Some Serious Horniness and Gratitude Tuesday - the "J"s

Photo by Jody Schiesser (who is just amazing!!! And who I found thanks to Paula, who always finds such cool pictures!)
Fall was in the air today, and it had SUCH an effect on me! When I was walking home from the train tonight I kept breathing in deeply because I just loved the smell of the crisper air and the freshness and the feeling and smell of life in the air!! It was so wonderful! And all day at work, even though I didn't go outside because it was raining, I could just feel a difference, an extra crispness to the air in the building (and I usually don't like it being cold in my office at all but today I relished it and let the cool air happily flow all over my skin).
The biggest effect that all this had was to make me incredibly horny - I'm talking tingles all over my skin, feeling like a tiger was inside me wanting to come out, such an incredible hunger for passion and wanting to be taken and (grunting noise). I still feel it but thankfully for right now it's faded just a bit, helped along by some porn and a vibrator (and I absolutely must remember to be grateful for vibrators when the letter V comes around)!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... On that note (because I can't think of much more to say and my mind is a little preoccupied with reliving all my fabulous thoughts) I'll go right into Gratitude Tuesday, which I'm doing on time this week - yay me!!!!! (Partly because there aren't so many J words so it was an easier week by far!) And this week we're up to the letter "J" and all the things I'm grateful for that begin with the letter J! So here we go:
James - my sweet little baby James!! I am so so so grateful for him (and his little sister Emma, but today is James's day)! My sweet James has such a little personality, and can be so intense, whether it's wanting his love, his food, or his attention and play. He's also very vocal, which makes me laugh so much!! Most of his mews are close-mouthed and just sounds made in the back of his throat, but he can also be a very very very loud mewer when he's hyper and when I ask him, "do you want kitten food?" :) So so cute!!! And so wonderful that I know his mews and what he wants based on the different sounds! Every night when I sit here typing my blog on my couch, he eventually jumps up with me and falls asleep on the opposite pillow - of course, only after I rub his cheeks and give him a little bellyrub! And he likes to spoon with me when I'm laying in bed - either when I first get in bed at night, during the middle of the night if he's able to wake me (by pawing my nose), or in the morning. He comes over all intense and I brush his cheeks with my hand, and then he makes a little circle and cuddles like glue into my side and then flips on his back so I can rub his little belly. And many times he also keeps stretching out his little front legs and doing the Happy Kitty Paw Spread, and I put a finger under each paw as he stretches it out and then he curles back and holds my finger for a few seconds. I could go on for so long, but I just so much love his little habits, his intensity, his outgoing personality, our little times together, and our cuddling. He's so amazing and so incredibly cute, too!! And I just absolutely adore him, and he makes my life so so so so so much richer and filled with love and silliness!!
Joy - from the dictionary: "a very glad feeling; happiness; great pleasure; delight." I really started taking notice of the importance of joy back in college. I can't remember which class it was in or which teacher said this, but he or she said that we're always so preoccupied with the idea of finding happiness - but happiness is just a state to be in, whereas what we should be looking at finding is joy - because that's an emotion and an experience. Well, the explanation was something along those lines. :) I see happiness as more of a "to be" thing, whereas joy is a "to feel" thing. And I like feeling! So ever since that class, I try to distinguish, at least in my mind, between the two. And I am so so so so so so grateful for all the feelings of joy that I get every day and every week! I just LOVE feeling that great pleasure and delight!!! And the word "joy" is just so great, too - I use it or hear it used and instantly it has an effect on my mood! It's just all around wonderful!!!
Jeans - I'm so grateful for jeans, because they are so comfortable, so stylish, so relaxed, so perfect for almost every situation. I don't own many pairs of jeans because there are just so many to choose from - so many colors, so many cuts, so many waists, so many materials, so many makers of jeans - and it's sometimes so hard to find that perfect pair (and I very rarely actually go out to try on tons of jeans). But I oh so love the jeans I do have! I feel much more myself when I'm walking around outside in jeans than in anything else at all. I'm so so so grateful to whoever created this wonderful material!
Jackets - now that fall is coming, I get so excited about being able to wear a light jacket outside. I just love wearing a jacket! And for winter, I am sooooooooooo grateful for jackets (and coats - I use the terms interchangeably) to keep me warm and toasty!
Jokes and Joking and Jolliness - I am never one who can come up with jokes myself, but I so love to laugh so I love love love hearing jokes of all kinds or just any kind of joking that brings a smile to my face and to those around me - laughing brings people together and is so good for the soul! And I saw the word "Jolly" in the dictionary and wondered why I don't use that word more because it's just such a silly and happy word! So I'm adding it to my regular vocabulary - I feel jolly now!! :)
Juice - I usually just drink water, coffee and sometimes tea, and that's pretty much it. But when I want something different, there are so many wonderful juices to drink! I always love cranberry juice, and my most common juice to buy is blueberry juice. Oh and orange juice - so good for you! And apple juice is tasty, too. And so so so many other wonderfully tasty drinks! Oh - and switch around about 180 degrees: I also like to be juicy!
Journaling - it's so so good and healthy to write things out and get your thoughts organized, and it's also interesting and fun to look back - I know I sometimes break out my old journals from my teenage years and am absolutely amazed at what I used to be like! I'm also so grateful for the opportunity to be able to keep a journal online, and it has really opened and changed my life, and allowed me to interact with so many wonderful and fabulous and very special people who I otherwise would never have met. It's all so amazing and makes me so happy! I'm getting all sentimental now and wanting to hug everyone out there!
I'm grateful also for two very fun and very useful phrases in French: joie de vivre and je ne sais quoi - I love them because they're French, and they sound so cool, and they also perfectly express what I want to say because they're so well-known and understood!
Janitors - I'm very very grateful to all the men and women who work as janitors. It's not generally a highly regarded job, and can I'm sure be very gross sometimes, but they really do provide an absolutely invaluable service. Can you imagine if offices and stores and bathrooms and such were never really thoroughly cleaned?!
Jeeps - my first car, which I had for year, was a Honda Civic. But it was one of those with a really ugly flat hatchback (I was just so happy to be getting a car and was so afraid that if I told my dad I didn't like it he'd get mad and not take me out to get me a car at all). A year after I got my license and the Honda, I was in a car accident with my high school boyfriend and his truck flipped. After that, the idea of being in a small car with no headroom terrified me, and so my mom decided to let me get a new car and she gave me some extra money to use because of a scholarship that I was going to be getting in college. So I got a six-month old shiny red Jeep that came with both the hard and soft tops (and it was a great deal because the girl had to sell it quickly when she didn't get the job she was hoping for). I drove the Jeep for my last year of high school and all through college and then had my mom sell it when I moved to Chicago and it paid for my study abroad during my first summer in law school. I still have such fond memories of that wonderful Jeep! It was so fun to drive! And so cool! And I'm a little sad that I'll probably never have such a fun and wild car again. Well, maybe I will get another one someday! :)
Jumping - I can't exactly jump well or high at all, which isn't so surprising. But I still love that we have the ability to jump! And I really really love the very rare opportunities when I get to jump on a trampoline, because those things are so so so so so so so so fun!!!!!
Jails - I have a lot of issues with how our criminal system is run, with how drug possession is punished so harshly, with the death penalty, and with the complete lack of any kind of rehabilitation for prisoners. However, all that being said, I'm still very grateful that we have a criminal system and that we have a place to lock up the very bad and dangerous people in our society.
Jaw - yes, this is a bit of an odd one, but have you ever seen people who have their jaws wired shut?! Our jaws come in very very handy in letting us open our mouths to eat, talk, and smile, among other things. So I am very grateful that my jaw works well and is all in good working order!
Jingles - while these can sometimes be so annoying because they get stuck in our heads, and some jingles in commercials are really terrible, I'm still grateful for the whole idea of the jingle - a catchy little tune that we remember well. I'm sure that many things could potentially qualify as jingles besides annoying commerical songs. So I'm grateful for all those other things!
Java - yes, I already listed coffee in my list of C words, but I really really love drinking coffee - it's so relaxing and so tasty - so I'm listing it again under another name! I'm so tricky!! :)
Jewels - let me first say that I'm not a jewelry girl at all. I don't wear much jewelry, I don't own any expensive or real jewelry, and I don't plan to ever own much more than my wedding and engagement rings and maybe a simple necklace with some kind of diamond charm. But I still love looking at all the sparkly and colorful jewels when I'm at department stores! I just love their different colors and how beautiful they are! So because they brighten my day and beautify the world a little, I am very grateful for them!
July - it's not my favorite month or even my favorite time of year, but I've always loved July just because I was born then. I always thought the word was so pretty and so perfect!
Joining - I love being part of a group, and I still feel special when I am a part of one - which all goes back to I think third and fourth grade when I was the extremely shy little girl who never said a word, had no athletic ability, was the little smart one, and had only about one friend in my entire class. So I love being included now, I love feeling like a member, I love joining in - and I really don't think I ever completely take those feeling and experiences for granted just because I remember so well what it feels like to not belong.
Journeys - from the dictionary: "1) a trip; 2) any course or passage from one stage or experience to another." Life is a journey, each year is a journey, a day itself can even be a journey, a relationship is a journey, a friendship is a journey, a job is a journey, having children is a journey, moving is a journey, and of course - a vacation is a journey and can be a journey in both senses of the word. And I'm so so so grateful for each and every one of these, and for the opportunity to be alive and experiencing all these different journeys for myself!
Jesus - I'm so grateful for Jesus's life and for his death, and for all that he taught us and all he did for us. I'm still quite confused and torn and unsure about many things, but I'm still very grateful for Jesus and his affect on my life.
Go visit CeeCi to see who else has played today!
Okay - time for bed for the babies and I! Oh - I ordered a bed frame tonight!!! I googled the frame I wanted and looked at a bunch of different sites and found the cheapest one that also looked like a good company, so I bought it for much cheaper than I could possibly have paid! I'm so excited! It's so romantic-looking and makes me think of Italy and France and freedom and life - and it'll also come in very handy because I'll be able to hold onto the bars when I'm being fucked (someday but I don't know by who) and I can also be tied to those same bars!!! :) I'll see if blogger will let me include a picture.