It's amazing how being a little excited about a guy can make you so happy!
The next day he called during the day, and I called him back that night and we chatted for awhile, it was nice. He asked me out and I said yes. I was going home to the cottage for the weekend, so I said Wednesday or Thursday. He said he'd prefer Wednesday cause that way he could see me sooner! I think he might have actually said so he could see my beautiful eyes sooner! It's a little corny, but cute! He ended up taking me to the Sox game that night, what a cool first date! We met downtown and took the L and picked up our tickets and went in, and he had some pretty good seats - I think all seats are good there anyway. And there was the best Beers of the World stand right behind us! He knew about it in advance! We had two beers and in the 4th inning he took my hand and was giving me the most amazing hand rub and forearm rub. I was seriously in heaven! I was watching the game but not seeing anything! And this continued for the whole game! He said he couldn't let go of my hand, and I didn't want him to. And he kissed me, too, a couple pecks here, a couple there. We must have been pretty disgusting to those around us, but it felt so good! Afterward we took the L back and we stood in a corner and cuddled. Yes, during first date. I know, I move fast! He was holding me the whole time, arms around my waist, our heads together. He'd give me little kisses on my forehead. Sometimes I felt self-conscious, not because of being with him, but just cause we were the mushy couple that I hate to see on public transportation. He walked me home and we held hands the whole way and talked. And then I invited him up, for 10 minutes, to meet my babies - he loves animals, too! I told him in the doorway "There's going to be no sex"! I got that from The Bold One! Well, I was right in that there was no sex, but there was some oral sex, most of it performed on me - he's fucking good! I told him I was going to call him The Rabbit II! Neither of us were intending things to go that far, but I didn't stop him cause it just felt so good, everything that he was doing to me! He left at about 1 - he had an 8 am meeting to get to the next day, that just sucks!
The next time we went out was over a week later, this past Friday. Although we talked most nights and emailed back and forth as well. He picked me up, then we went back to his place to drop off his car, and I got to see his condo, which is nice. It's sparsely decorated, but that's like a guy! We went up to Lincoln Square and had some dark Warsteiners and sat in the open window of the bar and talked, and then later went to dinner and talked, and then had one more beer. When we sit and talk, he holds one of my hands! And he kisses my hand! When we had our beer after dinner, we were at the Brauhaus and there was little old German music playing, and we were cuddling! It was so wonderful! We sleepily took the L back, and when it got to Belmont the speaker told everyone to get off, but yet people were getting on, so we stayed on, and then it started going backwards, so we got off at Southport and took a cab. He loved the fact that I said "Let's cross the street so we get a cab going the right way" - he is not stingy or frugal or any of that, but doesn't like spending money unnecessarily. So we dropped him off and then me off. He's so sweet! He called me on Saturday to say what a great time he had the night before! And told me to have fun at The Future Sister-in-Law's bachelorette party!
A few things about him to interrupt my story. He has 8, yes 8, brothers and sisters. 6 sisters, two brothers. He's the second to the youngest. He's devoted to his family and adores his nieces and nephews. He is 30, his birthday is August 19th so he's a Leo, too. He went to Notre Dame and double majored in first a management marketing thing, and second an MIS thing. Out of college (1996 graduated) he worked at a consulting firm until 2001, when he went out on his own. He has a few clients, but his big client is Abbott, so he spends most of his time there. He owns his own place, and is thinking about maybe buying a cottage in Michigan. He's catholic. I'll have to see how catholic later. Because I couldn't be catholic. (I'm Christian of course - Lutheran - but I really could never be Catholic). He doesn't go to church regularly but has his belief in God. He volunteers at his church, though, by setting up little outings for disabled and Downs' Sydrom children of the congregation! Isn't that fabulous! And he still has friends that he's been friends with since childhood! Oh - and because he has 6 sisters and only 2 brothers, that probably means that he has more x than y sperms swimming around in there, and I must have at least one daughter!
Okay, so went out two days ago for our third date. We met at a little mexican place on Halsted and Wrightwood. It has an amazing outdoor area, with a huge tree over so much of it, lights hanging up, a fountain, and a projection TV. I had margaritas and he beer, and we both had wonderful combo dishes. We stayed for a long time! And when we weren't eating, he was holding my hand across the table! He tells me how cute I am, and how beautiful I am, and how sweet! And looks at me like I'm so special! And he doesn't hide the fact that he likes me! I asked questions about him and he asked questions about me. He said a flaw of his is that he's stubborn, but he doesn't usually show it. I'll have to find out how stubborn! He talked about a trip he took earlier this year to the Grand Canyon and two other canyons. Oh yes, he doesn't like heights. But he still went on a hike where he had to walk along a tiny pathway! Oh and when I said my friend Cathy in Hawaii just had a baby, he said WE will just have to go out there! Oh and also, on Monday, he actually called me before my interview, emailed me before my interview to wish me good luck, and called me after! How wonderful is he!!!
On the walk home, holding hands of course, and not just holding hands passively, but holding hands actively, we took Deming. And that was where it got so fabulous! He stopped to kiss me, and we kissed for so long. We'd stop when people were coming. Then we'd kiss again. And again. We made out (I love saying "make out" - it's so funny sounding, so high school!) for forever, and it was so hot! Then we sat on a little cement staircase side and kissed for forever, and then his magic fingers were rubbing me through my jeans and I was in heaven! Through the jeans! Such magic fingers! At one point a car came up and turned into the driveway next to where we sat, and he said I was lucky that it came cause he was about to throw me back into the grass. I told him he could throw me into the grass anytime and kiss me, or throw me against a fence and kiss me, or throw me against a wall and kiss me! He liked that! And I told him that sometime we are going to go back to Deming, a little later at night, and he's going to fuck me in one of those fabulous yards! And then fuck me in the next one. He liked that, too. And it will happen! I told him that I liked it when he grabbed my head and kissed me hard. Can you tell that I like a little force! Just a little roughness, a little I-must-have-you-now intensity, is so amazing! Oh it was so good. I think we were on Deming for an hour. Then we finally walked, again holding hands, to my place. And we made out in front of my place, a little more of the magic fingers, me holding onto the appendage jutting out in his pants. I was so tempted to pull him up to my place. But the night was so perfect, and it was so late. And my place was messy. I finally told him that he made me so fucking hot and broke away. He walked away and looked back and I walked toward my place and looked back, and we waved. Ummmm!
Tomorrow night we're going to the White Sox-Red Sox game with The Bold One! From 5-7 there are drinks and food, and then the game starts at 7. I'm so happy he's coming! And the brother of a friend of The Bold One's works for the Red Sox, so he's planning on telling us where the Red Sox are going after the game so we can go meet them! Also, Firecracker and The Single Guy are going to be there! So we'll hopefully see them a little before the game, and definitely after. I'll get to meet The Single Guy for the first time, and she'll get to meet Warsteiner!
Warsteiner just sent me an email, in response to my email that I sent earlier. Here is part of it:
Hey sweet girl:
I'm gettin' pretty damn excited about Friday myself. A cold beer of the world, a hottie attorney, baseball,and a grilled polish -- sounds better to me than lottery winnings. (You come first in that list by the way -- I wasn't prioritizing!)
He's so sweet!
Okay, now the stupid font changed and I can't figure out how to change it back. It won't go back. Pissing me off! Oh - I figured it out now. Anyway, I've been typing forever and I have to go figure out where to get my stupid bridesmaid dress altered so I don't show my boobs to everyone at the wedding!
Warsteiner makes me happy! But I want to get emails from him all the time now! And already I can start feeling myself having some of my old neuroses - does he look at other girls; if he falls for me so fast, will he fall out of love so fast or in love with someone else; he dated a girl in his building a year ago and told Mr. Asparagus that he ended it cause he wasn't ready to commit - so would he be ready now?; etc., etc.
Fuck it, I'm just going to be happy!