I have 23 boxes packed, and that's most everything in my living room and closets (not including bedroom) and the big kitchen stuff. James and Emmalove are exploring all over their new obstacle course right now - they're so cute!!! Here's what I'll finish before going to bed: pack most of my plates and dishes (glasses and cups are done) and my few items of food that will be going along with me. Tomorrow I'll have the bathroom (1 box) and all my clothes. And I'll do a couple loads of laundry tomorrow, too, including all my sheets and such.
And speaking of beds, I bought myself a new mattress and boxspring set today!!!! I'm so excited!!! It was a really good deal, under $600 including tax, the mattress felt so incredibly comfy, and it'll be delivered on June 1st to my place. Which means I can throw out my old bed and boxspring hopefully tomorrow night if anyone comes by, or at least with the help of the very first people who are here to help me move out on Wednesday. I'm so excited to start out my new place with a brand new bed!!!

And I tried to be a good shopper and ask a million questions and ask the difference between this bed and other beds, and if it will give me backaches and all that stuff. But I know I was a complete girl. And I really don't understand this mattress stuff at all even though I tried to look at stuff online beforehand. I'll definitely have to take a guy with me when I someday buy a car. So this bed, it's a Simmons Beautyrest (and don't anyone say anything bad about it now cause it will cause me a ton of stress - I've already bought it! Unless it's the absolute worst bed in the entire world and then send me an email so I can cancel it before it's delivered.) and it was the big On Sale item in the store. There were actually two that were really on sale and the sales guys recommended this one much more, and when I laid on the other one it didn't feel nearly as good. So they were really pushing this bed. Really pushing it. When I tried to leave to, as I said, look at some reviews online, they kept me in there. So that makes me nervous. Or maybe they just knew that they had me as long as I didn't leave, which was true.
But at the same time, this bed seems really good and when I got back here and read up on other similar Beautyrest beds (there are about a thousand and none of these websites
really explains anything!) it seemed like a very good choice. And the price was so low that the store probably wasn't getting much of anything if even that off of it. And they had a million good things to say about it, and I really was trying to quiz them on the difference between it and slightly higher priced beds, and I laid on other beds. And it has that pillow-topper thing (yes, you see how much of a girl shopper I am!) that was so nice! Oh I really hope it's a good bed! I'm freaking myself out now that I'm writing all this, just because I know I was such the ideal female shopper! But I've been ridiculously excited about it all day! So I'm just going to stay excited! I know it will be a wonderful bed for me! And it's my first ever bed that I've purchased myself - yay me!!!!
Okay. Then I packed for the rest of the day. And bought some cleaning stuff and toilet paper and new sponges and other such things to take with me to the new place on Thursday morning. And The German came over this evening to check my progress (he's been very good and kept on me to not procrastinate) and bring me six more boxes. He helped me get all my kitchen stuff out and pack a couple boxes.
Here's my plan for tomorrow (I'm making it up now so I get it all organized in my head): 1) get up and get to work very early, before 9:30, to print out stuff for the morning and to reschedule an 11:00 thing since The Queen won't be in; 2) write the stupid letter that I was supposed to write a week and a half ago for my volunteer group and send out; 3) call to rent the U-Haul - yes, I know,
I know! Why didn't I call on Sunday or today? I don't know. For some reason I kept pushing it back because I didn't want to do it. 4) Now that I have my police report, I can get my sheriff's ID; 5) go to the driver's license facility before lunch and get a new one; 6) fill out the credit card affidavit regarding the charges from when my card was stolen, and mail it out
right away; 7) leave work early, I'll say between 3:30 and 4:00, to go to the alderman's office and get the no parking signs for on Thursday, and then go to my new place and put the signs up in front of my building; 8) do laundry; 9) meanwhile, pack bathroom and the rest of my clothes and all the miscellaneous stuff hanging around; 10) oh - insert this between 6 and 7 - reschedule Comcast appointment to Friday or Saturday and change address on the couple other bills.
That's done, and I feel better to have all the things written down now. I just need to actually stick to it tomorrow instead of fucking around like I usually do!
Well on Saturday the boat

trip went wonderfully! The German met me downstairs in a cab at 8:30 and we headed to the Metra. We got to Waukegan at maybe 10:15, 10:30 - I'm actually not sure how long the ride was. Then we went to a couple little shops in the harbor to get some things (everyone was so friendly there) and loaded ourselves onto The Germans's sailboat. I learned to steer using the tiller right away and I motored us out from the one side of the harbor where he was at and around and into the other side and up to the gas dock (I actually handed The German the tiller when we were almost there cause I thought we were coming in too fast and I had no idea how to steer us into the dock, and I jumped up to grab the dock instead). We survived our first time of docking to fill up the gas barrels and of turning back around and getting out. Yay us!

And then we were on the water for about exactly 7 hours on the trip to Chicago. I steered us most of the time and I loved the compass that's on the wall of the boat because I could always keep us pointed in about the right direction. It was really calming being on the boat, I sort of settled into my own thoughts and was very relaxed. Well, until the motherfucking flies wouldn't leave us alone! I noticed a few flies when we were first heading out. And then I started noticing more. And when The German went below deck once I counted 40 on the teak wood on the side where he had been sitting. And then there were just hundreds, literally! I don't know where the motherfuckers came from or if they were having babies that gr

ew to full size in the span of 15 minutes, but there were seriously at least 500 flies on the boat with us. We killed so many of the little fuckers, but they kept coming. And they liked to bite ankles. I wore pants so just my ankles and hands were showing but I felt bad for The German in his shorts! There were a few times near the end of the trip when I was so incredibly irritated and annoyed to such an extreme with their neverending assault, that I could understand how people could be driven crazy by bugs.

But despite the flies, it was a good trip, and very uneventful. Our little motor chugged away the whole time. Once The German put up the main sail, hoping to be able to actually sail for real, but what little wind there had been died down immediately, so we reverted to the motor. When we were approaching Montrose Harbor, it felt like it took forever for us to actually reach it. That's when I was having my near fit with the flies, too. For a little while it was all too much for me, and The German could tell that I was near the breaking point so he leaned across and kissed me a few times, and was incredibly sweet, and it made it a little better.
So anyway, long story less long, we reached Monroe Harbor and got the buoy on our first pass, and I was so mentally and physically exhausted even though I'd just sat on my butt and driven

the boat with a tiller. The German came over to my place and we grilled burgers and ate on my balcony and then laid on the couch together and both fell asleep for awhile until he managed to drag himself up and go home. I talked to my mom briefly and went to bed at 11 and didn't wake up until 1:30 p.m. on Sunday. Driving a sailboat and dealing with fucking flies all around you is hard work!

So that was my weekend! And it was so incredibly hot outside so I've had to run the AC the whole time I've been inside. Otherwise there wouldn't have been any packing because I'd just be laying on my floor naked and sweating from the heat. What happened to spring weather?! To mid-70's!? I really, really, really hope that it's not hot like this on Wednesday and Thursday because it's hard enough for me to have my friends help me move, but if I see them dripping sweat because of the heat as well, I'll feel so terrible!
I'm getting a new bed - yay!!! :)