Movie, long walk and beetle guilt
The movie was really very good for someone who has read the books, but when I imagined Mr. H watching it, not having seen any of the previous films or read any of the books, I think it would seem slightly choppy and kind of light on some of the various storylines. But for us, it was fabulous! It was also really dark though and by the end of it we were all depressed and kept saying that as we were leaving the theater, none of us really talking too much.
Florida and I waited for The Italian Chef to get on her bus and then we walked toward the train, but it was SO beautiful today so we decided to start walking for a bit. We ended up walking all the way to Florida's (although I got on the train a couple blocks from her house for the rest of the way to my place). I think that based on the route we took, we probably walked at least three and a half miles. It was wonderful, because the day was just so perfect and not too hot, which is so important to me, and we walked through the city and on streets we hadn't walked been on for awhile, and then walked through the park, and we of course talked the whole time so it was just perfect. And also, we felt a little better after all the popcorn we ate that seemed so yummy at the time but then was just sitting in our stomachs - I think I can still taste a bit of it and it makes me want to be sick!
I feel kinda bad right now because about an hour ago I spotted this beetle walking on my chair in the living room - it looked like a baby june bug or something like that. I quickly grabbed a glass and got the beetle in there and covered it up, and then although I thought to myself that I should let the beetle go somewhere (I was thinking that I couldn't put him in the hallway or else he could crawl back underneath my door), I instead took the easy route and flushed him down the toilet. Only, between the time that I shook him in the toilet and quickly flushed and closed the lid, I saw the poor little guy's little legs all scrambling and that image has stuck in my mind. I was just thinking about it again and it hit me that I have a back door that opens to the back staircase and trash cans and whatnot, and I could so easily have let him out there and he'd even probably have been able to find stuff to eat out there. So I feel really bad now for just killing the poor creature and causing him to drown and be scared. I so wish I could go back and do that over and not have murdered the little beetle who just accidentally somehow found his way into my place. So now, while I don't hope for any bugs to come in here, I'll try to do the good thing and let any bug go out into the back staircase (I can't promise that for spiders though, because I really really hate those things). I'm hoping that by writing about it here I can let it go now, but the image and the feeling bad is so far still here with me.
I'm really sleepy and can't think of too many other things to write about just now. So instead of doing some rambling, I'm going to get ready for bed and read just a couple pages of my book before my eyes demand to be closed. :)