I'm happy again!
"Hello Ms. Red-hottie counselor: I do hope you're having a good day. Work is still pretty crazy today -- but I don't quite care since end-of-day involves seeing you, having an icy-cold Bohemia style draft beer, and watching major league baseball. This isn't your average afternoon, by any wild stretch of the imagination. No cases today. That means you go home -- now! Warsteiner"
So I was happy, but not completely happy because he didn't address not calling me back last night! I wrote back: "Hey you! Okay good, I was thinking of beating you since you didn't call me back last night or email me! I still may! I'm so excited for tonight!!!...." And so he called me then, from work! He definitely got the point that I upset about him not calling. He said he heard his phone ring last night but it was across the room, and he was sitting in his comfortable blue chair watching baseball and couldn't bring himself to get out of it, and he fell asleep right after. And he said he thought about calling me this morning but didn't want to wake me up. I feel so bad, I was assuming all of the worst things in the world about him and he was just at home watching baseball and falling asleep. And he was so nice to call me from work right after he got that email! I'm the freak, he's the nice guy.
Anyway, I am taking the whole day off instead of just the morning. The cable guy came at 10, but I'm still on the couch and thinking about getting up for some food. What I really want is some coffee, but my milk went bad, even though it's not even to the sell-by date. What's up with that? I think my frige is cold enough. I have it to the highest level of cold. Anyway, I think I'll just make coffee anyway and drink it black. I'll just make it a little weaker than normal.
By the way, I'm all mystic tanned, so feeling quite sexy, like I'm some surfer chick!!! And speaking of surfer chicks, I saw the movie Blue Crush a couple weeks ago. I loved it! I want to watch it again! And I now love Kate Bosworth!
I just had to take a break cause James jumped up for some love. He's so sweet and so cute! And such a silly cat for loving his belly rubbed as much as he does! I adore him! He's now sleeping at my feet but before was cuddled along my side - he likes spooning!
This weekend I have to 1) make the album from the bachelorette party and email it to everyone, 2) decide which pictures of my brother to use for the DVD and start getting that done, 3) finish the fucking opinion that I haven't done for work. Notice I put the work thing last, when I absolutely need to get it done. Oh and I have to watch the final episode of Into the West - I love that series! I'm so sad it's over. Although I liked the earlier episodes more, before the whites took over the country and before the butchering of the Indians.
It's 12:45. I'll make my coffee, eat, call Comcast to make my cable work, and eventually shower and get ready. I'll look all fresh for Warsteiner, that's good! And oh yes, I think that I'm Going To Have SEX Tonight!!!! Because I'm not upset with him anymore! To the contrary, I like him even more since he called me from work! I better straighten up a bit for when he comes over tonight! And I'm off...