Gushing about My Love!!!!!
And I can't tell you how much I loved falling asleep last night while spooning and holding hands, waking up with him next to me this morning, getting ready with him there and watching him play with little Emmalove, and leaving my place together and walking to the train holding hands, and standing on the train together with his arm around me and my hand on him, and then sitting on the train with our hands on each others' legs or holding hands, and having him walk with me to my office, and being able to kiss him goodbye when I went upstairs, and know that I'd be seeing him again in just a few short hours. I just love this!!!
And he's coming to my office in about half an hour so he can meet everyone who I work with and see where I spend my days! And tomorrow morning we're meeting Florida and Asparagus for breakfast! And I'll show him around some parts of the city, and we'll hold hands and we'll hug and we'll kiss and oh God we'll do so much more fucking which I can't even begin to talk about right now because it's so so so so amazing and there's not enough time! Oh and another thing I just love about him - I love how he holds me when we're outside standing, how he hold me tight with an arm around my waist and I especially love how he kisses me on my forehead or on the side of my head or on my hair now and then - it has the absolute sweetest and warmest and most loving quality to it! And another thing - we even fit together so perfectly when we're standing! When I'm not wearing heels, the top of my head comes to just under his chin so we're like puzzle pieces with the tightest and most complete fit!!!
Okay, I could go on and on and on much much more, but I'll stop now so I can get some things done and also get ready for him to get here!!! My Mr. H is such an amazing and wonderful man, and I am just soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy that he's here!!!!!!!!! He makes me so so so so so so so happy and feel just so amazingly special and precious!!!!!!!!!! :) I'll gush more later this weekend!!!! :)