End of birthday post
Each of us is many women, and each stage of life offers the potential for discovering new freedom, new growth, and new pleasures. - Penelope Washbourn, scholar and writer
I had a wonderful and fabulous birthday today!!!! I received wonderful emails and e-cards and even an e-movie from so many people, and I talked to my mom, my brother, Tivo, JWu, Florida, and everyone from work, and I got voicemail messages from my dad and The Bold One, and The Meat, The Queen, TIC and S took me out to lunch at our favorite Thai place, and I spent a wonderful and fabulous night tonight with The German, who just left a bit ago. I told him I would have made him spend the night if I had AC in my bedroom and he said he would have - but it's so incredibly hot and muggy outside and in my bedroom as well, so tonight is the first night that I'm going to be sleeping on my couch to be in the AC.
The German came tonight bearing gifts from an enchanting little shop in Lincoln Square that we had looked around in. He gave me a little cat alarm clock that makes very loud mewing sounds over and over when it goes off. James and Emma find it fascinating and came looking for where the sound is coming from when we were making it go off - so cute! And he got me a coffee mug that says "cool" and has a picture of a cat in sunglasses on it, so "cool cat"! And he got me a keyring Bush's Last Day counter-downer - it's so great and we had loved them when we saw them before - it keeps count of the days, hours, minutes, seconds and tenth of a second left until 1/20/09 when he'll be out! I can't wait to show my parents, who are republicans!!! And he also got me a very nice dinner tray with slots to put pictures in it, because he knows how much I love my pictures and putting up pictures of my babies and family and all my friends!
And then he gave me a card that says "Happy Birthday Tiger" on the front (he calls me Tigress) and he wrote some stuff in it and ended it with "All the love of the schwein is yours! Happy Birthday, Tigress!" and then he filled in the little space left with a bunch of hearts and X's - how sweet is that!!!! I love it!!!! (Oh and he calls himself the schwein, so that's him of course who he's referring to.)
After I opened all my presents, we left to go to dinner and we held hands the whole way even though it was scorchingly hot. We went to a little Italian restaurant and had the best bruschetta and then got two thin-crust individual pizzas that were so so good! But we saved room because he was taking me to Cold Stone Creamery after dinner for birthday ice cream - and I ordered us a chocolate ice cream with brownies, chocolate chips and chocolate fudge - so so so yummy!!! Then we walked back here and spent an hour laying on the couch cuddling and playing with the babies. It was such a wonderful night!!!
And here's the part that I'm a little confused by, and I didn't ask him to clarify. At least two times, when I was talking about my parents being here, he said "we'll have to [do something or show them something]." What's up with that? He met my parents about exactly three years ago when we were dating but since we broke up back then, he's never seen them when they've been in town. So I don't know if he was just saying that, or if he wants to come with us, or what he means by it. I didn't press it and ask him because I didn't want to get sad if he said he wasn't going to come out because I know he'd expound on the "reason" and it would put a little black spot on my birthday.
But so anyway, it was a wonderful birthday!!! And I'm happy and so content right now!!! I love life and I love my family and friends all so incredibly much!!! And I love my blog friends so so much, too!!!
Okay, it's after midnight. I feel like I really need a night of serious good sleep because I was tired all day today, and on the train in the morning I was sleeping the whole way - but the sleep where I'm trying so hard to stay awake but it's impossible and my head jerks now and then, and when the train would shift suddenly I'd jerk up and be afraid that I was going to fall out of my seat but was too tired to fully wake up. It was terrible.
But anyway, tonight isn't going to be that night of a really long and good sleep, since it's so late already. Tomorrow night I absolutely need to do some painting. I'm determined to get the two little areas done: the bathroom and the little part of the hallway. Both should be relatively quick. And that leaves my bedroom for Wednesday night. I really really really hope that the cool-down comes on Wednesday night, because I heard that on Thursday it's only supposed to be 82 degrees - how perfect!
I also need to vacuum the entire place, and for some reason I just never get that motherfucking vacuum out even though after I vacuum I'm always amazed at what a difference it makes and promise myself that I'll vacuum every week. And I also need to do my dishes because they are all dirty, but it's so hot back in my kitchen that I can't bear to stay back there and do all the washing. And I also need to do some laundry, and clean and straighten up my bedroom. And get a few things from the grocery store. All that needs to be done by Friday morning so my place will look perfect for when my parents arrive on Friday in the early afternoon. What that means is that I'll be a little busy for the whole week, and not get a very long sleep any night.
I'm so tired. My eyes are starting to close between each sentence that I write. I'm again not going to edit this and just post it. Tomorrow I'll get my Gratitude Tuesday F-words (haha!) up in the afternoon or evening - I love the Gratitude Tuesdays sooooooooo much, so I'm looking forward to sitting down and really thinking about what makes me so grateful for each word.
Thank you so much to everyone who commented and sent emails and e-cards!!! I absolutely, positively and fabulously adored them all!!! It made me feel so wonderful and special!!!