My wonderful hero!!! :)
It's 11:46 p.m. and I need to go to sleep, but first I'm going to write just a tiny bit because it's on my yet-to-be-written-out list of things to do to try to write just a bit every day - and yay me, that's what I'm doing!!!
I just finished a little bit of playtime because I did a little upper-body strip show for Mr. H on the webcam tonight and then we started talking about some quite hot things and so a little play was in order! We also talked about some other things that made me feel good - earlier today at work The Meat, Freckles and I were talking about how couples fight and how some couples fight all the time because both want to always have control and also always think they're right. The Meat was telling us in so many words that about 80% of things aren't worth fighting or even talking about, and it's how a couple deals with the important 20% that should matter.
I really don't have any big worries about Mr. H and I fighting or fighting badly, for a number of reasons. And both of us consciously try to remember that the 80% isn't worth being bothered about, so I don't worry about either of us being nit-pickers. And whenever we do have a bigger issue that's part of the 20%, I think we'll handle it in a good way. It won't be easy and I don't like conflict so it's not something I'm looking forward to of course, but I also know that of course there will be big disagreements now and then throughout a marriage and because the conversation from work was on my mind, I just wanted to talk about it all again with Mr. H, and talk about how we'll handle it and okay yes I wanted to hear him reassure me again because I was/am hormonal.
And he just makes me feel so good when we have these talks. We're so alike in seeing a relationship as a partnership and knowing that compromise and respect goes along with that. He said that if there's ever an issue where we both disagreed too much to reach a compromise, we would have to maybe use a third party to help us work towards a compromise. But he doesn't really foresee that happening because we're both intelligent and level-headed (he is, and I am except for being emotional - crying etc.) and also because we have such respect for each other. For example, he pointed out that he knows how sensitive I am and how emotional I can get, and he also knows what can trigger me getting emotional, and if I get to that point where I'm so emotional in a discussion then it doesn't help either of us in getting to the heart of the issue and working through it and coming to a decision/compromise - so he would never be the kind of person to push those buttons. And he really never ever would be.
I know I'm doing a terribly shitty job of explaining this and in explaining our conversation in general. And I know I should I just save this as a draft and go over it tomorrow morning when I'm maybe able to think and write a little better. I think I will do that actually, cause I don't want this to come out sounding wrong or bad. But my whole point of starting to talk about this was to say that Mr. H just makes me feel so GOOD, so good about everything - and always makes me feel that way. And knowing how in tune he is with me and how I think and react, and also knowing how reasonable he is and how level-headed and that he doesn't get angry or fight in the classic couple-fighting sense - well it all just makes me feel so wonderful and also feel so incredibly, outrageously lucky to have found Mr. H. I know absolutely that he will always take my feelings into consideration and that he will always respect me and treat me well. And with him I don't have to worry about becoming like my parents where they argue about so many little pointless things, and point out the wrong way the other is doing things, or try to explain a better way - and it all is just so pointless, all the stress and all the arguing and all the fighting that they do. It's all over little nothings! I try to remind them of that whenever I'm home and witness this.
Mr. H really is an unusual guy - and oh my gosh I just realized, he's sort of like the heroes in all my old romance novels!!! He's actually totally like them! Or at least like the heroes that my two favorite romance authors wrote about! Oh I'm gonna have to think about this more now! And yes I know, any guys who are actually still reading this are now gagging but I don't care. My mother would find this little epiphany of mine to be VERY INTERESTING but I'll of course never tell her that. And I'll have to write about why she'd be so intrigued some other time - but it has to do with an email she wrote me maybe four months ago. Oh I'm still completely amazed though at my little realization!!! Mr. H is so like the romance heroes that I used to dream of!!! :)
Okay that's enough for tonight - I've written for much longer than I wanted to write and now it's past my bedtime. I feel happy though - which is so good considering the fact that I have a lot of extra hormones running through me so I really feel like I'm walking along a slim little path right now and I'm okay steady but I know there's the potential of slipping on just one little stone and I'll suddenly be weeping. I know some people (especially the females!) will understand that little analogy. So my Mr. H made me feel wonderful, we talked about a lot of other things as well, we shared some such fun sex talk and fantasies, and then when we were just about to get off, he even showed another wonderful thing in recognizing my sudden brief drop in mood because I miss him, and he reminded me of what we have together and how amazing it is, and that our time apart will be so little in the big scheme of our wonderful life together!
And now I'm going to save this and reread it in the morning before I actually post it!
Oh - and I'll post this, too, because I liked it! Over the weekend when I wanted a break from the coding, I followed a link from CeeCi's blog to a fun little quiz site and took a few of their little quizzes. This one was my favorite!
Light Bearer; Class: Cherub; Alliance: Light
Take this quiz!
I loved that! And I like that name "Alida"! And of course, it fits me pretty well, too! Except for my secret hidden bit of a dark side! :)