Book and Mr. H coming next weekend!
So, I'm not in too much of a talkative mood, but I'll quickly write a few things. First, I need to shower and then clean my place because it's just disgusting right now and every bit of it needs cleaning and straightening and such. And garbage needs to be thrown out, laundry needs to be done, and some dishes need to be done. Starting out with a shower will be good, both to wake me up a bit and also because showers are so relaxing and I always think alot when showering so I can go over the book in my head.
Mr. H will be here in less than a week!!! He's going to drive and bring his two dogs, and his plan is to do it in two days - driving an average of 16 hours each day. He's going to leave very early on Thursday morning, around 2 or 3 a.m., and then when it's starting to get dark in the evening he'll stop, somewhere around the border of Montana and North Dakoka, and sleep for the night. And then he should hopefully be here on Friday night or Saturday morning! Then we'll have all day Saturday to be here at my place (and so Mr. H can take a couple naps), and very early Sunday morning we'll drive to my parents' cottage in Michigan. My aunt, uncle and two cousins will be there on Sunday and be leaving on Monday morning, so they'll get to know Mr. H and I'm so happy about that. And on Monday my grandparents will meet him. And we'll also probably celebrate my birthday on both days, and then on Tuesday, my actual birthday, Mr. H and I will leave very early in the morning to come back to Chicago and spend my birthday together. And then he'll leave on Wednesday to drive back to Vancouver.
I'm so excited and happy!!! I just LOVE that I get to see him so soon and I love that we're both so excited and looking forward to it, and I love that he'll get to know my parents much better and get to know my aunt, uncle and cousins and my grandparents as well! And I also love that we'll have two days together for just the two of us. And I'll get to see his sweet and wonderful dogs again and James and Emma will have their first contact with their future brothers :) I need to get a dog gate this week so I can block off my bedroom, and all James and Emma's stuff will be in there so it'll be their sanctuary to feel safe in. I decided that I'll put the dog gate up a little on the door so there's six inches or so of space below the gate and I think James and Emma will like that. If they do come out (I'm sure Emma won't but I really really hope James does) he'll feel much more safe if he can just peek out and go underneath a gate instead of having to jump all the way over it.
Speaking of my little babies, can I just say how happy they make me!?! They are so loving and love me so much, and it's just the best feeling in the world! Last night as I read most of the night, James was laying right at my side most of the time and he'd wake up now and then and reposition himself at my side and purr. And little Emma kept coming up on my pillow and purring around my head while I petted her, and then she'd just keep purring and purring and purring just being near me. I love them so much! And even this afternoon when I was finishing my book, I was sitting in my chair near the window for the natural light and James was alternately sleeping on the top of the chair or at the foot of the chair, and as soon as I moved to the couch after finishing, he too came up on the couch to sleep by me. They are so wonderful and make me so so happy and I adore them so much!
Okay, I'm going to go shower now. When I think of the book I'm still just thinking "Wow" and don't feel like talking about it just yet - my mom is reading it too and we said we'd talk about it when we both finished. But I think maybe not until tonight will I call her. I first need my alone time to process it all. And during my alone time now I'll be cleaning! :)