My Day and Pictures of the Newly Painted Dining Room!
I had the hardest time getting up this morning and soon after I woke and started getting ready another terrible headache set in so it took me quite awhile to really get going. Before I was mostly joking about my worry that I have a tumor in my brain, but with each passing headache I get more and more worried for real!
After work I went to my old neighborhood to get a mystic tan and stopped first in Borders (I almost made it past but decided to just pop in and browse through the home decorating magazines) where I ended up purchasing five of said home decorating/color/design magazines (there are so so so many good ones out now and I love getting new ideas!) and also a book that I had been meaning to read for awhile now. Then I stopped in PetSmart and got the babies some food and also a 20 lb. container of litter which before tonight they were almost completely out of.
The German called sometime in there and reported that there wasn't a lick of wind on the lake so wondered if he could come by tonight and hang some stuff that I needed help with and I said okay. So then I got my Mystic Tan and then lugged the heavy cat litter and my bags to the bus stop and waited for forever for the bus to come - and my feet were really hurting in their sexy little heels by that time, too.
The German got to my place just after I arrived and had picked up hot dogs for us on the way from a little place by the train - the hot dogs from this place are just about the best tasting hot dogs ever imaginable! I love them completely! After we ate he unpacked his container of drill bits and hung up two new little antique-y looking wall flower holders that I bought recently. And they look so pretty! I just need to get some pretty little fake flowers to put in them now! We also tried to hang up my new decorative mirror but found that same hard stuff behind the wall that a normal nail won't go through - I can't remember what it is behind there - it's plaster on the walls and I think it might be brick or some masonry or something behind.
Anyway though, I didn't have any more drill/screw things or whatever the hell they're called, but The German told me that there are special nails that will go through this masonry stuff so tomorrow night I'll stop at Sears and stock up on those kinds of nails and also some screws and other things

Before he left, The German gave me the library book Dragged Aboard that he had taken out - he read it over the past few days so he left it for me to read now. He said it's a very good book. I'll see, but I can't believe he read it so fast - it seems pretty long to me because it has such little type. And I imagine that the material will be quite dry and very possibly boring. I'll read a couple of the chapters that sound more interesting to me and see what I think.
Okay, here are progression pictures of my dining room:

A before shot - with the fun blue painting tape up and ready to go for me.

I finished my first wall - I swear it looks good now, the paint was just all wet there!

I was over half done here (oh and the wine bottle on the table, just in case anyone notices and wonders, was opened and consumed over a year ago - but I loved the bottle and all the red painted flowers on it so I kept it for decorative purposes.)

The next morning, it looks so so so nice!

I took the tape off tonight and it looks just fabulous!

My kitchen was pretty messy here but I can't do the dishes until tomorrow because of my mystic tan so I put in a non-flash picture to show the rest of my paint job :) Soon I'll show a better picture - when my kitchen is clean - and it will show the wonderful blue along with the little red accents all over the kitchen - they look good together! And tomorrow when I get my cool super-strong nails I'll be able to hang up all my pictures in the dining room so it will look even that much more like a complete home then!
I'm off to bed now. I hope the pictures were able to show it looking nice - it's a little hard to get good pictures when 1) having to use flash for most of them (which sometimes distorts color) and 2) trying to not show the clutter on the table and in the kitchen! :)