Little Brother's Wedding Weekend - Part 1 (the end of the Saturday evening until the present)
I'll get to the actual weekend and the wedding and the what-not later, but what is most on my mind right now is my hook up with one of my brother's fraternity brothers after the reception! The sex was so hot, and he was just what my ideal fantasy of a hook up is - he was very hot, and he was fantastic in bed - flipping me this way and that, and very in control and telling me what to do - and also he had an enormous unit. See, perfect! And he lives in Chicago, although very far west of me. I don't know for sure whether I'll see him again, but I want to. And no, he's not good for a potential boyfriend, not at all. He's known, I guess, for cheating on girlfriends. And as an example, he wouldn't give me a straight answer when I asked him whether he had a girlfriend: "Who knows, she's broken up with me four times!"
However, he's hot. Short, like probably my height or just a tad bit taller, but my ideal besides that: very dark skin, dark hair, and very good looking. I first met him a month ago when LB and TSIL were here in Chicago for the bachelor/bachelorette parties. We all started out at this guy's house - and he shall heretofore be known as French Mix (he has a French last name) - the house that he shares with two other guys. The second I saw him I thought he was so hot. Short, but so, so hot. Well, as we all know, I had to go home in a cab that night and so wasn't around when the guys and the girls all hooked back up. But I can say it's probably a good thing - I wouldn't have wanted to have hooked up with him in a house full of people, including my brother, who would all know about it the next day.
Anyway, I was dancing with a bunch of the fraternity guys and talking with them at the end of the reception (things are slightly foggy as to the exact time and how long this lasted) and when the reception ended, I was with them and heading to a bar. Myself and one other guy somehow lost the others - probably cause I was walking very slowly in my heels (I had long since changed out of the bridesmaid dress, though). This guy who I was walking with, by the way, was married but wanting to hook up with me. I have to accept part of the blame though because I was in the mood and so talking about all kinds of things, but still, with no intention of hooking up with him! He's married!! When I pointed that out to him, he said "I've just never been with a girl like you." Doesn't make it any better. He said I was so cool from the first time he met me (bachelor/bachelorette weekend - he was in the car that picked me up), and at one point he put my hand on his hard unit in his pants. I just told him I wanted to go to the bar and said "maybe later," so he would keep taking me to the bar.
At the bar there were a bunch of the other fraternity brothers. I was talking to one of them about law school and he asked whether he could email me stuff to look over. I love editing! I said definitely. There was a lot more talking but I don't remember the specifics - someone was a little drunk. However, one thing I do remember is French Mix saying to me at some point as he walked by my table, "You're going home with me tonight, you just don't know it yet." How hot! I love confidence like that! And knowing that he wanted to go home with me was all I needed. It was a given at that point, although I think I said something to him along the lines of "oh you think so, do you?" We left some time after that and took a cab back to my hotel, went up to my room, and the rest is long history!
I have a bunch of bruises on one of my inner thighs. That's a good thing in my estimation. He took control, which I like, he moved us this way and that. He fucked me wonderfully and long and very hard, just like I love! Sometime a tiny bit painfully in some positions as he was so long. It was wonderful. I want more. The next morning when I woke up I gave him a blow - he didn't have any more condoms which was unbelieveably disappointing to me, and I told him so, and I told him he owes me a fuck - anyway, back to the blow. He did the strangest thing - I blew him for a long time (have I ever mentioned my expertise in this area!), and then he moved on top of me when he was about to come and jerked off, but right when we was about to come he stopped himself. He said it was painful to stop but it wasn't fair if he came. I've never had someone do that before! We laid around for awhile and talked some and then eventually he got dressed and called a cab, and when it called up, he snuck out of my room (since my parents, grandparents and other relatives were on the same floor as me). I went back to sleep for awhile until my mom kept calling me because we had to check out. I wasn't hurting so much as just really tired, and still dazed in the head from all the alcohol I'd had the night before. I really need to stop drinking so much.
Well now I'm just going to go on from there and I'll write another entry that swings back to the beginning. I packed, helped my dad finish packing the car, and went downstairs to say goodbye to my whole family. Which sucked, cause I really didn't get to spend enough time with them. I wish I hadn't been a bridesmaid and then I'd have been able to hang out with them. But at the same time, if I hadn't have been a bridesmaid I'd have really felt jilted. Still, I'm so glad I got to see them! And one of my cousins, who I'm going to send this link to, gives absolutely the best hugs in the entire world. He just encompasses you in the most perfect way!
After that, my parents, grandma and I went to LB and TSIL's apartment for a bit. I saw it for the first time and all the pictures up - many frames I got for him, so I liked that they were all up! TSIL actually made eye contact with me a few times, which I was almost surprised at and slightly happy with, and thought maybe, just maybe I can have some hope that she may try to get along with me. I was tired, and they were tired, so we left after an hour and my parents and grandma dropped me off at the airport. I got some food there and sat in the food court area and read Harry Potter for a long time. Too long. When I went to enter the terminal, the line was unbelieveably slow. It was seriously ridiculous. I finally got to my terminal at 3:40, with 5 minutes to spare before we took off. Oh my gosh was I tired! But little James and Emma were so happy to see me and were brushing up against me and mewing and brushing up against anything they could find, and for the whole night they just wanted to be around and have attention and love! My sweetest little babies!!!
I'm still kind of tired today - this morning was awful, I was in a complete fog! Tonight I have my charity monthly meeting to run, so I've spent a lot of time today getting ready for that - making out the agenda, printing stuff out, doing random other things regarding that. I'm going to be so happy to go home tonight after the meeting, even though I have to do some work on an opinion that I want to be finished with by Wednesday.
Anyway, now, even though I know French Mix isn't a potential boyfriend, because the sex was so good and so exciting, I can't stop thinking about him. He has my number and I have his. I'll have to see. I'd love to see him just once more.
I did call Warsteiner last night, later in the evening. He called back at 10:30 and was at work - he'd gone in at 5 that evening to work on things. He just took his sister's dog and is probably going to keep him, so he wants me to meet the dog, who I know I'll love, since he's an English Cocker Spaniel and so was my Muffin!!! I'll see him sometime this week. I wasn't particularly excited while talking to him - it was more of the same stuff - with him working long hours and what not. After my whole drama with him, my own mental pms drama, I now feel just unexcited about him and he has so many potential marks against him. So I'll have to see how I feel when I see him again.
I have to run to my meeting now. Tonight I'll start back from the beginning of the long weekend!