Random things
Tomorrow afternoon my brother and sister-in-law are flying here for a wedding and tomorrow night they're going to stay with me - which means of course that I have some cleaning to do! My dishes are mostly all clean but I need to dry and wet swiffer and clean the rug and clean my couch and do my clothes laundry and also clean everything on my bed, from mattress pad to sheets and blankets, etc. My brother is allergic to cats, not deathly allergic but still bothered, and I'm letting them have my bed for the night. So I want as few cat hairs on all the bed stuff as possible. And actually tonight after I get it all cleaned and the bed made, I'm going to shut the bedroom door and sleep on the couch so James and Emma won't be all over the bed with me.
They'll only be staying with me on Friday night but I'm excited. And I don't know when the wedding is or when they'll have to get a cab to the hotel, but hopefully we can get some breakfast on Saturday morning too, because I love going out to breakfast!
Last night I watched Lost and then flipped to the Vancouver-Dallas hockey game cause it was on some random sports channel for me! Mr. H was of course watching it as well, and we talked on skype during the intermissions. And I also looked at Vancouver's roster online and read about all of the players so I'll know more about them and like rooting (sp?) for them to win! It's actually really fun for me to watch hockey (when I care about one of the teams) because there's so much action, it's so fast, I'm constantly amazed by the speed and quick movements that these guys can do on iceskates (because I can go very slowly and stiffly about two miles an hour and that's it). So I get to become a hockey fan now because I have a reason - because my Mr. H loves the Canucks, and because I'll be living in Canada!!
Florida just called and we talked for awhile about The Meat and how he's really down and depressed right now and going through a hard few days. He gets depressive episodes now and then and he always tells me that he just has to wait it out and it'll be better on the other side. But knowing that doesn't make it any easier on Florida and I and we feel so helpless by not being able to do anything to help him.
I'll write him a little note (cause he's not in his office right now) and then I'll head home for cleaning!
Okay it's almost 10 now and I haven't done much. A little, but as usual I procrastinate until nighttime. Mr. H and I already talked on skype and he's gone to bed because he has a terrible cold - yesterday he said he thought he was getting sick and now tonight it was full-blown and he sounded terrible! I hate when someone I love so much is suffering and there's nothing I can do to make it better! And I know the best thing for him is to sleep and if I was there with him I couldn't do anything, but I still wish I was there.
Yesterday morning when I woke up, it was snowing outside. WTF?! Right now I'm running my space heater in my living room because I can't seem to get warm. I'm so ready for spring to get here and oh will I be happy when I can walk outside slowly and just enjoy the beautiful wonderful weather!!!
In other news, two nights ago I decided to try to pop two little bumps on my face because they weren't getting bigger or smaller and I especially don't want them there when I go to Vancouver. The popping didn't exactly work and they were much bigger bumps yesterday, and last night I was trying to squeeze anything and everything out but only liquid was coming out, and after all that the one on my forehead looked like a massive mosquito bite cause it was so swollen all around the whole thing. So I tried pressing a bag of frozen blueberries against it to try to reduce the swelling and also just freeze anything hiding inside there (same with the one on my cheek, and I don't usually get zits on my cheeks (knock on wood)!). Today I covered them with makeup when I went to work and oh they looked terrible and I felt like my forehead had a mini mountain on it! But I've washed them tonight and I'm not touching them or doing anything else and I'm so happy to report that the one on my forehead is looking slightly better. Still red and ugly, but it looks like it's drying out a little and that's a really good thing! I know it's such a stupid thing, but it's really bothersome having such big things on my face!!!
And I'll go get restarted with the cleaning in a second but I just have to say one other thing: I find it so disgusting that so-called leaders like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, as well as the media reporting non-stop, have managed to get Don Imus fired. Once again, no, of course I don't like what he said. Yes, it sounded terrible. But come the fuck on already. This whole thing is so wrong and I actually feel sorry for Imus now and hope he can come back stronger than ever on some other radio network, just to stick it to Jackson and Sharpton who have such ridiculously high egos and try to create controversy just so they can try to prove that they're still powerful and necessary. They are all about pressure and essentially blackmail, and I find about 95% of what they say and/or do to be complete crap. Everything about those two is ridiculous and disgusting to me, and I would never want someone like them speaking for me. Oh it gets my blood boiling just thinking about it again.
Okay, I'll go get started now. I'm tired and I'd rather take a nap on the couch, but I'll hopefully get in my cleaning zone soon after I start.