Gratitude Tuesday (on a Thursday)!
And now, it's time for Gratitude Tuesday, and this week it's words that begin with the letter M!
Manliness and Masculinity - I'm so so so grateful for manliness and masculinity! I have always adored these qualities and found them to be so appealing and so attractive. I've always thought guys who were good with tools and building things had some extra natural attractiveness to them - and I love that Mr. H is extremely good with all that!!! It's so so so yummy to me!!!!!!!! I've never wanted some wimpy guy, some metrosexual guy - I like the manliness! And I like to feel like the female, to feel feminine compared to my guy. I like knowing that he's stronger than I am and bigger than I am! Strength and competence are such a turn-on for me! It's all such a turn-on for me!
Marriage - I'm so grateful for marriage and what it means - that it's a commitment two people make to each other, to live their lives together and be loyal to each other and love each other and grow together and support one another and so so so so so much more. And I also know that I don't want the kind of marriage that my parents have or the kind of marriage that so many people seem to fall into and that doesn't stay close and doesn't grow in a good way. I have spent so many hours and days and weeks over the past many years thinking about all this and worrying about all of it, and I know what kind of marriage I don't want, and I know many of the things I do want in my marriage, and I know that I'll work always to keep my marriage strong, to keep love and passion alive, to keep communication always open, to be consistent with my love, to be caring and respectful and loving and treat him like the wonder that he is, and show and tell him so often how happy he makes me, and tell him I love him every day. I love so much that Mr. H feels the same way about all of this as I do, and that it all means just as much to him, and he sees the importance of all these things too, the importance of working at it and the importance of keeping it strong. He's so incredible, and so different from almost all the people - both men and women - who I've come to know in my life. I feel like I've won the lottery by finding him, I really really do!
Me - I'm so grateful for me and for who I am and who I've become!!! I love myself and love who I am, and that makes me feel wonderful!!! :)
My Mind - I'm so so grateful for my mind, for my intelligence, for my compassion, for the way I think.
My Mom - I have issues with my mom, yes. And she's not perfect and has many issues that she refuses to acknowledge or deal with. But I love her so incredibly much and admire her so much for her extreme intelligence and knowledge and for her devotion to her family. And she has done so much for me, so so so much for me, and shows her love for me so often. And tells me every time she talks to me or emails me, too. We started that a couple years ago and I love that she gets to hear me tell her that I love her every time we talk, just so I won't ever regret not telling her.
Maine Coon Cats - my parents have two Maine Coon cats, and they are both so sweet and wonderful - and big!
Moon - I think the moon is absolutely fascinating - not just for how it looks but for its effect on our planet and on us. The fact that it affects the tides of the oceans - how amazing is that! And as The Meat has said - he worked in a psychiatric ward when he was much younger and people are definitely crazier when it's a full moon. I find that so so so incredibly fascinating! That this floating huge hunk of something that's millions of miles away from our planet can have such an effect on not only nature, but on our mood and behavior. I need to read more on this whole idea because I am endlessly intrigued by it. I also read part of a book a few years ago called "Cunt" - a feminist book that a friend gave me. The only part I remember was her chapter on women's reproductive systems, and one point when she pointed out the fact that women's cycles are about the same length of time as the moon's cycle. That's so fascinating, too!!!!! I'm so grateful for this fascination that the moon gives me, and for it's power that so intrigues me.
Menstruation - I'm so grateful for menstruation and for my whole reproductive system. I don't mind at all having the hormonal highs and lows, having my period every month, or everything else that goes along with it - because it's my body and it's part of what makes me feel so feminine and also so connected to my whole sex sometimes. And it also means that someday I'll get to experience the miracle of having a little baby growing inside me. My whole menstrual cycle fascinates me as well, and I love being able to monitor my body and to recongnize how it's reacting differently every day. I love not being on birth control because I know it's really me (although I will be looking into birth control in the upcoming months).
Mysticism and Magic - I'm grateful for these two words and ideas - because whenever I even hear the words I have this wonderful feeling come over me. I sometimes feel like I'm transported to the era of King Arthur when I hear those words; other times I feel transported to the settings of my old romance novels. I can't fully explain it, but these words just make me happy and feel wonderful!
Magnetism - The whole thing about magnetism fascinates me, too. I never really loved science so wasn't ever too interested in the "hows" and "whys" of magnetism, but I find myself being much more curious about this topic now. Less in the magnetism of metals and more in the magnetism between people, etc. I felt an instant pull towards Mr. H when I first met him. It was so intense and so immediate. And I feel it with him even just over our webcam chats on the computer. It's still intense, and when I really think about like I am now, I feel that magnetic pull towards him whenever we talk, whenever I see his face in the webcam, and when I'm actually physically with him it's of course even stronger! That fascinates me - that Mr. H and I felt and continue to feel such a connection and pull toward one another - and yet we've both met thousands of people in our lives and with most there is no kind of connection or pull at all. And I also read an article about a month ago about, shit, this gets into the science-type stuff, but it's so fascinating. I'm going to go get the article cause I can't even remember the words...okay, I finally found the magazine (Spirituality & Health, Nov/Dec 2006) - it's about "entanglements" and how "particles, even those traveling away from each other at the speed of light, could remain connected such that reversing the electric charge of one particle would also reverse the charge of the other." The author of the article talks more about "bio-entanglements" between living things and also whole living systems. This is so fascinating! I have to write just a little more:
"In my new book, Entangled Mind, I suggest that we consider the possibility that our minds are physically entangled with the universe, and that quantum theory is relevant to understanding common psychic, or psi, phenomena. Common psi experiences include mind-to-mind connections (telepathy), perceiving distant objects or events (clairvoyance), perceiving future events (precognition), and mind-matter interactions (psychokinesis). Psi may also be involved in intuition, gut feelings, distant healing, the power of intention, and the sense of being stared at...Indeed, psi experiences have been reported by people in all cultures, throughout history, and at all ages and educational levels. This suggests that the phenomena are basic not only to human nature, but also tell us somthing about the fabric of reality." (Author: Dean Radin)Okay, I'll stop with this, but isn't this just absolutely fascinating!?! And it all sort of comes under the big heading of Magnetism to me as a lay, non-science person.
Moods - I'm so grateful for all my many enormously varied moods, and I'm so grateful for my interest in paying attention to my body and mind and recognizing the moods for what they are. And they're a part of me, and I love me! :)
Mail (and Mailmen and Mailwomen) - I'm so grateful for mail, and for the people who deliver it to us each day! Yes, the mail often contains bills or other non-fun stuff, but when I open the mailbox each day when I get home there's always just a tiny feeling of excitement, just because I don't know what will or won't be in there when I open it!
Medicine - oh I'm soooooooooo grateful for medicine. Yes for the tylenol and little things, but especially for the medicines, thousands of kinds of medicines, that can treat and cure and help prevent major illnesses and death. We all know I have a bit of a fear (yes, "a bit" is a little understatement) of major diseases and a fear of dying early and such, and so I'm sooooooooooooooo grateful for the amazing medicines that can save lives!
Mammograms - I haven't had one yet, but I'm so so so so so grateful that they are out there and that they can detect breast cancer, which is one of my biggest fears. And I've heard about digital mammograms that can be used on younger women with denser breast tissue, and I'm 30 now and breast cancer is in my family. I'm just itching to get a digital mammogram. I'm going to be scheduling a doctor's appointment tomorrow and when I go to see her, I'm going to again inquire about whether the hospital has one of these machines yet.
Making out - I'm very grateful for the wonder of the kiss, and for deep, passionate kissing that is "making out" - and it also kind of cracks me up to say "making out" cause it sounds so much like middle school talk!
Masturbation - well yes this one is an obvious one to be grateful for! I'm so grateful that I can do something which makes me feel so amazing and makes my body take over and react on its own in such a fabulous way!!
Makeup - oh I'm am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so grateful for makeup! I'm not one of those lucky women who look amazing naturally, but makeup allows me to transform myself. My whole life would be so incredibly different if it weren't for makeup. And one of those items of makeup that I'm grateful for is Mascara, which helps so much in making my eyes stand out!
Moisturizer - I'm so grateful for moisturizer so I can keep my whole body soft and smooth and lovely to touch! And I'm so grateful for facial moisturizers so I can hopefully prevent wrinkles for as long as possible! I love all my moisturizers, and I feel absolutely decadent every single time I smooth them on and rub them in!
Mirrors - I'm so grateful for mirrors - for helping me put on makeup, making sure my clothes are looking right, helping me pick clothes to buy in the first place, checking my hair - and also for giving me confidence!
Manchego cheese (so tasty!), Mandarin oranges (again so tasty, plus so easy to eat and even easy to get in cans and such!), Macaroni and cheese (it's so bad for me but such a comfort food), Mayonnaise (makes just about anything taste better), Marinades (I'm no chef but I know marinades can make meats taste amazing!), Mashed potatos (I love mashed potatos, just love them!), and Meat (I could never be a vegetarian)
The Meat - anyone who has read my blog for any period of time has heard me talk about The Meat. I know I definitely can't express in just a tiny paragraph how important he has been in my life over the past two years, and how much of an effect he has had on the person who I am today and the person who I'll be in ten and twenty years. He's absolutely amazing in so so many ways, and he is in the very tip-top category of people in my life. I am so so so so so incredibly blessed to have him in my life and to have his close friendship and caring.
Microwaves - I'm grateful for the ease and quickness of microwaves. They definitely save time, and for many things it's much easier than having to use a stove or oven just to heat something up.
Music - I'm so incredibly grateful for music, for the extreme variety of music and for the endless number of songs in each variety. Music can affect my mood SO much, and it can be so powerful, and so beautiful, and so intense. I love it. I love everything about it.
Mandolin - I'm grateful for the beautiful sound of the mandolin. I don't hear it often, but I love it when I do! It has a magical quality!
Manners - I'm very grateful for manners. I'm grateful that there are certain manners which are The Norm, and I'm so grateful when I come into contact with people who have good manners. For example, when someone holds the door open for me or even, after walking through a door, keeps the door open for me coming behind, it makes me happy! Such a little tiny gesture by a stranger just has that effect - it's acknowledging another person and their value, it's being kind, it's being a caring human being - and that all makes me happy! And I'm grateful that my parents taught me good manners.
Maps - I'm grateful for maps, because it's nice to know where you're going and have a bit of a plan, and to see where you've been. And it's also just kind of fun to look at maps sometimes!
Markets - you never know what little treasure you might find at a market! That's why I like them! And also, there are just so many things to see!
Massages - I've had two professional massages in my life and loved them both! The most recent one was a two-hour wonderful massage that was a Christmas present from Mr. H! And I have to say that I enjoy a massage by someone I know even more than I enjoy the professional ones. There's definitely extra nerves that fire when I know the hands that are touching me. Even if it's just a quick two-minute neck and shoulder massage, it's like being in absolute heaven for those two minutes and has SUCH an effect on my whole mood and happiness, just to feel those loving hands on me giving me such pleasure and doing it out of love. [Mr. H - this is a hint! I LOVE when you give me little massages!!! They make me so happy!!! :) ]
My Mattress - oh how I love my mattress!!! It's soooooooo incredibly comfortable and I just completely adore it!!!!! I consciously think about my gratitude for that mattress so often when I'm laying there in bliss just before falling asleep!
Maturity - I'm so grateful for my own maturity, and for the maturity of others who I love. And I know I'll continue to grow and mature even more, and I'll welcome it all.
Meadows - I love this word! I can't even think of the last time I was in an actual meadow, but when I even hear the word I get such a mental vision and overall feeling of freedom and happiness and joy and beauty in my mind - I picture such a beautiful field of wild grass and wildflowers, and blue skies and sunshine overhead shining down and sparkling off my hair, and I picture myself in a lightweight white romantic sundress feeling free and running through it all! I just love this word and all that it conjures up in my head! And it means even more to me now because Mr. H mentioned that word once and we looked at pictures of beautiful meadows near his city, in the context of a possible place for a second wedding! :)
Member - This word makes me horny and also makes me laugh at the same time!
Memory - I'm so grateful for my memory. I know I don't have a great memory for details or some long-term things, but I'm grateful for the memory I do have. And I'm also grateful for my wonderful short-term memory and ability to remember numbers and certain kinds of information, because it really helped me when I was a student for all those years!
Metabolism - I'm grateful for my metabolism and for the fact that it's at least not really slow and is probably kind of fast, maybe. Well, if I ate a ton I'd probably see that it wasn't all that fast, but it works for me right now!
Metal detectors - I'm very grateful for the invention of metal detectors, and for their widespread use - they help to keep me and everyone who I love safe when we fly or go into certain buildings, and that makes me worry less - all good things!
Michigan - I was born in Michigan and lived there until I was 18, and my parents still live there. I'm grateful for the beauty of the state, especially all the hundreds of little lakes, the hilliness as you get further north, all the lush trees, and having the beaches and sunsets of Lake Michigan so close.
Mornings - I'm not really a morning person, as we all know. However, whenever I do get up early and I'm outside early in the morning, I feel so alive!!! There is just something about early morning air, the smell of it, the feel of it - oh especially in the spring and summer! And even when I'm not outside, when I wake up in the morning and open my blinds and see the sun coming up and see some blue sky, I feel so wonderfully alive, it's so amazing and fabulous!!!
Miracles - I believe in them, and I believe they happen every day and all around us. I think most miracles aren't even noticed. I'm so grateful for every miracle that has touched my life even in some remote way.
Mobility - I'm so grateful for being able to get around easily - for having two legs to walk with and healthy feet and knees and ankles. And I'm so grateful for public transportation that takes me just about anywhere I need to go.
Muscles - I'm so grateful for my muscles that let me walk and stretch and lift things and climb stairs and do just about anything. And they help me look good, too!
Money - I'm grateful for money in that it allows me to buy food and live in a wonderful apartment and clothe myself in nice things, and it allows me to get and do many things that make my life easier and more enjoyable. It's a hard balance as well, because I don't want to want too much, and I want to keep my life relatively simple, but today is a day to be grateful so I'm not going to continue analyzing the potential bad things and just be grateful for having enough money to live a good life.
Mountains - I love nature and I love being reminded of how amazing our world is, how beautiful, how diverse - and mountains are one of those natural things that I can't help but be in awe of.
My Mouth - it lets me talk, lets me eat, lets me suck, helps me smile, and is filled with wonderful taste buds and many handy nerves.
Movies - I'm very grateful for the entertainment of movies, and for certain movies which can be so powerful and really touch me, really stay with me, and/or really make me think.
Myths and Mythology - I'm grateful for these wonderful stories and the Magic and Mystical nature of Myths! I've always been intrigued by Greek/Roman mythology, and when I hear myths from other cultures and areas of the world, I find them to be equally as intriguing. I love the stories themselves and I love the fact that so many of them have lessons and teachings in them, and I love that way back when, those stories were used to teach people how to act and live. It's all just wonderful and so fun and so interesting!