More of the same...
I just had a long crying spell. I feel like I want to roll up in a ball and just stay there, and not be conscious of what I'm feeling right now. I feel positively certain now that I'm not going to get the job that I want. And then I feel like I'll have no hope at all for anything.
James and Emma just woke up while I was crying and they wanted food, but I'm out of the wet food and have only the packets of moist dry food that the vet gave me. And I can't go to the store until I can stop crying and fix my face. But when I gave them the food, they both sniffed and just looked up at me all disappointed and walked away. So now I'm a bad kitten mama, too!
And I should be going out to get my bridesmaid dress but I just don't want to leave my apartment. And it's so hot outside, anyway. I am feeling so blue and like I'm never going to have anything to look forward to again in my life. I'm just a ball of nothing. And I hate this so much! I can't do anything or get anything done or be anything or find anyone. I just wish that I would know this feeling is going to go away, but I don't feel like it will.
Harry Potter is depressing me. I can't read my other book cause it's not super happy. I don't want to watch TV cause I feel so pointless and unproductive. I should practice guitar but I don't have any energy. I should work on the opinion but I can't think and have no energy. I feel like I'm trapped in my own apartment, but I don't want to leave either because James and Emma are so happy when I'm here. I'm going to call MWFB, he'll listen and he always cheers me up.
I'm so sorry this is so down and depressing. I'll hopefully be more upbeat later and so won't sound so scary.