I'm so bad with these titles! Violet needs to help me, hers are always perfect and fun!
3 cups coffee w/ milk
1 yogurt
4 chicken fingers and a few fries - yummy but I felt so bad later!
Quarter pound burger (without bun) w/ monteray (sp?) jack cheese, grilled onions, and my favorite green olives - from Monks Pub - so good! And introduced to me by my wonderful friend Benji!
Some chopped lettuce w/ vinegarette dressing - also Monks
1 beer - Warsteiner, one of my favorite beers, and also my favorite man!
1 bottle Pinot Grigio - yes, it happened again. And I need to address this and will, but not now
40 minutes treadmill, and weight machines - and I have a couple of blisters so tomorrow at lunch I'll just ride the bike, which also makes me sweat like a motherfucker! Oh and I'm also wonderfully sore from the weights on Monday - yay! I love that!
Tonight after exercising, I met Firecracker, who was off work between 5 and 9 - yes, she had to go back to work at 9 pm until who knows when. Who are the people who run these companies who make my friends and man I like stay so late!!?? It's terrible!!! But I digress. This was the first time that she and I had really hung out together, and it was so fun! We went to Monk's Pub downtown and first had some peanuts, the shells of which our waitress eventually pushed on the floor - I love this place! It's all decorated so old and cool! And we each had a Warsteiner (the beer, not my man!), and a mini version of the Monk Burger - quarter pound as opposed to half pound. But the best part was that I got to know her better and we chatted about everything - jobs, our guys, sex, friends, fun, sex, our guys, each other, and more of what is currently occupying our minds right now - our guys, and our horniness for them! (She's going to want to kill me for writing all this!) It was so much fun! And I'm glad we're getting to know each other better! Although she might think I'm somewhat of a freak now :) But hopefully in a good or at least funny way!! :)
Warsteiner hasn't called me tonight, and guess what - I'm okay with it! I called him when I got home at 9:45 and left a message that he better not still be at work, and that I hoped instead he was either asleep in his comfy blue chair or laying in bed reading Harry Potter and unable to get the phone, or asleep. And I told him to call me tonight or tomorrow. But I'm not insane anymore! Cause I know he likes me and he's into me, and I'm into him! And he emailed me a little after lunch and said, among other things, how sleepy he was. So when I called, he was probably asleep. I can't wait to see him again!
I also can't wait to see Wedding Crashers. I've heard how funny it is! I don't usually like to spend the money to go see silly comedies or action movies, but I'll spend the money to see this one. Hmmm, I'm also right now watching The Daily Show and Diane Lane is on, and I'm reminded of how much I love the sex scenes in Unfaithful. Oh...My...Gosh...! Yes, those scenes are so amazing! My favorite one is the hallway scene, when she is sort of trying to get away, and he won't let her. And then he kisses her and she finally gives in, and he roughly pulls her jeans down and then her underwear down and does her from behind. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...! Have I mentioned how I like and dream of a little force and roughness! UM! The hurried scene in the bathroom is a close second - the intensity and desire and need - VERY GOOD!
I just opened my mail and I got a thank you card from The Future Sister-in-Law (August 13th is the big date! Coming soon!). It's actually a nice card! She thanked me for the towels I got them and for the meat tenderizer - yes, they go so well together, towels and meat tenderizer! It made me laugh, which was why I bought the meat tenderizer in addition to the towels! And she also told me to bring my dancing shoes to the wedding and "don't worry[,] there won't be any shots there!" A week and a half ago, at her bachelorette party, she kept buying shots for us, and then a group of guys brought over a whole basket of shots. I know and can handle my beer and my wine. But I never drink shots or any hard alcohol, so I was messed up! I had to be put in a cab by I'm assuming one of the girls there. And there were some interesting pictures of me at the end of the night! Warsteiner actually liked the two I sent him, of the maid of honor grabbing my boobs. At two separate times. She and The Future Sister-in-Law have done that in many pictures so it's nothing new to her, but I admit that the pictures are kind of hot, in that her hands are really cupping and holding my boobs. If I knew how to post a picture, I'd put one of them up right now, just with our faces blocked out. But in this picture, part of the good part is my expression - all seduction! I like to play to the camera sometimes! Hmmm, I think I'll post this and then try to figure out how to put a picture in!
I had to go into edit mode - it's 11:43 and Warsteiner called me a little before 11:30. He's so wonderful! He was on the rooftop deck of his building with Florida Girl, Mr. Asparagus, the guy who owns the rooftop, and his friend Mary (one of his best friends since he can remember - he likes that I'm jealous but said I can't be jealous of her, who we now call The Mary Factor! I'm actually looking forward to meeting her!). He's so fabulous! He said he misses me being in his bed and I told I'm equally missing being in his bed. And that he's very comfy to lay on. And I said we fit together very well - at which he said he thinks so but we will need many more times of testing it together!! And I told him that I was so happy to get his email today; he said it was just a few lines and I said I didn't care, it made me happy. See, some and probably most guys have no idea that just by them sending an email, it tells us that they're thinking about us, which is what we want!!!! And he said he'd see me anytime that I could see him! Yay! Tomorrow I'm supposed to get drinks with a friend from law school, what shall I call him? The only thing I can think of is TP. I haven't heard from him to confirm, but that's normal. However, I just want to see Warsteiner now! What I'm thinking is that maybe I'll tell TP that we can go for a few beers, but that I really want to get back to see Warsteiner by 10:30 or 11:00. Also, happiness(!), I think Warsteiner is going to come to LouAnn aka The Italian Chef's house for food on Friday night now. He knows that Florida Girl and Mr. Asparagus are going, and me. And absolutely everything that The Italian Chef makes is fabulous and amazing! And I'd love to hang out with him with Florida Girl, Mr. Asparagus, and The Italian Chef. Plus, I told him we could leave whenever and do whatever! He liked that, as do I!!!! So YAY! I'm just so happy! I like him! And he likes me! And he's almost my boyfriend! I will absolutely (hopefully) see him tomorrow night, even though I'm sure I'll be buzzed, because that's what I want most - to see him and hug him and kiss him and just be near him. I'm a very content kitten right now! Content except for wanting to see him tomorrow, that is!