I got home a little while ago, and I’m able to type at home because I just picked up my computer tonight. Best Buy called me today and reported that they couldn’t find anything wrong with the hard drive. Stupid fucking computer – it dies and crashes and definitely is a lemon, but when I take it in, it acts all innocent and angelic and works perfectly for them. At least the guy helping me tonight believes me that something’s up, because he was showing me how to run the check for myself and he saw how incredibly long the system takes to boot up and to even open anything up. And I don’t care if the computer can somehow understand what I’m saying here about it – it’s a fucking loser-ass, nearly worthless, lemon computer!!!!
So, I’ve been busy this week. I guess it’s obvious since I haven’t written anything here since Monday. And without the computer at home, I couldn’t type when I actually had time. We had a huge case up on Wednesday and I spent all day Tuesday, late into Tuesday night, and half the day on Wednesday working on it, and then the other half of Wednesday was spent watching it. And today I was organizing for next week (since I leave for California tomorrow morning) and spending some time with everyone at work and learning about bankruptcy law from The Meat and I also had a lunch date (more on that later).
And tonight I had so much to do and so I had to skip something that I’d been so looking forward to for the last few weeks – a get-together of girls, put together by Violet, among others. It was going to be a chance for everyone to meet friends of friends and maybe make new friends. And I was so excited about the idea, and I even dressed all cute for it today! But I had to go shopping for something to wear to the wedding, and I had to drop off my key to The German so he can take care of James and Emmalove for me, and I had to go to Walgreens, and I had to pick up my computer. So I hope it went really well so they plan another one really, really soon!
But I did find some clothes! Yay! At Ann Taylor Loft I bought a perfect black sweater, and also a super-cool black pencil skirt with buttons up the front. It isn’t that much but I spent at least an hour at the store because I tried on massive amounts of clothes – you never know what’s going to look good! Then I took the bus to Express and tried on massive amounts of clothes there and ended up getting three pairs of pants (or is it pair of pants?). I love Express semi-dress pants, and they fit me perfect. Except they’re too long. And I want to wear one pair to the wedding, so I’m going to be pinning them up with a bunch of small safety pins. It isn’t my ideal, but the safety pins work pretty well (I’ve used them before – have I mentioned that I’m a procrastinator?).
I have to do some laundry and I’ll take it down in a little bit, but I need a bit of a rest on my couch first, and I’ve been just dying to type! I’m also keeping my eye on the basketball games. I saw that Duke lost to LSU and kick ass – I had that!!!! I’m amazing!!!! :)
So, I had a lunch date today. It was with I believe Guy #2, who I wrote about a couple posts ago. He called on Tuesday night and we chatted for 40 minutes. It wasn’t the best conversation and he talked a lot, but I squeezed in a bunch of questions, too, so I could get all his background. We planned on lunch and I wasn’t too excited about it, mostly because time was of the essence today. But everyone at work convinced me to just go. He was good looking in a way, but has a hard look to his face. I’m not sure how to describe it. The hardness reminds me of some actor but I can’t think for the life of me who it is.
We met downstairs in my building and walked to Marshall Fields and to a restaurant in the basement. He walked too fast and I seriously almost told him to slow his ass down. And he talked a lot. When we sat down I also saw that he moved a lot. He couldn’t just sit still. Oh, and he was a fucking loud talker! I’m sure that the people sitting two booths down from us could hear every word he said. And as to his personality, he was just kind of odd, and not in a good way. I’m really bad with putting my finger on exactly what it is about someone. He talked a lot. And didn’t stop to really listen to me sometimes. He interrupted me a few times. He didn’t ask me many questions. I got the impression also that 1) he isn’t super intelligent, 2) he isn’t that deep, and 3) he’s either a bit on the negative side or something similar. I know I sound like such a bitch. And I also know that I might be wrong about a lot of those things, because this
was our first time meeting, and we only had one lunch. But still, these were my first impressions, and even though it sounds bitchy, I'm writing what I felt even as I acknowledge that I may be completely wrong.
So anyway, from all the above, I knew pretty quickly that we weren’t going to be a match. But we managed to talk the whole time, and by the end we were a little more comfortable and had steered the conversation toward some more interesting things. When he dropped me off at my building, he gave me a very weak hug and said it was fun meeting me, and asked if I’d like to go to dinner or a movie sometime. And I said “sure, that would be fun” like an idiot, because I didn’t know what else to say. I mean, he was a nice guy. A bit odd, but nice. So I didn’t want to say no! So we’ll see. I hate saying no and usually just get distant so they get the point. But maybe I should be honest with him in an email. I just don’t know how.
After I got back to the office he emailed me to send me a couple pictures of himself, because I asked him to send me pictures. And he also emailed me tonight to update me on his situation with his apartment that he'd been very bothered by and that we talked about at lunch. So I think I'll send back a very short email so he knows I got his emails and so I'm not rude.
Anyway though, on to more fun things! Last night SP came over for a short time. We knew it would be short so it was incredibly intense. I greeted him at the door wearing only a black button-down shirt, with all the buttons undone. After he undressed, he told me to sit on his face. Then he pushed me back on the couch and told me to suck his cock. And it continued from there. I love when he comes over! And I seriously was so incredibly turned on that I just wanted to eat him alive!
He commented last night that maybe one of these times we’d be able to have a long, languid session as opposed to our hot and intense ones. But he didn’t know if it would be possible – because he seriously turns into an animal when he’s here and couldn’t slow down for anything. And I love that!
Right before he left he turned me around and pulled me into his body, pulled my shirt off one shoulder, moved my hair to the other shoulder, and bit and sucked my lower neck – so hot! He loves doing that and knows I love it equally as much. And he left a mark, which I love, too. I loved going to work today, knowing that just under my shirt I have evidence of our passion!!!!
Then, about ten minutes after SP left, I got a call and it was Guy #3 – the teacher at The Meat’s son’s high school. It was the first time we’d spoken, and we talked for a little over an hour. It was a pretty good conversation overall. I asked a lot of questions, he asked some questions. He talked a lot. But we did manage to touch on some pretty interesting topics. And at the end, we were talking about the NCAA tournament and joking with each other. He’s a big sports guy, so we talked more about sports than I normally would. But I have no problem with it really. As long as it isn't always that way. And some of it might have been because it was our first conversation. And there were a couple almost awkward lulls, which I hate!
He seemed like a really nice guy, although he also seemed a little like a partier. He also is a real guy’s guy and it seems like he has a ton of guy friends, who he refers to always as "my buddy(ies)". I’m not sure if he’s mature enough for me. And I usually like more mature and experienced men. But he was nice, and I can tell he’s a really good person. So we’re going to try to meet up one evening next week. He emailed me pictures of himself this afternoon and he’s cute – little boy cute. He’s 30 but looks like he could be 22. He’s not someone who I’d normally find really attractive, but I’ll see how it is when I meet him. He gave off a good vibe, and he does in his pictures as well. I’m going to try to keep an open mind.
Okay, well that’s the end of the guy update. Oh, I need to give my waking up and getting to work update, before I forget! Monday and Tuesday I did really well and got there at I think 9:30 on Monday and 9:35 on Tuesday. Wednesday was not good. I stayed up until 3 a.m. on Tuesday night reading for that case, and I just
couldn’t get up in the morning. Even when my mom called me, I just
HAD to lay back down after I hung up with her. So I got there at about 10:45, and that’s with taking a cab, too. And today I got there at 9:40, so that was okay. Tomorrow morning I have to get to the airport at about 8 a.m. It’s going to suck. But I can sleep on the plane. And I’ll be meeting my parents there and we’ll be on the same plane to Sacramento.
I’m getting so fucking tired. Maybe I don’t need to do laundry after all. I wanted to wash my jeans because they’re perfectly tight right after washing but then they stretch out and end up pretty loose later. So they need tightening back up. Maybe I can just get them wet though! I can get in the shower with them on and then dry them as best as I can – since they need to dry by morning! That sounds so much better than going downstairs to the laundry room. All I want to do is close my eyes. But I need to do partial packing tonight or at least lay shit out and make a list.
I have a cute story about a friend and colleague of Florida’s. He reads this so I’ve been thinking for forever about a name for him and it’s just been too hard! Because he’s so silly, and projects such self-confidence even though I don’t think he really is all that confident always. And he’s really funny, and did I mention silly! He’s also a wonderful dad to his two little children, and Florida has told me how adorable they are. Oh and I recently discovered that he’s very metrosexual, which I find just hilarious! And he’s also pretty hot – Wake Forest agrees (and if he wasn't married, I think we'd both be after him) – I know Florida is going to hate me building up his ego here! :)
So anyway, he has so many little facets and little things about him and I couldn’t pick just one or two, so I was at a loss. Until I commented on his very cool bag which subs for the ugly and very boring briefcases that most lawyers carry, and he then spent a few minutes showing Wake Forest and I every pocket and every nook and cranny of it, and I couldn’t stop laughing to myself because he was so silly about it and so proud of his bag, although I admit that it was a super cool bag. But so now I have a name for him, after the brand of his bag, which I think was Ogio, or something very similar. (My internet on my computer isn’t working for some stupid reason. It’s acknowledging that it’s getting a signal from the wireless but is saying that a cable is unplugged. So when I want to post this, I’ll have to move to the floor and plug in the actual cable. And for that reason, I can’t check right now to see whether I’m correct about Ogio being the name. But that’s his name until I see a different spelling!)
Whew! That was a long story for explaining a name! Anyway, my original point – Ogio told Wake Forest and I the cutest story about his son T, who is four years old. T drew a picture in preschool class and when his teacher asked him what it was, he explained it to her and later to Ogio and his wife – it was a picture of Ogio (daddy) going poopy on the toilet! It cracked me up!!!! It doesn’t look that funny when I write it now, but knowing Ogio, it’s hilarious!
The game between Texas and West Virginia is almost over. Less than a minute to go. Texas is up by 3, and they need to keep it that way, dammit! I have them in the final game, so they NEED to win! Oh good, they just made two free throws so they’re up by five. Dammit, 3-pointer by WV. 14 seconds left and now a commercial.
What else? I haven’t written in so long so I know there’s other things. But I’m also well into my fourth page on Microsoft Word. So I’ll end this ridiculously long post. I still haven’t had any alcohol since November 9th! Yay me! And I still think about it sometimes, and think about the feeling of being drunk, and the devil tells me that I could have it just once more, but I know it wouldn’t be once. And I don’t want to go back to that time. And also, I REALLY don’t want to break my streak! In a couple weeks it'll be five whole months!!! That's seriously fucking amazing!!! Considering that I usually drank every day and at the most would go without for just one day or maybe two every once in awhile.
KICK ASS!!!! WV tied it with five seconds to go, and Texas, with that five seconds left, hit a 3!!! I’m still alive in our pool!!!! And Memphis won, which is fabulous!
I’ll be back from California on Monday night, and with tons of pictures! :) So I probably won't be able to write anything until then, except maybe I will on Sunday night, because my mom bought herself a little tiny mini laptop for when she travels, so I'll see.
Have a good weekend! And now that I have my computer back, piece of shit as it is, I can be posting regularly again!