A Perfect Night!
Yesterday was the first time I got to see him around other people; before it had been only the two of us. And I discovered that he's damn funny! Very silly funny, but I like it! The whole day yesterday was absolutely perfect! (I was planning on writing just the first paragraph above and then going back to sleep, but I think I'll write a bit more here. It's lonely going back to bed after someone just left it. We were just cuddling, kissing, sleeping affectionately, and so without him there it will just be lonely me! :( Poor me!
Anyway, he got off work a little late yesterday so he picked me up around maybe 5:30 and we went to his place where he changed and did all the getting ready stuff, and then we walked to the L and took it to the south side and the White Sox. He was very silly at his place and kept screeching, and I actually had to tell him that I wouldn't do something unless he stopped screeching so loud! I hadn't had my coffee and I was a tiny bit tired until we got to the game, so it got on my nerves. But I was so happy to see him all the same! However, one bad thing did happen - on the L downtown when it was getting crowded, a cute girl walked in with her friends and ended up standing right next to our seat, and he did a total check-out of her when she was walking in - I mean the up and down thing - and would look at her every once in awhile after that. Now, I'm first of all the jealous type and second of all can be self-conscious, so it made me feel terrible. I didn't say anything, but addressed that issue later on in the night. Still, guys should know that it is really hard on a girl when when we see that. And really rude of them to do it.
We landed at our stop at exactly 6:52, which I know because we were trying to get there in order to take advantage of some of the free food and beer in The Patio beforehand, which was from 5-7. The Bold One actually got there on the train just after ours, so we waited for her and then all walked to the gate to meet her contacts with the tickets. And such luck, The Patio was open for another 15 minutes or so! So we had burgers and hot dogs and each of us got three beers for the table so we'd get our fair share of the free stuff. Warsteiner liked it there! He was impressed! And The Bold One approved, she agreed with me that he is so cute! So we sucked down our beer and when the lights turned off and we were herded out, we could each take one beer with us, which we filled to the brim before finishing off what was left.
I love where our seats were! They aren't called the best seats cause they were in the outfield, in right field, but I love the view from there, and the fact that behind the seats the whole area is uncovered. We sat and chatted for a little bit and looked at the lights and the cool field, and then I listened to my message from Firecracker - she and The Single Guy (though not completely single anymore!) had seats just a few sections over, which was so perfect! So Warsteiner and I got up and went to meet them. They were so cute in their almost matching Red Sox tees! I was so excited to meet The Single Guy, whose blog I have read every since I saw him comment a few times on Firecracker's. He was very cute, sweet and nice, just like Firecracker had said! And Warsteiner really liked them both - he called The Single Guy "Rhody" (which for awhile in the beginning I thought was "Roady" since he had travelled to get here - understandable mistake!). After awhile we let them go back to their seats cause I know how much they love baseball and I didn't want to keep them from watching! Warsteiner and I walked a ways to get to our Beers of the World from the first time we went to a game! He got his 16 oz Heineken and I got my yummy Grolsch, and on the way back to our seats we got a beer for The Bold One as well. She got back to the seats just after we did and with a new beer, so we had a little extra, which turned out to be good since Warsteiner and I missed the cutoff for buying more beer later! We took pictures, watched the good play, and watched the White Sox reign victorious for the night (Red Sox beat them the night before so it's even-Steven for now). Near the end of the game some skinny tan chick (but who really wasn't at all pretty - she just looked good from behind) was sitting in the seats in front of us and she jumped up cheering a few times. The first time I saw Warsteiner do the once over checking her out, and I said "What the fuck, what was that?" in a half joking way and he said "it was just right there in front of me..." at which point I pointed out that I am a jealous girl (which he actually liked! yes, he said he likes that!) and can also be self-conscious so when I see him check a girl out like that in front of me it's like a punch in the stomach. I then turned to talk to The Bold One and Warsteiner kept rubbing my arm, and my neck, and my back, and I didn't stay hurt for long thankfully and was laughing when he said he was getting a crick in his neck from looking the total other way whenever the stupid chick jumped up to cheer. He's so fabulous! And I'm actually kind of glad that the opportunity presented itself for me to be able to tell him that OF COURSE I don't like seeing him check out other girls! So he can know that I'm a girl who is bothered by that (though I think most of us are). And unlike on the train, at the game I was a little drunk so it made it easy!
After the game we met Firecracker and The Single Guy again and along with The Bold One and her contacts, we went up to the Stadium Club where we hung out until it closed and each had a couple beers. We chatted alot and it was very fun! And we even got a table at the end until we were pushed out! We then took a very fun and long train ride back north, during which Warsteiner had to pee so bad and was being so silly and loud and I couldn't stop laughing! And The Single Guy turned 29 while we were on the train! I held Warsteiner's hand across the aisle for the whole ride because I sat next to The Bold One so she didn't feel alone and left out. I so Adore how affectionate he is! I love it!
Once off the train, we all waited while Warsteiner went down a little quiet street with lots of trees and finally relieved his bladder, after which he came running back, feeling fabulous! We all walked to The Burwood Tap, and dropped The Bold One off 50 feet away from it at her door - she was tuckered out! Then Firecracker, The Single Guy, Warsteiner and I stayed there for awhile and had a couple beers each. And Warsteiner bought himself and The Single Guy a shot each (that they didn't need) to toast the birthday guy. After that, the four of us said goodnight and took off. It was so fun!
Warsteiner and I walked to my place, taking Deming and stopping a few times for making out! We can't walk down Deming now and not make out even once! We got back here and it's a passion-infused haze! He has amazing fingers and an amazing tongue! Hot Damn! And then just the memory of how it felt when he went inside me will keep giving me a tingle in my belly and wanting more! I'm going to have to rabbit later on just thinking about it (and yes, I used "rabbit" as a verb - just like google is now a verb).
Once we woke up a little this morning Warsteiner pulled me over and we slept some more wrapped up all together, it was so nice! I love how he holds me. Eventually we woke up enough for some hot morning action, again fucking wonderful. And then we cuddled and talked. And eventually he had to go. And he said he'd call me later today.
So now when do I see him again? And we're clearly quickly becoming a couple but haven't talked about it yet really. And I don't know the rules or how it goes. I've only really had 4 boyfriends. And two of those started in high school. I've had plenty of other interests and such, but we never were actually dating. So how often now can I see him? Does he want to see me often? These are all now little questions in my head. But I guess maybe every couple slowly figures it out. Or quickly. The Sheffield Garden Walk is today and he said some of his friends are running the beer tent so he may or may not stop by (he ran into his old football coach yesterday and told him he'd see him tomorrow, which is why I asked where he'd be running into the guy again). He didn't include me in this. I guess I have no idea how much alone time he needs, or if he likes being with a girlfriend very often. Me, when I am dating someone I like, when I have a boyfriend, I like to be with him most of the time. Almost all of the time when we're not at work, actually. But I don't know about him. He had to go into work this morning (an hour's drive) and I know he has to do work tomorrow as well, but he can do that from home. And he has his softball games on Sundays at I think 2:30. So will I maybe see him tonight? Or tomorrow? I have no idea. But right now I'm not going to let all that crap get to me, cause I had the best day yesterday with him and my friends! And he likes me!! By the way, another small thing, and I do this too every time I start really liking a guy - suddenly to me he becomes so fabulous and amazing and such a good catch and I feel like I don't match up. I put them up on a pedistal and I suddenly start feeling ugly and fat and uninteresting and boring. And wonder why they like me. And if they really like me.
Anyway, my stupid issues. I'm so tired now, I've been typing for an hour, and I am going to go back to bed!!