of time so the game was delayed and we stayed under cover along with the other thousands of fans - so it was quite humid and very hot under there! But we chatted and had hot dogs and eventually the rain stopped and the game got started, and I have to admit that it was pretty exciting having the Sox playing the Yankees! All three of us got into the spirit when the game started!
Anyway, the three of us chatted a lot and watched the game from a pretty cool vantage point and I took pictures and we eventually went to our seats and chatted with our South-Side friends who are all just the nicest people. And then after 10 p.m. it was still the fourth inning but we decided to leave because we knew we'd get home so late. The Bold One and The Man had parked in Bridgeport so we walked quite a ways which was so cool because I got to see some of Bridgeport and I'd never been through there before! Then they drove me to a train stop downtown and I got home just before midnight. I'm so sleepy!
I'll share a few pictures from tonight! And then I'm off to bed because I can barely keep my eyes open!

Very full house there to watch the Sox play the Yankees!

A next generation White Sox fan! :)

Winding up for the pitch.

The beer man in the stands.

When we entered the gates of the park, they gave out White Sox towels to everyone, and it was very popular to wave said towels around when cheering, which made for the stands looking really cool sometimes! I LOVE how this guy's towel got captured in this picture!

A close-up of the white towel in action - it looks like it has feathers or fur to me!
The (I think) viaduct bridge or whatever this thing is used for which kind of separates Sox park from the residences of Bridgeport - I just loved all the detail from the screws and various steel pieces to the water stains on the walls, and I adored the so-cool lighting!