I'm back :)
I bought a new little quote book the other day! I'm just absolutely addicted to quotes so anytime I see a really cute book of them and I look through it and see quotes that touch and inspire me, I just have to buy it! This one is called SoulHappy (and the "ul" part of "Soul" is pressed into the cover so it's there, but has no color so when you first see the book it looks like "So Happy" - how cool is that little double title!!
A quote that made me immediately think about why I love blogging and my wonderful blogger friends: The world connects not by molecules. It connects through ideas, hopes, faces, dreams, actions, stories, and memories. - Barrie Sanford Greiff (a psychiatrist and consultant)
And a few others that I like, because I feel like writing more happy quotes:
Every now and again take a good look at something not made with hands - a mountain, a star, the turn of a stream. There will come to you wisdom and patience and solace and, above all, the assurance that you are not alone in the world. - Sidney Lovett
At the heart of each of us, whatever our imperfections, there exists a silent pulse of perfect rhythm, which is absolutely individual and unique, and yet which connects us to everything else. - George Leonard
There is precious little hope to be got out of whatever keeps us industrious, but there is a chance for us whenever we cease work and become stargazers. - H.M. Tomlinson
Great ideas...come into the world as gently as doves...if we listen attentively, we shall hear, amid the uproar...a faint flutter of wings, the gentle stirring of life and hope. - Albert Camus
Okay, I feel good! I love my quotes - they relax me and give me such a feeling of peace and hope! Well, I'll give a quick little update on what I've been up to since I last wrote, which was I think last Wednesday night. I'm sure that after work on Thursday I went directly home and I think just read my book for awhile, and tried to work on a new template for awhile. Then on Friday I was feeling a little better because I had plans for the weekend and also because my mom and I finally made up - she wrote me a long email on Thursday afternoon and guessed that The German and I had gotten close again and then, analyzing a bunch of little things, she guessed that it had recently ended and that I had been the one to end it. Sometimes she so surprises me - not that she isn't smart because she's actually quite brilliant - but when she puts together a bunch of different things and just seems to know what's going on in my life I'm always a little surprised and impressed. So anyway though, when she called me on Friday morning we had a really good talk and she was very sweet and caring and motherly and it made me feel loved and a little protected, and like she was back on my side. And that's a good way to feel!
Anyway, work was fun on Friday because we didn't have much to do so all chatted quite a bit. And I also felt good because The Meat had told me how much everyone at work cares about me, and even though I know it, it was so good to hear and be reminded of. Apparently, The Queen was talking quite badly about The German and really upset with him for causing me more pain - that makes me just want to hug The Queen for caring so much, because he's usually just silly and doesn't show that side too often! Then TIC and I left early to go to her house and I helped her daughter set up their new computer and printer while TIC cooked her wonderful food, and then Florida and Asparagus came over and we all ate and then went to the movies and saw Hollywoodland, so the whole night was so fun!
On Saturday I slept late and then moved very slowly but eventually made it over to Freckles' house to watch the Michigan-Notre Dame game (and we were happy to see Michigan kick some serious ass!!!), although okay, we didn't actually watch much of the game because we were chatting most of the time. And I met her 8 1/2 month old little puppy Lola, and she was so so so incredibly cute and sweet and affectionate and cuddly and I just adored her!! She was shy and scared of me at first but she warmed up quickly and was soon giving me tons of little puppy kisses and I loved it! And I took so many cute pictures, too!!! I can't post most of them because they prominently feature Freckles, but here are a few that I've cropped and that show how adorable and perfect Lola is!

Isn't she so cute!?! I hung out with them into the evening and we watched the movie Matchstick Men which was wonderful, and then we ordered in some Thai and watched over half of the movie Two For the Money which was about the worst movie we'd ever seen so we turned it off. The whole day was very fun and I loved having something different and fun to do!
And then on Sunday, I only slept in a little and then I finally did all my millions of dirty dishes, and I cleaned every dirty thing in the kitchen. And I straightened up my living room a little. And I hung up three pictures in my dining room. And I looked at tons of pictures of Italy and started getting really excited to be going there in the near future! And that's all I did but somehow all that took most of the day. Oh, I also called MWFB and we talked for a long time and that was so much fun. I did get upset and sad and bothered and cried for awhile because of something The German said when he called me that day, but all that is a whole different story and for another day.
Then on Monday I went to work and went fishing with The Meat in the afternoon, and it was so relaxing and nice to be outside and spending time with The Meat. And after work I went to Trader Joe's and got some yummy stuff. Yesterday I went to work and briefly saw Florida and MWFB which was so fun, and after work I came home and didn't do much and then fell asleep. And tonight, SP came over for awhile and we had ourselves a bit of good fun and then talked for awhile, and since then I've been cuddling on and off with my babies and finally sitting down to write this!
I was going to start catching up on Gratitude Tuesday by doing my list of K words tonight, but it just turned to midnight and I'm feeling quite sleepy now, so that'll have to wait for tomorrow night. Oh, and Grey's Anatomy is on tomorrow and I'm a little excited about it! Yes, I feel like a dork saying that but I can't help it, I just am! And on my list of things to do tomorrow is to make an appointment with someone from one of the grad programs in social work so I can start figuring out whether it's something I want to pursue. Although if it isn't I think I'll be even more lost because that means I won't have even an idea of what I want to do and be when I really grow up. But I'm not going to get into all that right now because instead I'm going to go to wonderful sleep!
It feels good to be back and writing again! :)