My First Post!
I have been thinking about starting this for awhile now. I have friends who write blogs and it is theraputic for them, helps them to organize their thoughts and their lives, and also allows me to keep up with what's going on with them. One of my New Year's Resolutions this year that I didn't follow was to start keeping a diary again. I wrote in a diary daily from age 10 to about age 17. While it probably helped me in many ways that I wasn't conscious of, I admit that I love every once in awhile being able to go back and read a few days' worth of my thoughts and doings - and see how naive and in many ways fucked up I was :)
So I start this blog now as a sort of diary, sort of helpful tool to organize my life, and for prosperity - to remind myself in the future how fucked up I still am in many ways.