Poopy butt and other news
This morning I woke up to 3 little quarter-sized spots of diarrhea on the carpet next to the litter pan. When James has diarrhea, he pushes it out and then jumps out the box right away, but the diarrhea sticks to his little butt and drops off afterward. Yuck! And he has poopy butt that I'm constantly cleaning off. I've already trimmed all his butt fur so there's not as much that it can stick in.
I called the vet this morning and they said that because I haven't had James in in a year, the doctor wants to examine him. I have an appointment for the annual checkup for both James and Emma scheduled for August 16th. And they couldn't fit James in tonight. So tomorrow night after work we'll take a little trip to the vet. But until then he's going to have diarrhea for another day, and more poopy butt! My poor baby! At least he doesn't mind going to the vet, he's interested in looking around at all the animals and people. My little baby Emma, on the other hand, curls up in a teensy tiny ball facing the back corner of the carrier and just shakes. I feel so bad for her! Her every little muscle is tensed up!
Tonight I'm going to be so productive - yay! I'm determined! First, I'm going to finally do laundry. Second, clean up my kitchen and clean the bathroom. Third, straighten my family room and hang up my clothes in the bedroom. Fourth, vaccuum. And fifth, I'm going to work on organizing the pictures for the DVD I'm making for Little Brother and Future Sister-in-Law. On Saturday I'm taking the train out the burbs and my aunt is going to help me make the DVD, since she makes these things all the time.
In other news, President Bush started his vacation today - 33 days long - at his Crawford ranch. I'm so sick of hearing about his stupid Crawford ranch. I hate the word and I hate how he says it. And I wish I could take an almost 5-weeks vacation, too!
Other news: I didn't hear from Warsteiner at all yesterday! He never called to ask me about my interview or anything. Apparently when he's on vacation, he's not going to call me. Interesting.
I got an email today from a guy I met a few months back on match.com - I've always referred to him as The Iranian (he was born in Iran and came to the US to live with his uncle when he was I believe 14 or 15. He's really Azeri, but I already have an Azeri, so instead he's The Iranian. And he's so ridiculously pro-everyone-Azeri-living-in-Iran, so the name fits). He wrote:
"are you dodging my calls???????? shame on you.....how are you?...no love anymore for me :( what are you up to?".
The Iranian is about 6'4", very slender, and his face is so exotic-looking and dark, and he has amazing really thick black hair. And for being so skinny, he surprisingly is hung like a horse. I'm not kidding, his dick is enormous in all aspects. He's a funny guy and makes me laugh, but he talks alot, and all about himself. And he's really kind of flaky and a bit ditzy. Whenever I see him, for the first hour or two I have a fun time, but after that it just gets annoying with him always telling me the same stories, and talking about himself and how fabulous he is, and I end up stupidly feeling low self-esteem by the end of the night. Also, he has some weird views. First, he's an atheist. I don't want to be with anyone who believes that way. Second, he honestly believes that Ariel Sharon controls all U.S. politics and policies. Both national and international. Third, he tells me every time that I see him how Iran is filled with so many geniuses who can't find jobs cause there aren't enough jobs available in Iran. Geniuses. And that if the Iranian government would change, Iran could rule the world because of the genius brainpower of all its citizens. Yes, he is a bit strange. And annoying when he talks about some of these things. I of course debate with him, but he's certain.
So, I need to write him back but I think I'll wait another day. I'm so bad cause I never like to discontinue contact with someone. But at the same time, I'm dating Warsteiner and I don't really have any desire to see The Iranian right now. So I guess I'll just go on about all the things that I have to do in the next couple weeks and also mention that I'm kind of dating a guy. And say maybe in a few weeks we can meet for a beer and catch up. That sounds good. And also it won't be a whole night so I won't get all annoyed.
It's almost 4:30. I want to go home. Today seems to have gone so slow. I can't think of anything else even remotely interesting to talk about, so, I'm out...