Weekend Recap
Tonight I showered and trimmed up some layers in my hair cause for the past few days my hair has just fallen really flat. I need someone else to trim the length for me a little cause it's way too long to do by myself. And I am terrible with actually getting around to making hair appointments at the one place I go where students cut your hair for cheap - and whenever I do call the only appointments are a few weeks in advance and during weekday afternoons and I usually wait to call until I really need a trim so I don't want to wait that long. I also just removed toenail polish and did all the manicure stuff besides painting - my toenails get so dried out so I'm moisturing them tonight. I'm getting myself all prettied up for seeing Mr. H on Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!! (Oh just saying that gets me so excited that it needed lots of fabulous exclamation points!!!!)
My brother and sister-in-law's visit was very fun! I didn't go to work on Friday because of course I procrastinated too long and went to bed too early on Thursday night, and then on Friday morning I realized how much cleaning I still had left to do. I really really piss myself off sometimes, but yet I don't seem to get any better. But anyway, my place was beautiful when they arrived in the early afternoon on Friday. We went out to dinner at night at a nearby restaurant with my sister-in-law's friend from college who lives here, and on Saturday morning I made them pancakes for breakfast cause they wanted to get to the hotel (they were in town for a wedding) early to get ready. And James and Emma both loved having them here and were running all around and being their completely adorable little selves! My brother especially loved them and their cute and silly little antics!
And I think the best and most important thing while they were here - they got to meet and talk to Mr. H through the webcam. I'm so happy about that and even though it wasn't an actual meeting, now my brother has talked with Mr. H and heard Mr. H talk and we all chatted for probably close to 45 minutes. So now it's a little less weird for my brother because he's sort of met the man I completely love and who I'm going to spend my life with!! :)
I've been kind of on and off depressed this weekend for no big reason but just a lot of little worries/frustrations. 1) I still don't know what kind of career I want to have and I don't have much faith in myself to be able to do much, because I know I'm just not the best worker; 2) I'm starting to really look at everything when I'm out and about because I love this city and I'm already kind of missing it, and I honestly can't say what will happen in the long run and where Mr. H and I will end up living - so there's no guarantee that I will ever live here again and I'm trying to memorize everything I can while I'm still here, and I look around at all the amazing urban beauty with a kind of sadness even as I know I'm taking a really important and exciting step by leaving here; 3) likewise, I'm thinking of my closest friends who I'll be leaving and the relationships I have here and the people who love me, and I'm starting to get a little sad; 4) I felt kind of lonely after my brother left and the feeling continued with me on and off throughout the weekend.
Okay - well my mood wasn't really low when I was writing that last paragraph but I was just recounting what I was down about on and off during the weekend. But now I'm feeling fabulous as I'm about to go to bed because Mr. H and I just had a little chat on skype and just seeing his smile and talking with him for a bit puts me in such a calm and peaceful and at the same time joyous mood. I love feeling his love and it makes everything okay and happy for me just knowing that I'm loved so much and knowing that he's there.
Also - because I'm becoming a hockey fan, I watched the whole Canucks game tonight (well had it on and half watched it while doing my stuff, but was listening the whole time) and they won in OT just before Mr. H and I chatted, so that's an extra good thing because it makes Mr. H happy and I want his team to win! :)