Fun pictures and struggles with code
Anyway though, here are some pictures that I never posted but had always intended on posting, from when I was at my parents' cottage a few weekends ago. I'll write another post later this evening and not include any pictures with captions so I hopefully won't have to deal with any layout issues!!
I love this picture of a dragonfly! I saw it sitting almost right in front of me when I was taking pictures of the lake, and it posed quite nicely for me and didn't move. This picture is cropped a bit as I didn't actually get quite this close!
This fuzzy little moth was sitting just a little outside our front door, sleeping on the side of the cottage. He was so incredibly cute! He reminds me of a little Ewok (however you spell it)!
Here's a closeup - he's so furry! And his little furry arms and furry antenna are so cute! And I especially thought it was funny that he has a tiny bit of poopy butt, from the looks of it!! :)

Some beautiful Black-Eyed-Susans that my mom planted.

Another photo of one of my mom's pretty flowers.

My little artistic black and white :)

I saw this abandoned mailbox when my parents and I were out for a walk.