I was a naughty girl again last night :)
SP came over for a fun couple hours! When he first got here, he

had me get a stick of butter from the refrigerator and we retreated to my bedroom. I laid naked on the bed, and he rubbed the butter all over me, starting with my neck, then generously coating my boobs, all over my stomach, my inner thighs, and then my happy place :)
The butter felt really good - I liked the cold against my skin - but I wasn't a huge fan of the smell of it as it warmed up a bit. I did like when SP had me sit on the edge of the bed with him behind me, facing the mirror doors of my closet, and I watched as he ran his hands all over my shiny buttery skin! And I
didn't like when I went down on him and he initially tasted like butter - I almost gagged at the overwhelming taste and had to call up more of my own spit to dilute the taste. So anyway, that was my new experience for the night!
And in other news, my whole body is wonderfully sore, not due to sexual activity, but because I had my free personal trainer session with G on Thursday!!! I LOVE feeling

sore after working out! He had me ride the bike for five minutes to warm up, then we went to a corner and did stretches first and then squats and lunges. We jogged once around the track and then went to the weight machines where he worked my legs so much and my chest and triceps as well. And then we went to the personal trainer section for the hardest part - squats and leg lifts using a step, running up and down the step, balancing on the half ball while lifting a bar for my back, laying and doing chest exercises, and then a bunch of really hard ab exercises.
I've decided that I'm going to use part of my new savings account to buy some sessions with G. I'm justifying it this way: the money is for either travel or something that I really want or just to keep saving. First, I have no one to travel with and so no immediate plans to go anywhere. And second, I wouldn't want to go to any warm locale anyway until I get myself in
more perfect (like that?!) shape. And also, this getting in shape thing is an investment in my future - my health, my self-image, all that stuff. So it makes sense to use some of the money to jump-start my getting in shape. I don't push myself as much as G will, and also I get intimidated sometimes when at the gym. And also, I only do the things I know how to do. So I need to get my confidence up for when I'm there.
TIC and I initially looked into doing the personal training together so we could each have a

cheaper rate. But when G started giving me quotes, I knew it would be too much for TIC to spend. And she's doing so good anyway with working out on her own. So I'm trying to figure out how much of my savings account I want to use. The three months is definitely out. The two months would use up almost my whole savings, so that's out. So I need to get a separate quote from him on 6 weeks/12 sessions, and 4 weeks/8 sessions. And I'll decide between those. I'd like to only use half of my savings account, so I may end up doing the one month plan. And really, in one month I'll have a really good start, my body will have started changing, and I'll have learned what to do on my own, so that should be completely adequate.
For a little laugh, check out
THIS - the husband of the year awards. Of course, I would refer to them as the men I would like to kick the shit out of awards.

On Thursday night, TIC and I saw Brokeback Mountain. And holy shit, it was the best movie I've seen in so so so long. It was
amazing! So touching, so real (and I'm talking the characters and the relationships, not the sex or anything like that). About half an hour from the end, I had tears running down my face and then a few minutes after that more tears, and later more tears, and by the end I really wished I was watching it in my own home so I could have a full-on weep. I turned to TIC and told her the obvious - that I couldn't stop crying. And my eyes were watery and red for the rest of the night. And I keep thinking about this movie. That's the real indication of a great movie - when it doesn't leave you when you leave the theater. I would highly, highly recommend it, and I also want it to win all the big awards. Of course, I haven't seen most of the other films that have been nominated for big awards so far, but this movie was so touching and so incredible and so well done, that it deserves to win.
I fell asleep on my couch again last night. This week I've done that I think 3 times. And each time is because I get so tired reading a new book that I just started: The Shadow of the Wind. It's not bad or anything, and it's supposed to be a fantastic book, but I just get tired reading it. So last night I fell asleep at 10:30, I woke up at 5 a.m. but was too tired to move from my couch, and I got up at 8 this morning. The German is coming over sometime soon to cook me breakfast, and then I need to work on organizing and perfecting all the pictures I took of the band last weekend, cause I need to give CDs with all the pictures to Piano Man tonight - Florida, Asparagus, myself, Piano Man, and two others are going to dinner, which will be such fun!
Oh - yesterday I got a hair trim at the Aveda Institute and I found another name to go on my potential-baby-name list! My stylist's name was Neda, which is Croatian and means hope - how cool is that! Foreign names are always my favorites!
Oh - I was going to tell the songs on my sex playlist! I'm always on the lookout for more, so let me know if anyone has any! Here they are:
- Red Light Special by TLC (goes back to sophomore year in college)
- Doin' It by Whatshisname (I always blank on his name, but he's so hot and the song is so incredibly hot!)
- Je t'aime...Moi non plus by Serge Gainsbourg (with Brigitte Bardot - in French, about sex, so sexy and includes lots of heavy breathing)
- Simply Beautiful by Al Green (such a sensual song)
- Let's Get It On by Marvin Gaye
- Chains and Things by B.B. King (it's just sexy)
- Strokin' by Clarence Carter
- You Sexy Thing by Hot Chocolate
- Wild Thing by Tone Loc (a bit silly, but I like it)
- Sex Me by R. Kelly (I'm not sure I'll keep this on when I redo my iPod, cause it has that early 90's sound)
Give me more suggestions, I need more hot songs!
I have to go shower now, The German just called...