My afternoon hard at work: a questionnaire about myself :)
The phone rings. Who do you want it to be?
Mr. Hands :)
When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
I don’t drive and it’s been awhile since I’ve used a cart, but when I’m visiting my parents and use a cart I always return it.
In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?
50/50 but depends on my mood. Actually, maybe it's more like 40/60 usually.
Do you take compliments well?
Yes, and they make me feel wonderful and can sometimes make my whole day!!
Are you an active person?
Not so much. I think I’m pretty average, but I like slow active (walking) as compared to fast active (running).
If abandoned alone in the wilderness, do you survive?
Good question! I think I’d be stronger than I think, and I probably know more about survival than I think I know. But at the same time, I don’t think I could light a fire by myself without matches. And I honestly don’t think I could bring myself to eat any bugs. And I certainly couldn’t kill a small, cute and furry animal for food. So I’d be a vegetarian and eat leaves and hopefully they wouldn’t be poisonous. And if I was abandoned in the Arctic or anywhere cold then I’d be a goner.
Do you like to ride horses?
The last time I rode one was on a family vacation in Wyoming when I was sixteen. There’s always much more rocking back and forth than I expect. But I’ve always wanted to be able to ride like a supercool cowgirl and for years I’ve wanted to go riding again – but there aren’t horse stables in the city and I have no car to get to the burbs with. Soon! And I’ll learn to love riding them! The horse and I will move as one! :)
Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
[Oh woops, I was just doing a re-read before posting and I answered whether I ever went camping as a kid. As to camp – yes, a couple of day camps, and I know I went to a week-long camp each summer for a couple years.] Yes, I think once with a big tent and after a big rain and leaking my parents abandoned that and got a pop-up camper for us which was so much nicer!! I LOVE bonfires and roasting marshmallows and if someone there can play an acoustic guitar and sing then I’d be so happy! But I’d rather have the bonfire and marshmallows and guitar outside a real place and be able to sleep in a bed.
What was your favorite game as a kid?
Boys chase girls. Yes, really! :)
A sexy person is pursuing you, but you know that he/she is married, would you?
It depends.
Are you judgmental?
I’m sure I am but I like to think that I’m not. And I try to not let it affect my behavior if I am and consciously try not to be.
Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
Pursued, definitely.
Use three words to describe yourself.
Caring, happy, fun.
If you had to choose, would you rather be deaf or blind?
Deaf. I love hearing things – music, voices, birds chirping, wind blowing, etc., but I don’t know if I could stand being in a world of darkness and not seeing the faces of people who I love, the colors of nature and colors all around me, sunsets, blue skies, fall leaves, snow, lakes and oceans – I would absolutely HATE to live in a world without sight. And besides, if I were deaf I could still learn to read lips and use sign language so it would be so much easier than living in a black world.
Are you continuing your education?
I first need to decide exactly what area I want to move into, and then learn what I need to know. I’m continuing to learn right now – I just bought a few books on web design, html, xhtml and css! So exciting!!!
Do you know how to shoot a gun?
I used to be a fabulous shot with the BB gun! And although I don’t ever want to own a gun, I keep planning to get my card so I can go to a shooting range and learn how to shoot a handgun – I don’t ever want to be that stupid girl in action movies who picks up a gun and needs to shoot the bad guy but can’t figure out how to get the safety lock off. And besides, again the cowgirl thing, and I also love James Bond so kind of want to be like him! :)
How often do you read books?
I should read more. And I love buying books so I have so many that I haven’t read. I read on the train going to work and coming home. Usually I don’t read at home but I want to start doing that more – close the computer and just read.
Do you think more about the past, present or future?
Present. What’s past is past. And I’m not a good planner so thinking about the future can be a little stressful. I like the present, what I can do now to improve myself and have fun.
What is your favorite children's book?
Mr. H and I were just talking about this last night! And I told him I couldn’t remember but that I know my mom saved a couple of my favorites in a box in her closet. I’m going home this weekend so I’m going to check! Other than that, I LOVED the Ramona books, and especially the book Socks by the same author (Beverly Cleary) – about a little cat that gets adopted and is the center of its owners’ world at home, and then slowly its mom’s lap starts getting smaller and smaller and then there’s a new little baby suddenly there and Socks isn’t too happy but it all works out in the end – oh it’s such a cute and funnty book! I haven’t read it for years and years but I read it over and over and over again when I was little! Now I wish I could read it again!
Have you kissed any of your MySpace friends?
I only joined MySpace so I can see my cousin’s myspace page (it’s private), and she’s the only myspace “friend” I have. I’ve kissed her on the cheek I’m sure!
How tall are you?
Where is your ideal house located?
Kind of hard question. I’d love a little house in the city here. And I’d love a little house in Italy in a quaint little town near the Meditteranean. Or a little house on some island in the Caribbean, or a little house somewhere in Central or South America. And I’m sure I would be happy in so many other places as well.
Boxers, briefs, thongs, panties, or grannies?
Thongs. (Why is “grannies” even an option here?)
Last person you talked to?
Mr. H called me around lunchtime today! Oh and Florida and I just caught up for awhile on the phone!
Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?
A couple of times – the last time was with Tivo right after we took the bar exam – we were both a little tipsy from celebrating :)
When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?
I can’t remember, a very very long time ago.
What are your keys on your key chain for?
One keychain has six keys for around my building – two for the front doors, one for the mailbox, two for my own door, and one for the room with the circuit breakers. My other keychain has two keys for getting into the offices at work.
Where was the furthest place you traveled today?
To work.
Where is your current pain at?
No current pains.
Do you like mustard?
No, yuck!
Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
Oh, this is an unfair question. Obviously I prefer to sleep if I’m tired and prefer to eat if I’m hungry. And we all know I love sleeping. But I also love eating yummy stuff now and then, too.
Do you look like your mom or dad?
Much more like my dad, but I have my mom’s smile and teeth.
How long does it take you in the shower?
I LOVE showers, and I get cold so easily so I love just standing under the hot water. Probably 15 minutes is my usual. And because I feel the need to explain a little further - I have long hair so it sometimes takes longer to rinse the conditioner out – oh and I leave it in for awhile, too, while I bask in the hot water!
Can you do a split?
No, unfortunately I’m not very flexible.
What movie do you want to see right now?
I honestly can’t think of a specific movie. Oh - MWFB and I are supposed to go see Borat together!
What did you do for New Year's?
For New Year’s Eve, I don’t think I did anything at all, no I didn’t. First of all I don’t generally like New Year’s Eve at all – everyone always has SUCH high expectations and there’s SUCH pressure to go to some big party or bring the year in right. I stayed home last year so I wouldn’t be around any alcohol, and because I wanted my year to start out right by just having a quiet and happy night with my own thoughts. I think I definitely prefer the quieter route for that night – maybe just with family and/or friends, maybe out to dinner, or make dinner, watch a movie, something easy and quiet. For New Year’s, I’d have to look back in my archives. I probably just slept in and stayed home all day by myself. Again, I don’t like the overrated expectation thing.
Do you think "The Grudge" was scary?
I didn’t see it, I don’t like really scary movies.
What was the cause of your last accident?
Hmmm, last accident with a car of mine was back in high school and the cause would have been my idiot then-boyfriend’s ditzy driving skills and not paying attention to anything around him.
How much money do you have on you right now?
I think about $60 – just went to the cash machine a couple days ago, took out extra cause I have to put money on my train card.
What are you drinking?
Water, and I’m about to go to Starbucks.
Was your mom a cheerleader?
No, she spent her time learning piano (she took 9 years of lessons) and setting the curve in all her classes – my mom is very very smart!
What's the last letter of your middle name?
Who did you vote for on American Idol?
I never voted, but I did watch some of the seasons.
How many hours of sleep do you get at night?
6 on average, but I really should be getting closer to 8 so I can wake up better in the morning and not have days where I can’t wake up at all.
Do you like Carebears?
When I was little I did.
What do you buy at the movies?
A small popcorn and then I get a stomach ache afterward – but it tastes so good!
Do you know how to play poker?
Sort of.
Do you wear your seat belt?
What do you wear to sleep?
Bra-top tank top and yoga pants
Anything big ever happen in your hometown?
Not that I can think of.
How many meals do you eat a day?
I just got yogurt at the grocery store so right now it’s 3. Sometimes it’s 1. Sometimes 2.
Is your tongue pierced?
No way.
What's your favorite NFL team?
I used to care but don’t really anymore. I’ll always go for NFC over AFC, and I’ll usually root for the Bears or Packers if I need to pick a team.
Do you like funny or serious people better?
Ever been to Vegas?
No, and I don’t have really any desire to go. Maybe once just to see it all, but there are about a thousand other places I’d rather visit.
Did you eat a cookie today?
No, but now I want one! Chocolate chip, my favorite!!! And fuck, I deserve it!!!
Do you use cuss words in other languages?
No, the ones in English work perfectly for me!
Do you steal or pay for your music downloads?
I know it’s wrong what I do. I know. (That is NOT an admission!)
Do you hate chocolate?
What? Of course not! I LOVE chocolate!!! Dark chocolate!!!
What do you and your parents fight about the most?
With my dad, we’ll fight every once in awhile when he’s in a shitty mood and taking it out on my mom and I, and I call him on it. With my mom, sometimes I get snippy in the morning when I’m tired and she’s nagging me or asking me a million little questions. And then I apologize later in an email or sometimes call her back after I’m awake a little more. But really we hardly ever fight.
Is anyone mad at or irritated with you right now?
I don’t think so. Maybe The Meat is a little frustrated with my procrastination.
Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
Chirstmas Day.
What's your favorite preparation for eggs?
Scrambled with a little cheese on top and/or mixed with things.
If you could have any job (assuming you have the skills) what would it be?
A writer, or web designer, or getting paid for my photography, or if I had the ability to paint the images that I see in my head, I’d love to be a painter.
Are you easy to get along with?
Yes, and I think very.
What is your favorite time of day?
I don’t know. It really depends on the day. My moods fluctuate throughout the day and aren’t always the same at certain times and on different days.
Who was your best girlfriend/boyfriend?
Ever? Or when I was little? I’m not sure.
Who do you hate?
Anyone who hurts an animal.
Would you ever date your first love again?
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Kindof :)
Current mood?
A little melancholy, kind of tired, a lot of things in my head. Now that I finally finished I’m going to go get my coffee, and if they have a chocolate chip cookie I’m getting one of those now, too!