Flower Pictures
Last night I had a little flash of inspiration. A few weeks ago I bought all these fabulous large frames from Pottery Barn that hold 8x10 photos and I've been trying to figure out exactly which pictures to put in them, and how to bring it all together. Two of the pictures I've made into 8x10s already are of flowers. And I have a third 8x10 flower picture that I just love which usually is framed in my bathroom in the middle of all my quotes - but I need the extra frame anyway for a new sheet with quotes on it, so I'll just move that one to a PB frame. And I haven't yet laid the frames out or held them up, but I'm thinking of going high to take advantage of my high ceilings, and putting nine pictures over my couch in three rows of three. That's the plan! And because I have three perfect flower pictures already, I decided to go with the flower theme. And I want color in this room, so that will just add more! And there are always flowers to take photos of, so I can easily change out different photos throughout the year! A genius idea!!! :)
So I started taking flower pictures today, and I loved doing it because all the flowers are just so pretty! And I also just adore taking cool photos with a very small depth of field, and that's perfect for flower photos. So I'm posting a number of fun flower pictures from my first outing, so I can share the colors and share the detail of the flowers, and of course also because flowers are sweet and make me happy!!! :)
And I'm also posting them because I'm tired again tonight and don't feel like writing too much. But today was a very good day and I was so happy to have The Meat back at work, and I loved hearing him talk about his trip and his sons, and he was light and happy and that made me so happy to see!
Oh and this morning my mom let me know of something she found last night in her geneology research and it was quite shocking and also very disturbing to me, although my parents were gleeful over me being disturbed by it and everyone at work agreed that it was quite funny - but I'm going to wait until at least tomorrow to write about it because my mom is doing more research tonight and I want to be able to fully explain the relationship and whatnot.
Okay, enjoy the pretty flowers!!! [I'm trying to adjust the code for the pictures so each one can be blown up to its full size and in the process of doing this some of my captions have turned blue and been underlined as if there's a link there - I don't know why it's doing this but I'm not a code expert so I'm just leaving it - but so there aren't any links there. And it keeps telling me that a tag isn't closed and motherfucker, I've looked at it fifty times now and it so IS closed!][Second note: Okay well I made all the code for each picture look the same (except of course for the image name) but only two pictures will blow up to their original size. I don't know why the fuck certain pictures will do this and others won't. And it pisses me off just a bit! But I accept it and won't worry anymore now, It Is What It Is! :) ]

I just LOVE how the top background of this picture looks almost painted - so cool!

Breakfast for the bee

The coolest bright red-pink flower, and I love its contrast to the blurry background.

The little individual flowers are always so perfect on these flowers/plants, and I just love the blue color since we hardly ever see blue flowers!

This is the flower's morning stretch before opening for the sunshine! :) (And again the super-cool painted-like background!)

I thought of CeeCi when I took pictures of these flowers!

Christmas colors in summer

I love the pristine brand new baby petals that are opening, they look so soft and silky and so perfect.