My email to Warsteiner and my venting of extreme anger now! And the pms is gone!!!!
He's a fucking asshole-fuckface!
But yet, I'm giving him a second chance. I just sent him the following message (and as I get more pissed off as seemingly each SECOND passes now, I add things in my mind that I'd love to say to him!)(oh - and I got the idea for threatening an ass-kicking by Mr. Asparagus from his wonderful wife and my wonderful friend, Florida Girl!):
I'm getting more and more pissy now that I know there was absolutely nothing wrong and you just didn't so much as bother calling me for a whole week. I don't think you realize how much you are in the doghouse, and almost booted completely off the property! Even though I sound nice and sweet and semi-joking when I talk to you. There's really no excuse for you failing to communicate with me for an entire week, actually, delete the "really" I just said - there is no excuse. And every "excuse" you gave me is complete crap. Don't treat me that way again, or you will be off the property for good. AND, I'll send [Mr. Asparagus] to kick your ass - and he kicked ass every weekend in college, so he's not just a big guy who doesn't know how to fight!
You have some serious ass-kissing to do! Because what you did was inexcusable and completely disrespectful - and some of my friends will be wondering about my sanity at giving you a second chance.
And you get only one second chance. And this is it, in case you didn't know.
Beyond that, have a good day, and I'll see you tonight. Or not, since I have no faith in you right now.
Sorry for the harsh message. Okay, I'm actually not sorry. I don't like conflict and so always try to be nice. You completely deserve the harsh message, though!
:) [Caterpillar]
I feel slightly better at having vented a tiny portion of my anger at him. He can fucking stay and try to kiss my ass, or go - and as far as I'm concerned I don't care one way or another right now! Thank God I got my period so no more pms!!!! Now I'm just pissed as hell that he was part of the cause of my feeling the worst unhappiness (two days ago) that I can remember in a long time! As I said before, and now I expound: Fucking asshole bastard fuckface!!!