Happy Birthday to Me!!! :)
That's all I have time for right now. Yesterday I had an early birthday day with Florida and Asparagus - we went up to The Meat's cottage and had just the absolute BEST day up there!!! We went out on the paddleboat and were in hysterics when it took us 10 minutes just to get out from between two docks (although in our defense, the rudder was all fucked up), we chatted a lot with The Meat, we enjoyed the perfect relaxation and quiet and sounds of birds and bugs and water, we fished a lot and caught a bunch of small fish and two huge and ugly catfish, and we went to dinner. I'll post some pictures tonight! But it was just the most perfect day, so perfect and so wonderful and I'm happy just thinking about it! And I'm sleepy this morning but I got up when my mom called me (although I'm moving reeeeeeeeally slow).
Tonight The German is coming over and he's going to take me to dinner and help me hang up some pictures. And right now I'm thinking that I might nap between the time when I get home this evening and when he gets here, because I'm soooooooo sleepy!
Oh, and it's supposed to be 100 degrees today and feel more like 110 because of the humidity. Ugh, that's terrible!!!
I have to get myself moving so I can not get to work too late!!!