It's really hot outside!
Yesterday after Warsteiner left and when I went back to sleep around 9:30, I REALLY went back to sleep, until 4 p.m.! I'd wake up every once in awhile but be too tired to do anything but go back to sleep. I get that way sometimes. And thank God for weekends so I can get the sleep I need! I dreamed a lot as well, and at the time I woke up I remembered my dreams, but not now.
Warsteiner called at around 3:30, while I was still sleeping, and left me a message. And I called him back at 5 - he was still at work! He didn't get home until 8:30! He was at work on a Saturday for almost 12 hours! What's up with these jobs that make people work so hard!!! He was going out to a street fair for an hour to meet a couple friends and he invited me, but I hadn't showered yet and he was leaving right then. I was so happy that he asked me though! Yay! I showered after that. And went next door to get groceries and especially cat food - I was out of kitty food and James was definitely letting me know that he was hungry and knew it was time for food! Every time I stood up his little eyes would get all big, he'd let out a big mew, and go running toward the kitchen! He's so cute!
Last night I was feeling happy about Warsteiner, but again just not sure what happens next. And whenever we talked on the phone yesterday it seemed that we had nothing to talk about. So I was even more bothered. However, today things are much better. I think I was out of it yesterday and also he was at work and a bit out of it. He emailed me this morning at 9 am, he was working from home at least today and had his softball game at 4:30, but he wanted to see me sometime! I emailed back that I was going for a walk and I'd call him when I got back. So then I got ready and was excited to do one the walks that I did all the time last summer when training for the 3-Day. However, it's fucking 100 degrees outside right now! I walked from Fullerton to Montrose Harbor and couldn't go any further north. In fact, I'd been having to stop quite frequently cause my stomach wasn't feeling normal and sometimes my esophagus felt funny and I worried that I was either going to throw up or pass out. At Irving Park I cut over to Marine Drive and made it to Addison before I had to get a cab the rest of the way. I'm not going to walk in 100 degree weather ever again!
Anyway, I got back and showered and after a little while Warsteiner called and I said I'd go to his place in 25 minutes, but he ended up coming here after he heard about how bad I felt from my walk. He only got to stay about 40 minutes before having to go to his game, but I was so happy to see him. He's so cute! And the way he really looks at me like he's trying to memorize my face! And I love kissing him! We kissed for a long time and then things got a little more heated and I showed him that I have my own magic tongue!!! Then I showed him the online photo album I made of Friday and we cuddled a little on the couch. And then he had to go :( He said he wants me to come watch one of his softball games but not today due to the heat. I like that he plans for the future! He's talked about who I'm going to meet and what we're going to do. And at least with regards to work, I don't think he ALWAYS has to work on weekends. He said next weekend might not be that bad, but the big change-over is in August so it will be really busy before that. And he's going on vacation the first week of August to a cottage in Michigan with two of his sisters and their families. So that I can sometimes be with him even when he has to work, I told him that I would go over to his place and I'd just read. He said that would be nice. But that he might have a hard time working. So I told him I'd be the enforcer, at which he laughed and said I don't seem like the enforcer-type. I said that if he tried to touch my boob, I'd tell him he needs to work for 30 more minutes before any boob touching, and then when time was up, he'd get a reward!!
Anyway, I'm feeling much better today, since he came to see me, and we talked much easier. And he accidentally left his sunglasses here and called to say that he had another pair so I didn't worry. And said then I'd just have to see him again! Have I said how cute he is!
I have a headache, I'm going to lay down...