Gratitude Tuesday - the C's!
I can't begin to say how much I love doing these Gratitude Tuesday lists. I love that it gives me real perspective because I stop and think about all the wonderful things that are in my life and my world. I also have found myself throughout the week noticing little things that I'm grateful for and trying to make a mental note to remember those things for when their letter is up. It's such a wonderful feeling!
Here are all the many things that begin with the letter 'C' for which I'm so grateful for:
Cats - I love all the big cats, especially lions and tigers, but most of all I love my little babies James and Emma who are my sweet angels of happiness! I love everything about them, from the different mews they have to how excited they get when I come home after work to our cuddling to their little expressions so so much, they make me so happy! And I also love my parent's two cats, and Florida and Asparagus's two cats Millie and Simon! And all other pet cats that I meet, and even non-pets because the little stray cats who come to TIC's door for food are so cute and adorable and I just want to grab them and kiss them and give them a home. I love cats, and am so grateful that they are in the world and in my life.
Caring - I love the caring of my family and friends, and I love my own ability to care so strongly about so many people and so many things. It's a wonderful, wonderful ability to be able to truly care.
Chocolate - what more is there to say, it's chocolate - enough said!!
Cake - I just love a good piece of cake! Okay, ten pieces! The best is chocolate cake, of course - the combo of two great "C" things!
Cable - okay I know I shouldn't watch so much TV, but I'd be lying if I didn't include cable in the list of things that I'm grateful for.
Coffee - I am so grateful for coffee as a lovely morning, afternoon and sometimes evening drink. It relaxes me psychologically. It's like a warm little blanket. I have to admit that it's kind of taken the place of alcohol a little for me - in that it's warm, cozy and makes me feel good.
Cheese - yuuuuuuuummmmm!! Especially brie! Oh and manchego, too! And so many others! And there are still so many that I haven't tried!
Cameras - I am rarely without my camera, I love taking pictures, I love photography, I love looking at other people's pictures, I love capturing wonderful images, I just love it, love it, love it!
Christmas - such an amazing time of the year, filled with family, love, hope, and anticipation. I'm so grateful for the whole Christmas season.
CeeCi - I'm so grateful for having just a week ago discovered CeeCi's blog! I love the person who she is, and I love how similiar we are, and I also love that she started Gratitude Tuesday!
Cards - I love receiving meanful and wonderful cards from people who I love.
Change - I'm so grateful for the ability to change almost anything - to learn and grow and improve always.
Character - I'm so grateful for my character.
Chicago - I'm so grateful for this wonderful city in which I live, and for all it offers.
Children - sometimes seeing their joy and innocence gives me so many smiles of my own.
Choices and the ability to Choose - I know that many people in the world don't have the ability to make so many choices regarding their lives. I am so grateful that I have the ability and opportunity to choose to do almost anything.
Cinnamon, Chives, Cloves - hmmm, what other wonderful things that make food taste so good begin with C?
Clitoris - I'm very grateful for having one! It gives such joy!
Cocks - how could I NOT include this?!
Clothes - they're so fun! and so pretty! I don't shop for clothes very much at all due mostly to lack of money to do so, but I still love all the pretty clothes out there and am grateful for all my own nice clothes.
Colors - CeeCi has been talking about the power colors recently, and I fully agree! I first of all am grateful that we have so many gorgeous colors in our world, and second am grateful for the ability to influence our moods using colors. (And I'm also copying CeeCi by listing each of these things I'm grateful for in different colors, which is so fun!)
Comfort - I'm so grateful for all the comforts I have in my life, from my bed and very comfortable apartment to comfortable shoes and clothes to the comfort of a full stomach because I have enough to eat.
Companionship - I'm so grateful that I'm not alone, and that I have the companionship of friends, family, work friends, and my kittens.
Compliments - I love compliments from people who I know and also compliments from strangers. I even love semi-smarmy compliments from strangers on the street - sometimes they can make my whole day when I'm feeling down!
Computers - what did people do before computers and the internet?! I'm so grateful for my computer and for computers in general, and for all we can do with them.
Conditioner - to make my hair soft!
Conscious - I'm so grateful for being conscious in life - from the dictionary, "1) having a feeling or knowledge (of one's own sensations, feelings, etc. or of external things); knowing or feeling (that something is or was happening or existing); aware; cognizant 2) able to feel and think; in the normal waking state..." I love all these words, but I think I like the word "aware" best - oh and also "feel".
Control - I'm very grateful that I have control over my own life, decisions and choices.
Credit - yes, credit cards have gotten me into trouble in the past, but I'm still grateful for credit. I'm grateful for it right now because it allowed me to get a few of the things in my apartment, like my carpets, before I actually had the cash to buy them.
Crying - crying is an emotional expression that I love - it shows that I have feelings, and it also really helps relieve stress sometimes so I'm grateful for the ability to cry, and that I do cry.
Last week I took seven rolls of film into the camera store to be developed. Six of them were black and white rolls, and I think four of those rolls were from seven years ago when I was studying abroad in Europe. I had been told by my photography teachers in college to never let stores process and develop your black and white film because they fuck it all up and you won't be able to do nice enlargements afterward. So as a result of this idea being enforced in my head, I have just been carting these rolls of film around with me, thinking that one day I'll go to a darkroom and develop it myself. I finally acknowledged to myself that this will never happen. So I took the film in.
The four rolls from Europe had to be sent away to be developed so I should have them back sometime this week. Yesterday I picked up the three other rolls. They were all from two or three years ago, and within the prints were a few wonderful pictures! I had the pictures put on CD as well, so I'll share two now - and the subject matter is by far the cutest subject matter possible!!! :)