Email from my Grandpa
"Hi [Caterpillar],
The wedding was very nice and you were a most attractive bridesmaid. Actually I thought it was well organized. The reception, however, seemed to morph into a bride's family celebration.
I can understand why you felt like drinking. However, some good often comes from unhappy situations. As I am now able to point out to you how unattractive you become when drinking. In the future when you have a date with Mr. Right, have nothing more to drink after the glass or two of wine with dinner. If you are unable to stop at that point. I would suggest that you consider AA or professional help--or I believe that I will not likely have the pleasure of seeing you as a lovely happy bride.
[Caterpillar], I am on your side.
Love, Grandpa"
He has a way of putting things. That I can't ignore them. And it makes me feel terrible. The use of the word "unattractive" sticks, and I won't be able to forget it for some time. Unattractive. His letters/emails always stick with me, even though I always wish they wouldn't.